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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. 8 hours ago, Oak7603 said:

    The point I was making which I didn't actually put in my post is that to a new player, like me, all of the armies are new. It doesn't matter who it is, whether it's new to Aos 2.0 or an army from WFB ported over in dribs and drabs. The new players reference point is zero so its all new. 

    In terms of attracting new players, I don't think new armies or new units is the draw. Maybe the advertising of a new army makes you aware of the world but if GW had advertised a new boxset with BoC against DoK with all the old models and with all the old Battletomes and lore I still would have bought it because it was new to me and the army attracted me. Despite the outcry there would be from existing players. 

    I think that the new armies, units and Battletomes are more for the existing player base to try and tempt you into starting a whole new army and forking out a few hundred quid. 

    This is such a good point, everyone I have introduced to the hobby looks at each faction with the same excitement and interest that we do when a new one releases. The only disappointment I see comes in the form of realizing that certain armies that pique their interest cannot always ally.

    • Like 1
  2. To add to @Overread's point even if things get released it does not always mean it will be a fully fledged army. For example: Grotbag Scuttlers may get a full release, they may get a unit in Underworlds or Warcry,  they may get a subfaction in a future update for Gloomspite Gitz, or they might be part of a new army with classic Gitmob grots. There is also a chance that they will get a few rules in an issue of White Dwarf and cool conversion lesson on Warhammer community. 

    Speculation is a really fun part of the hobby but it is not reliable.

  3. 51 minutes ago, ReyD1 said:

    Ok so if I summarize all the rumors / hints

    - Kurnothi as a new Wood Elves army 

    - Malerion bringing his Emoneth/Shadowneth from Ulgu. 

    - A new dwarf army with the return of Grugni (Stone Dwarfs ?) 

    - Sky / Pirates Gobbos, nemesis of the Kharadron (?) 

    - A new Vampire army with Soulblight. 

    - Daughters of Khaine / Slannesh new battletomes ? 


    That's it ? 

    Welcome @ReyD1

    That is about all we currently know and none of it is confirmed in the slightest. 

  4. I think that all the Aelves seem to be set up in a manner that can be easily consolidated back into the the traditional High, Dark, Wood divisions. Idoneth and Lumineth are both made from Teclis and fit the role of High Elves, Daughters of Khaine and Malerion's Aelves are pretty much just an updated take on Dark Elves and then Sylvaneth and Kurnothi round off things as the new Wood Elves.

    I don't think that they will necessarily go in this direction... but I also think that it is set up so that if either side fail they can be absorbed into the more popular side as a subfaction.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I think the absolute best outcome of a Mega-gargant boxed set would be the Kraken-eater vs Deepkin. Excellent themes that go together and you can throw both sides together for an army. :D

    I would be so unbelievably happy if that were to happen. Is there any precedence for this with 40K Knights?
    I know there was Forgebane but Armigers are a cheaper kit than any of the larger Knights.

  6. I feel as though with Warcry opening up to non-chaos warbands, my immediate thought for all rumour engines is now warcry.

    Owl - Kurnothi Warband

    Crab claw - Idoneth Warband

    40k Bolt Rifle - Space Marine Warcry Warband


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    • Haha 6
  7. Oh man, the new Necrons look soo good.  I really don't know if I can afford a new army post pandemic and with a price hike but I have always had a soft spot for Necrons. Space Marines continue to do literally nothing for me and giving them a chainsaw swords does not change that. I am hoping that the emphasis on Sisters of Battle means the starter set will be Necrons vs Sisters of Battle. It would also give them a chance to reuse the easy to build sister molds that they have lying around. I know it wont happen but I can dream.

    Is the amount of time between 40k editions a good indicator of how long to suspect a new edition for AOS?

  8. 3 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

    I think it is more likely to be issues with particular armies. You can already see this with DoK.

    I don't know anyone who plays them and they don't seem to have any meaningful tournament representation. Anecdotally it seems that the sheer cost of putting a DoK army on the table is already a very big barrier to entry.

    I can attest that I was priced out of the army and settled for Idoneth (I am happy with my choice). But the increased cost is a challenge in general as the hobby is already fairly pricey. 😢

    To return to the frontiers of idle speculation. Would anyone else be cool with Gitmob and Grotbag Scuttlers having a shared release and battle tome?

  9. I am very curious if Horus Heresy has anything to do with Space Marine dominance? I remember seeing them as very popular when I was young, but now it seems like it is impossible to be in this Hobby without at least collecting a small incidental army of space marines.

    I am liking the role of Stormcast within Cities of Sigmar. I hope they follow suit in a potential Devoted of Sigmar army. I feel that it makes them feel special like Sigmar sent giant avatars of justice to protect the common folk. I think that using Stormcast and Space Marines sparingly makes the feel more powerful and unique. 

    • Like 1
  10. @Raviv Darn I was hoping for more news for AOS and I am dreading the new Necron news. I can't afford a new army but I love  the aesthetics of Necrons and I am likely to fall prey to whatever rumoured box is coming. 

    Does anyone imagine a similar AOS news day sometime in the near future?

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, KingBrodd said:

    I think that with the Khorne symbol on the Warstomper for example, is that its moulded on and it is just a part of the model.

    I also believe on the topic of Mutations that the Mega Gargants will not come with any. I wouldnt be suprised for GW to do what they did with the Imperial Knights in 40K and release an entire Chaos Mega Gargant in a year or so time.

    You broke my heart in one sentence, and repaired it in the next 😊

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Its worth noting that the warping effects of Chaos have always been explicitly called mutation, which by definition implies that they affect the subject genetically. 

    Although you are correct that there is an implicit link between mutation and genetic alteration, the term mutation itself etymologically linked to the notion of change.  As @Overread posits, Chaos has little to do with real world science and more closely resembles other fantasy tropes such as magic. Games Workshop often portrays mutation affecting non-genetic aspects of a person such as their personality or souls. The impact of mutants in pop culture seem to have a greater bearing on GW's narrative and aesthetic depictions of mutation than any sort of real world scientific explanations. It is possible that 40K is more explicit with how the effects of the Warp alter genetic code as it is more fitting for the tropes and schemes of a science fiction setting. The term mutation is clearly a notion that is easily problematized, and rightfully so as it contains real world implications. But, I feel that it is discussion that warrants its own thread.

    Now to tie this back to rumours, this is something I touched on in the thread before but it seems fitting in light of this recent discussion. With the chaos iconography that the giants have plundered, who expects to be able to build giants with iconography linked entirely to specific alliances, and what chance is there that they will include mutation options like with the Aleguzzler? I feel like some death options would be nice but the the right paint scheme could easily zombify the giants. I have a sinking feeling that I will need to learn how to use greenstuff soon.


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  13. I think that the topic of genetics in a fantasy realm is a surprisingly slippery slope. What can be stated is that the warping effects of Chaos have seemingly taken a toll on the majority of Aelves after their ingestion by Slaanesh. 

    As for whether or not the effects of chaos' mutations impacts genes is up for debate, but also not one grounded in real world science. 

    • Like 5
  14. I feel that both the options you listed are great choices. I will say that Skaven can be a little over powered depending on the list. It does seem that your play style seems to lean towards their more competitive side. Maybe focus on one of the 'clans' that is less competitive. 

    Gloomspite, is a good option and they do have plenty of shooting for a Destruction army. The thing is that their shooting is fairly weak which might actually appeal to you more. I think that using the different monsters you listed would not be particularly overpowered since they have very different synergies. 

    I like that both of these armies have lots of options and that they are both very fun in terms of random funny things that can occur with both armies.

    I am still in the learning process as well, so someone with more experiences will likely give you more information.

    As to answer your earlier question why I picked the armies I play.

    I play Slaves to Darkness and Idoneth Deepkin. I like 'elite' armies, even if horde armies do better competitively. Slaves to Darkness was my first choice because I played Chaos in warhammer fantasy and love the models and lore. I think there is something fun about playing as big metal warriors overwhelmed by hordes of enemies but still coming out on top. They make me think of Sauron in the opening scene of the Lord of the Rings film. I also like having demons mix into my army as well as it gives me variety in my collecting and painting. I chose Idoneth because I wanted a very different army from my Slaves to Darkness and I used to play Dark Elves and love the idea of sea faring elves. I like that they are very fast and have a hit and run style of playing that is different from Chaos. My family live by the sea, and I grew up with lots of stories about sea monsters and so they also appeal to my own family history.

  15. I think that a death based Warcry Warband seems to be a given at this point, but I am really not sure this fits Flesh Eater's long claw aesthetic. It could be something Flesh Eater Court related but it is not a typical ghoul.

    Seraphon musicians typically play drums and also seem to all have claws. Maybe they are redesigning Chameleon skinks to have different hands?

    Nurgling does seem to be the closest fit in terms of hand design from what I have seen suggested so far. It could be a little Nurgling playing an instrument on a base and could therefore be for either AOS or 40K.

    Considering that Warcry Warbands all seem to represent a realm, this might be a new unit from Shyish but I am not sure what other creatures in AOS have three fingers. How many fingers do Sylvaneth sprites have? Maybe, it is a little sprite from the realm of death.

    It could also be something entirely new.

  16. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    edit: Imo this guy will be about as strong if not stronger than an Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm. So he should be ~ 280-300 pts

    Or... maybe instead we can just discount the Eidolon 😉

    But I do like that each Aelven army has some kind of avatar like figure: Eidolon, Eltharion, Durthu, Avatar of Khaine and hopefully something crazy for Malerion when it comes out.

  17. Hello @pbL`

    Your question was very clear and well written. I hope that my response will be clear and hopefully help you. I think the answer to your question is based on personal taste. You can make the armies you currently play more fun by changing your play style, or giving your friends certain advantages to help them out.

    But if you really want to try a new army, I would suggest playing something that plays differently. As it is fun to play a new style and challenging to learn a new way to play an army.

    Which armies do your friends play? It is helpful to have some variety in your group. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    Mark my words, people are going to use that mindset and this battletome as an excuse to start putting action figures on their Warhammer tables.

    Oh, now I am totally having Chaos Gargant, Boba Fett taking the field! 🤣

    • Haha 2
  19. 4 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    For death, I found one that fancies me (maybe by switching some of the mini skellies with some actual GW death minis) : 

    That is amazing. I hope to find something equivalent for my Slaves to Darkness (still leaning towards creature caster). But if I ever start an undead army I may have to follow suit. I will also recommend it to my cousin who just started Legions of Nagash.

    As for the rumour engine. I keep posting about it but I want Oxyotl in AOS!

  20. 6 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    I hope so but -as usual - I'm afraid that we won't get it. 

    As we will have the warscrolls playable in all armies, does anybody know a miniature (not that mini 😉 ) which mega gargant size but look like a zomby or a suqlly or a ghouly ? I'd like to have such a giant in my death army, even if it is not GW mini. (same question  for chaos also)

    I am thinking I might bite on one of the creature caster demons as possible Chaos proxy. They also have a Nagash looking thing but I am not 100 percent on the scale of their models. If I find anything else I will let you know.  😄

  21. More than anything I am hoping the Mega Gargants come with a clearly mutated Chaotic head and a zombified or partial skull head. I just adore the idea of running these guys as both a part of other alliances and also their own army. I think the current heads look great for both Order and Destruction I would just like something to fit the other two allegiances. 

    I know some people are not fond of the salvaged icons (such as the Khorne emblem), but I love the idea of the giants selling their services and even identifying with their employers only to meet up with other Gargants and wrecking house.

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