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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Isn't that essentially a like from @Whitefang?
  2. Wow I was so far off with my guesses and I even reigned them in until the last minute. Is it not a two day event, or was the thursday/friday thing to accommodate different time zones? Either way I am glad I didn't stay up for it. AOS: We are at least getting two new heroes and a new unit. Also two of my favourite armies are getting a shared box. I wish that a new crossbow unit had gone to Fyreslayers over Nighthaunt, but I will not complain at an army getting a useful new unit. I really like the new heroes even though the millimetre thin plastic on the whip and the withered quill's thin arms and ectoplasm produce some hobby anxiety in me. I think the crossbow wielders look great and any complaints I see seem to forget that Nighthaunt are the best looking range in the game and that they'd probably be the coolest looking unit in any other army but are just a bit samey here. Shocked we didn't get at least one tome shown... I still have a friend waiting to pull the trigger on Duardin but he will only do so if they get souped. Horus Heresy: Yeah, cool I guess... another big bloodthister? So was that box leak actually fake? Like we got a potato cam response a day early for the Avatar of Khaine but not this box? But still I am up for a big ol' demon and it always makes me happy when we can easily proxy 40k things into aos. I much prefer it to the regular Bloodthister but not as much as Skarbrand. Kill team: I like the pirate... to the suprise of no one. Is it coming in a boxset with chaos or are they just getting a warband ala warcry? Either way cool looking model and if I get the Chaos Eldar box it might find it's way onto the team if do not lean heavily into Harlequins... which is impossible because the only thing better than pirates are The Pirates of Penzance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2j90qg_5_w still feels like a rather small reveal. I guess we will see the rest of the unit on monday? Necromunda: So Madmax rules? Thats pretty cool, is it going to come with model support? I think this is a pretty big and fun announcement but leaving the hive city feels like a big move considering how much the titular setting defined the game's lore and aesthetic. Still I would love to get into this system but it seems like a difficult game to get into. WH+ : Like the aesthetic of Inquistor... will not subscribe for it. 40k: Don't know why the Lumineth Zenith Temple gets so much attention in 40k? Yeah I like all these reveals. I don't love the paintscheme on the bikes but they are cool models. The Avatar and the skull dude are also pretty cool. Overall I am liking the eldar range, which is shocking as they were my least favourite 40k army until now. Best preview out of the bunch but also the one with the least surprises. Which I think brings up a valid point, with the 40k mega leak I am still interested in seeing the new models. So give us information about what is coming and I will still be excited to see it. Overall: a good preview for 40k and a strange one for everything else. I like everything shown off but I am upset that we are now essentially in the dark regarding AOS going forward. The two models showcased in the New Year preview are now known and we have nothing official on the horizon except later than expected battletomes. Necromunda interests me the most of all the reveals but I know that I will not get into it. Like Blood bowl none of my friends are interested in having fun they just want big armies and mainstream rules... 😵
  3. I am starting to have my doubts about anything great being revealed for AOS. I think that we will get the nighthaunt reveal along with an announcement for the Idoneth book and maybe the Fyreslayer book... but if they are getting souped they will give a glib reminder to stay tuned for a big reveal for all your Duardin needs... or something to that effect. We will get some more Eldar and Chaos reveals followed by an announcement of the new Killteam Box... which I will want but no one in my friend group wants to split the Eldar/Chaos box with me. Necromunda will as always get a cool looking warband that I forget exists in a day or two. I suspect day two will just be a big reveal for Horus Heresy... I heard you like space marines, so I put some space marines in your space marine box, so you can have space marines battle space marines. 😴
  4. For everyone that wanted Kruelboyz to be Fimir here you go! 😅 I love this model though is it exclusive to the event?
  5. See beautiful model consider it for a Demon Prince or Spawn, remember money exists abandon my dream. The life of a Chaos Player... 💔
  6. Left to right: Kurnothi Aelf, Nerdy Nighthaunt, Avatar of Khaine aka bebe in Malerion But in reality I would not be shocked if that nighthaunt is not tied to some kind of Cursed city expansion
  7. I just want a confused and very angry fyreslayer harnessed onto a big balloon.
  8. Agreed, an army of super techy Steampunk Dwarves riding on their floating gunships high above an army of well disciplined berserker cultists is a really cool sounding army with strong aesthetic flair.
  9. Pretty good lis... Oh my god this list is perfect!
  10. I am going in with very few expectations but still slightly higher than others. For sure we will get the Idoneth Tome announced. I feel like we will likely see the Fyreslayer tome, but if we don't then I think they will be souped and the book will take a little longer to release. If we don't get the Fyreslayer tome reveal I think we will possibly see the new Nighthaunt hero and an anouncment for their book. Finally We might get an exclusive AOS mini for some sort of store or tournament event... it will be an infantry hero with the head of an enemy from an army we have yet to see killed by an exclusive Stormcast mini... maybe a vampire or an ossiarch skull.
  11. Simple there are no Space Marines in it so they are not certain how it relates to their IP 😁
  12. Wow Atomic Mass Games lost that License quickly. Maybe this is something Darkmech related?
  13. But do the Space Marine units not share the same basic profile as one another? Wouldn't that speed up a lot of the time and effort in terms of play-testing and balancing the book? I know certain Space Marine Chapters have more special units like Space Wolves (Playtime is over, Star Fox!) and Black Templar... but aren't most Space Marine tomes essentially supplements to the main book with special rules for your favourite Citadel branded paint colour? It is part of why I am always surprised that they do not have more of a template for stats in Age of Sigmar. Like 2 wounds on all duardin seems like a pretty simple and obvious change that could be carried across the board.
  14. We are used to perpetual release scarcity and as such if I have seen it personally it must be a failure... But you are correct that something can sell well and be overproduced:
  15. I do not think that they have fizzled out, I think that Dawnbringers/Cities will get a really big release with some real narrative weight behind it. Honestly I think that due to outside pressures and delays we would be much further along in terms of releases and probably close to halfway through my list by now.
  16. Somehow I forgot they would be releasing Space Marines the game... oh well at least that box set that was leaked a thousand years ago will get revealed. I think that we will get a new model (probably the nighthaunt model or a store exclusive Stormcast), previewed and at least one of the two books. I think if Idoneth is revealed than there is a small chance that Fyreslayers might be held off for something bigger, whether that be new models or mixed into a soup is the real question?
  17. So my revised expectations for the year barring any further delays, pandemics, variants, political shifts, or World Wars. I have no idea if there will be soups, new models or anything beyond the assumption that we will see these armies: Idoneth, Fyreslayers, Nighthaunt, Skaven, Ogors, Sylvaneth, Slaves to Darkness... with some Warcry, Cursed City and Underworlds fun thrown in for good measure. I imagine something is happening with Duardin/Dwarves/Squats, but it could be something pretty mundane like a new KO hero... or something massive like Chaos Dwarves or Squats. What we will see at LVO... none of those things as I tend to be wrong a lot of the time in my speculation. 😅
  18. That would be really cool actually. I think that the hint is mostly just the oddly adorable fluffy skaven... but that would be a really cool and cheeky hint. 🐀+🌲=😁
  19. This is great news if it proves true, thralls are such cool sculpts and I would love to see them get more play. Also I feel everyone loves Sharks so that is also great. I also think the suggestion of additional rule support will hopefully apply to the firey side of the recent box. 😊 This plus the upcoming LVO... could it be that the hype train is starting to chug along!
  20. Bah!, Duardin, Ogors, Humans, Aelves, Seraphon, Skaven, Demons, Orruks, Grots and Skeletons, are all overrepresented in AOS. Give us what we really need: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/19/army-spotlight-halflings-of-the-mortal-realmsgw-homepage-post-2/
  21. Remember the Fire and Water tease good times... good times. 😇
  22. Seemed pretty unreliable, then they said new Chosen so I chose to believe it. 🤩 Although, I personally want them to update Chosen in terms of lore and models to be unmounted Varanguard!
  23. They should have different tiers of battletomes: Hardcover collectors editions, softcover editions, pdf editions, b/w ringbound digest sized editions for reference, and finally some random and hastily photocopied pages with a paper clip for those of who play multiple armies on a budget. 😏
  24. We get plenty of nice things, we are getting Space Lumineth and Chaos Bitz attached to Space Marines. 😢 Heck if we are really good we might even get a single hero release for an army desperately in need of more models. 😭
  25. To be fair if I had access to 40k leaks they would read something like this: There was an elf with a gun on a speeder bike from star wars and some chaos guys with guns and they were lead by Doctor Octopus. Also some robots... maybe they were Knights or dreadnoughts but they were armed with guns and a vulture. There was an inquisitor looking dude or maybe a space marine but he didn't have a helmet on and instead of a gun he had a big sword and really hates books. So maybe they aren't posting anything because they don't really know what they are encountering? Like they may have seen some cool shadow elves with amethyst blades "I dunno that doesn't look like a powersword so I should probably not say anything in case I am wrong, it might not even be for AOS but for some other side game". And then we are left in the depth of Ulgu's shadows because they were unwilling to just tell us "cool looking elves coming up".
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