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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. 😕 This honestly makes me a little nervous as I really want to add Kragnos to my BCR army but I feel like there is a good chance that he will get tied into this new faction and no longer be an option for all of Destruction. I just think that he will look particularly cool alongside the BCR and would be a nice sparring partner for ol' Be'lakor
  2. Ugh, the idea that this is a totem and they decorated it with a fleshy tongue pierced by the teeth only to rot in the sun is so disturbingly dark that I can't help but love it.
  3. I loved them until new model Monday was introduced now these teases feel really underwhelming. However, I do get a kick out of seeing something that is clearly 40k related and trying to desperately tie it to AOS. Like when I would argue things like how tank treads might be Malerion's legs as they are not visible in his only image. But yeah rumour engines are a fun idea but overshadowed by actual previews. Maybe if they only showed rumour engines for soon to be announced models so that we could have the fun of seeing if our speculation was correct. Half the time I forget the rumour engine existed when the model is finally revealed.
  4. I like the idea of it as a named rule that could call back to this mechanic, but only if it functions very differently. Maybe it could be a buff that stems from rivalries but will result in d3 mortal wounds... creating a risk reward mechanic resulting from infighting. Or it could instead be a balance mechanic tied to command abilities where the Orruks/Grots feel animosity to their general if they do not share certain subfaction keywords, requiring the player to roll to see if the Orruks/Grots will take orders. So even though I agree the old rules are terrible and should stay gone they could be adapted into something fluffy and either tactically interesting or possibly better balanced. Also to clarify these are not the best examples as I am very clearly not a great rules writer... I just like when they are able to take ideas that didn't work well and tweak them into something enjoyable. On a similar note, I personally hope that Eye of the Gods can be reworked for Slaves to Darkness to be a point system like all the other Chaos armies have. The more your hero does on the battlefield, the better their rewards, not simply a randomizer. For example, I think Spawndom would cost have a low point threshold and if your hero dies they would get replaced by a spawn like with Gavespawn.
  5. Haven't seen it posted yet, likely as the leaks have been out for a while but here is Ash's review for the new Soulblight book: Also loving the rumours for the new Destruction Faction. I will likely split the new box and take the SCE as my Destruction faction are Ogres.
  6. Yeah speculation is my favourite part of the forum. For example, the recent rumour thread has really put in mind the idea of hunters disguising themselves as their prey. I can see an army of veritable wolves in sheeps clothing and that rumour engine being a character who has cast aside their disguise temporarily. The coolest part of this concept is that it could work with Orruks, Grots, Humans or even other bestial warriors. I know a feline would likely not put on the cloak of it's kin but I keep imaging Thundercats wearing the skin of their prey (they would be a somewhat noble destruction answer to BoC). Kind of a grim dark version of @KingBrodd's skin walker idea for an army. These assassins disguised as boars in Princess Monoke would be a good visual idea: Or these unassuming chaps, that have no part in any missing legs! I know we are not going to get anything like this but as you said speculating is a really fun part of the process. Slipped my mind but this would actually be an interesting take on silent people insectoid carnivores creating mimeses through wearing the skin of their prey! 😧
  7. I want dragons in all shapes and sizes. Other monsters and wild beasts... but most of all I want dragons!
  8. This is my exact attitude (including Dark Elves in 6th) minus getting good.
  9. Lack of Tomb Kings? 😁 Yeah I specifically remember being really excited about the Seraphon release and seeing all the angry reviews that certain strategies would have to change... not that there was anything bad just that they needed to change the one effective strategy and people were very angry over it. Now we all know that it is a really powerful army that allows different styles of play and is significantly better off than it was before. I mean it is fine to be worried about certain changes or realize that your current list no longer works, which is typically the result of point changes, battalion alterations or battleline/behemoth/hero taxes, not the actual rules.
  10. So I could be wrong about this, but I find people react that way with every release. I will always point to the absurd reaction FEC received upon release, people were incensed at unit costs and did not consider the various internal synergies and balances, they just looked at the warscrolls and points. I have seen plenty of positive reactions to the books that ended up being weak because either people liked the basic warscrolls or found some very simple strategies off the bat... of course those simple strategies were often easily checked in game.
  11. The power of name recognition saved Gotrek, Eltharion and Sigvald, so lets hope there is some ridiculously convoluted way to bring him back 😌
  12. I think between Kragnos, Sons of Behemat, Ghur and people asking for wandering beasts... you are getting your wish for Age of Kaiju! Now if only Grungni could build some steam powered giant mechs we'd truly be in business!
  13. 💞Move over Ironclad AOS has a new best 'Ship!💞
  14. How did I nearly miss this reveal, I have been hyping the return of our edgelord for so long! I really liked the story and it captured the dark political underpinnings of Dark Elf lore very well. I was just warming up to the idea of the new SCE and now the god of shadows and hype has returned... hopefully with kung-fu gripe! Hopefully the new Shadow Aelves return with Mallus Darkblade ready to fight the various avatars, spirits and eidelons of the lesser Aelven forces! Question, will he replace Be'Lakor as my favourite shadow demon monster?
  15. I am still hoping that this is a 'Wildfolk of Ghur' themed army that features a variety of disparate groups organized around the ethos of Destruction. I want horde infantry of insectoid Silent People, heavy hitting Firmir and semi elite shamanistic shape changing humans... maybe add some witchy swamp hags to round out the heroes.
  16. Thanks @novakaisometimes I can be rather foolish in understanding simple English... Sadly the only language I can speak. @Snorri Nelriksson @silverstu @KingBroddI absolutely love the idea of incorporating wild beasts into my games and the narrative implication of slaying and taming them would tie well into the renewed focus on Path to Glory being promoted. I wonder if they go the endless spell route if there will be faction specific monsters that differ from typical monstrous units? Perhaps they can only be brought forth by beast tamers or hunters? I am also curious if the gods and god beasts will have more flexibility in terms of keywords going forward?
  17. I feel vaguely foolish in my lack of 40k knowledge, I do know we are getting a new starter set but I was more curious if we are specifically getting a larger limited collectors edition? Which I believe did not contain any scenery? I am unaware if the current starter set shares the name Indomitus? I was talking about this release specifically: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/06/13/warhammer-40000-preview-whats-in-the-boxgw-homepage-post-1/
  18. Is there a chance of an Indomitus style AOS box? Is that something people here have heard rumours about or would be interested in? Considering the difficult roll out of that box and the issues with cursed city I could imagine GW not risking it.
  19. I might be in the minority here but I am actually fairly impressed that they were able to keep DOK, Maggotkin, IDK and LoN's 2.0 rules around for so long. It actually makes me more hopeful for 3.0 but this is my first time following through an edition as I started AOS with 2.0 and only played WFB during the course of 6th ed. Ironically, the early armies of 2.0 did not fair nearly as well, but they still maintained a decent presence for a while. I will also say that there were definitely some sub-optimal releases peppered throughout and that for a game of this size to have true balance is extremely difficult for designers. It will be really interesting to see how models and current rules will impact the new edition. I feel command points are clearly going to be a primary focus of gameplay more than ever. Hence, I feel command point impaired armies will be more directly affected by the change and may see an updated tome more quickly. Obviously there are other factors such as popularity, sales and model releases that will also impact the order of releases. I think SCE will be in a similar boat each edition as setting a benchmark as the first army to get a tome that will invariably be surpassed. But as I have argued a few times before it is not a loss as they are guaranteed to be the first in line for an update each edition. Whereas I feel certain armies will languish in wait until the end of the edition's lifespan and be top of the pile for a short period. C'est la vie, the life of playing a living game system with perpetual releases. Personally, I am excited and I might get some lovely angelic Paladins to battle my demon worshipping knights and Hangry ogres knowing full well that they will likely be poorly balanced match ups.
  20. I cross checked the arrows with the beast grave and cursed city models and sadly they do not have the bamboo styled shafts. In no way definitive, but had it matched I would have considered it a lock.
  21. So I immediately thought of the draped eagle/gryphon head on Emelda Braskov, and assumed this could be from a Knight of Azyr model. ` Then I remembered Yndrasta is a great hunter so I thought it could be tied to her release like possibly part of her retinue. Maybe a unit of angelic hunters with pelts of Azyrian beasts? Then I thought of bow wielding Eldar Exodites and thought that was a cool idea... So in the end I have no clue but assume it will be awesome... I also think that many of the theories here are much better than my own. Although, I do think the head looks a little furry for a dracoline, but I am not certain.
  22. I actually think that is a really good possibility.
  23. My friends plays Thousand Sons and Disciples of Tzeentch and I find that the hero models proxy into AOS so strangely well. I suppose when you are worshiping the god of change some techno flair doesn't look out of place in a fantasy setting. That same friend is trying desperately to sell me on grey knights but I don't think he understands that if I get into 40k I would much rather see the Imperium fall... 😈 Here are some of my hopes for chaos in 3.0 The Slaanesh release was fantastic and set a precedent for what I want for the other Chaos factions. I really want each faction to have their Sigvald equivalent of a returned champion! As for Tzeentch mortals it is invariably going to happen in 3.0. I think that they need to look at the variety presented in the Slaanesh line and go a step further for the mortal worshipers of the Lord of Change! I feel like mutation is the name of the game in terms of expanding the line. Take the Kariac acolyte as a base and then get weird with it... bulked out hulking mutants and skinny floating magical mutants... the sky is the limit with Tzeentch. I think that Pestigors and Khornegors are all we need to really round out those lines. I really hope that pestigors fulfill the role of ungors as Nurgle needs some disease spreading chaff. I also think khornegors based around centigors would introduce some light cavalry to their line. I have also argued a few times that I think that Chaos Dwarves could be an awesome subfaction for S2D... they will provide some shooting and bring back a beloved army and not pose a significant risk for GW in developing a wholly new faction... but I would be happy if they stood on their own but I want to at least be able to ally them together. Beasts of Chaos need a pretty massive overhaul and in Ghur I think they will find it! Skaven are great they just desperately need an update to their models.
  24. Is it strange that I want to buy these models but only to paint them as ghosts and run them as Nighthaunt? Is it even stranger that I want to do that with almost every army other than Nighthaunt?
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