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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Hey everyone, I will confess I am always a little nervous posting in the hobbyist sections as despite it being my favourite part of Warhammer it is also something that I know I am at a fairly entry level (I like what I do, but I am simply blown away by everyone else here). So this is potentially a random question but I found some preserved moss at my local dollar store and picked it up for some possible flocking material. However, I am not sure if this is decent material for this purpose? I think it is sometimes also referred to as reindeer moss? Has anyone used preserved moss and have any tips? I will confess I have always sucked at basing and have left it until the very end, but I thought this looked really good to do some small bits of spot flocking. Beyond that I am think of using astrogranite and painting it a dark brown with a lighter brown highlight to look like rough soil with some sparse patches of green.
  2. I voted Light of Eltharion because it was such a cool and novel effect... but then I saw the Mindstealer Sphiranx and took like 20 minutes deciding between the two. I went walking armour though because the novelty of it still impresses me. I would be pretty much all in for an entire army with that conceit. I think the Sphiranx is a fantastic design and sculpt but the Light of Eltharion is those things and a technical marvel. As for the Mega Gargant, it is maybe my favourite kit of the year but since I prefer some builds over others it was really hard to decide how to place it.
  3. When these models get released we ought to make our own community rules for critters and keys. I will say that no matter what these swords are for they will be used for free guild in the end.
  4. Based off of the way the preview is worded, I think it seems like it will be a broad tease of things to come. I agree with those who say a Slaanesh Line reveal, but I would not be surprised if we don't get a little video with some silhouettes and rumour engine style abstract close ups of upcoming models. A random space marine bolter will fuel speculation of some character, that I have never heard of, meanwhile we will continue to salivate and argue about a random rapier*. And Good times shall be had by all! 😇 *Either that or we get the much anticipated new specialist game critters and keys!
  5. Sorry if it came across as an insult to the sculpt of the Slann, which I absolutely adore. I meant it more in the broader sense that it is one of the most iconic units in the game and central to so many lists and it deserves to be made out of a more reliable material. It will be a thankless task to the designer who has to update that unit. I completely agree on all the other points as well, I just think that the Slann being resin is emblematic of the army's need of an update. Whereas I used Night Runners to represent skaven's need of an update as they look so terrible next to modern sculpts within the same army. I think there is more uniformity in the outdatedness of Seraphon than with Skaven where some units look terrible next to one another. Yes the majority of Seraphon could use some tweaks, but Skaven currently look like mixing Transformers with Gobots or the "be strong for mother meme".
  6. Don't you mean VAMPIRATE HUNTERS BAYBEE! When wish-listing in AOS it is always best to add that hint of spice 🤩 As someone just starting Ogors that makes me very excited. I am hoping to kit bash at least an Icebrow hunter as I only have BCR bits. The problem is that all of the legs seem too splayed for an unmounted unit. But I have yet to build anything as I am wrapping up my S2D army first. But I will agree with the consensus here about how the Ogors have aged like the CGI in Jurassic Park. Both look phenomenal today but also have evidence of the limits of their respective eras. I would argue of all the legacy armies dating back to 6th Ed. or older that Ogors are least in need of a line refresh. I think the army that needs it most is Skaven seeing the new sculpts next to the ancient and atrocious Night Runners is laughable. Seraphon should be next as I still attest that the resin Slann is a slap to the face of Lizardmen everywhere.
  7. Hahaha, I completely agree and I think that many of these things seem fairly consistent with Admech tech and aesthetics. However, I still feel it is fun to speculate about the possibility of a new AOS army based on rumour engine pictures. I also feel that the aesthetic of these rumour engine pictures are helping me formulate my own wants for a human AOS army. In other words, I would rather have fun being wrong speculating about how everything is Malerion in space, than except that it is just another Imperium character or faction.
  8. I keep thinking of how cool it would be if these Vampire Hunters were also the new Vampires... I keep thinking of an army that could be built either as an Order force of Vampire hunting devotees or their fallen comrades that now serve Nagash (but truly follow his treacherous Vampiric generals)! I assume there would be alternate head options and possibly different weapon load outs. Extra points if the Order army tended towards a horde style of play and the Death version was a smaller more elite force as Vampires tend to be stronger.
  9. That is a great comparison (would Gloomspite represent the grey?). I would imagine that the general would unlock specific battle line and synergies within the faction. For example a Sylvaneth hero would keep the current battline options and the Kurnothi Hero would unlock the fauna units as battle line. Howevr Dyrads and maybe (Satyr) Wardancers would probably be unconditional battleline options? I also would hope that the Kurnothi Aelves would get different benefits from Wyldwoods than their treebased allies.
  10. I am leaning towards admech but I want it to be witch hunters so badly. They would make such a nice antithesis to my S2D army and I really want an order army to round out my collection (S2D, BCR, and an order army).
  11. In my head I always imagine them stomping being akin to Earthbenders in Avatar the last Airbender but instead it causing roots and vines and such to rapidly grow from the ground.
  12. And that is how we as a community will hopefully avoid Space Marine bloat. Although, I personally suspect at least one more SCE box just to round out the starter sets with SCE vs each grand alliance. Yet I am personally hoping that they do something SCE adjacent like Cities or a Devoted of Sigmar army! That way they can still toss in a unit of Golden boys and also avoid over stuffing our little fantasy world with angelic Paladins ! Although based on recent releases I expect to see Stormcast Aelves vs Slaaneshi Ironjawz!
  13. Hammers plus maces = Dwarves/Duardin Dwarves/Duardin plus 40k = Squats 😄
  14. Sylvaneth need Kurnothi Aelves
  15. I am feeling more and more like this is an update and revamp of the Legions of Nagash concept. Although with some redundancies between related factions likely being dropped e.g. likely the update will retain LoN exclusive units and cede units like spirit hosts and morghasts to their respective new armies*. We had a silhouette that seemed to indicate an update to zombies, various rapier looking blades including one image that some people interpreted as having fang marks, there was that pelt and leg which both might hint towards werewolves, and now a banner that looks closely linked to various skeletal units. The crows and rats also seem very likely to be a scenic element on new death models. I feel maybe the focus will be shifted back to an older and classic Vampire Count/Halloween themed army. Some other options are of course, Underworlds, Warcry or a Warhammer Quest may include death factions which are making the rumour engines a little more complicated to untie (Underworlds are certainly getting a death update and there was a rumour engine with a OBR looking weapon). *Maybe they can retain many of these units in a 1/4 per sub-faction rule ala. Cities of Sigmar?
  16. It appears that Knights are proficient enough to use them with their eyes closed! Now if the Silent Ones truly are undead insects I think I know my next project: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Battalion!
  17. I feel like Gargants are the new Dogs of War and it is your duty to create an eclectic Dogs Of War Styled Sons of Behemat army! As much as I am leaning towards and heavily hoping for a Devoted of Sigmar army, is it also possible that this is a sign of something Cities related? Maybe we will be getting a more Free Guild oriented Warcry warband? I have jumped between a new Warhammer Quest, a new faction, and now a Warcry release: who knew a relatively plain hammer could elicit such excitement?* Also a hammer was posted and we haven't been met by a chorus of Duardin posts... It is quiet... too quiet! *Clearly it is just Malerion's hammer for his new shoe cobbling career!
  18. I think you sold me one hundred percent on the best idea for a Warhammer Quest game that could lead to two great armies: A group of Witch Hunters and mercenaries entering Shyish to take down a vampiric threat. Heck it even makes the idea of a bunch of key carrying familiars on scenic bases make a ton of sense! Didn't Blackstone fortress precipitate the release of Chaos Space Marines or am I mistaken? Either way I am down for either army being released!
  19. Knowing the specifics of their hobby focus would help in deciding on a gift, but it is also a sometimes opaque thing to understand from the outside. But luckily there are some gift ideas that do not require an understanding of their armies or game systems. Expanding on @Beer & Pretzels Gamer's point hobby materials are always appreciated. Some paints, brushes or tools will make for great gifts options. I also think that terrain is a nice gift idea and there are lots of first and third party terrain pieces that can range from costly to cheaper stocking stuffer, depending on your budget. If you have the time (and know how) building a simple terrain piece is a really great way to do something personal... even if it is just simply repainting a cheap Halloween decoration. No matter the direction you take, best of luck and I hope your friend enjoys their gift.
  20. I would love that... wait... that lizard thing? 🤯 I keep thinking that my desire for space elves riding dinosaurs should translate into wanting to play seraphon but they need model updates almost as badly as Skaven. Maybe the underworlds set will begin my journey into Jurassic Park. I still hope this death stuff is a Legions of Nagash update!
  21. Hahaha, okay so clearly it would accomplish the opposite of my post. I was still hoping for an army of cool future folk riding space dragons! 😢
  22. I will likely be putting my foot in my mouth with this, but aren't Inquisitors Xenos adjacent? At least that one with an Eldar gun and dragon seem to be, but also might be an exception. I feel like many 40k players feel fiercely loyal to their plastic space factions and maybe this could help increase interest in the Xenos lines? With that in mind I could see the strange lizard thing as a similar pet or trophy or what have you to another inquisitor.
  23. I think there is also the chance that it is a leader model with a few followers either as part of a shared scenic base or just as an assistant: Katakros, Fabius Bile, The Triumph of Saint Katherine, Gorzag Gitstompa/Nikkit and I think a few other recent models have had similar conceits. Maybe some kind of named Priest Inquisitor (again I do not know 40k) with some followers carrying their books? This could also tie into the key holding animals although I still fell those are going to be related to the upcoming Death release teased previously.
  24. You 40k people are very helpful but always get in the way of my Darth Malerion theories! I was hoping it was something Duardin related.
  25. Clan Pestilens is another good option as it is both the year of the rat and plague! We do have a rat with a key to look forward to after all! Deadwalkers announcement also could be fitting... 2020 truly is a dark page for this thread! 😮
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