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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I think Horus was a Xenos Player that wanted to end the constant release of new Marine models. But in his hubris he failed and only invented spikey marines. I think that the new Krondspine Incarnate is so awesome but will live forever as a random proxy for my games. Even if the rules are cool it is so perfectly generic as to fit into the majority of armies. I with GW would do that more often and make godbeasts and mercenaries available to all...
  2. So lots of thoughts but I have work early, so I will wrap them quickly: Necromunda: Absolutely Amazing models, cool concept and might get me to try out Necromunda if I can convince any of my friends to get this or the main starter box and then the other can grab the other boxset. Flea Riders are the best 40k army! Underworlds: Neat, I was hoping for something more directly influenced by Frankenstein. Although we got our mad scientist vampire so I am stoked BloodBowl: If I were better at converting I would have found my marauders 40K: This is literally what I have been waiting for to get into 40K but with rising prices I feel like it isn’t to be.. it is heart breaking as I literally have always wanted to make a Chaos Knight army. CSM teaser was hilarious 30K: Space Marines the game… hooray… but if I get Knights, CSM or Custodes I will try it out even if the armours ‘aren’t technically canon’ AOS: Loved the campaign book, new beast, terrain and night haunt hero! My idea for nautical NightHaunt on a frozen sea is more tempting then ever. But can I afford Chaos Knights instead? Overall I liked every single reveal! The Chaos Knights will have me going through work on a high note and their eventual cost will leave me destroyed.
  3. This seems utterly reasonable and likely therefore it will be completely and utterly off base... 😰
  4. I am so curious about the Horus Heresy release as it has seemed like the focus of every single event and then we are met by radio silence. I wonder if they are retooling the box in some way? There is a new HH article today but it still just feels so odd that when people notice a model in a Tyranid preview or we get a potato cam Kangaroo Elf they go into immediate damage control and do a press release. I don't doubt it is coming I am just curious if there is a bigger reason for the lack of official release information. Finally I wonder if these reasons are impacting any releases on our end like AOS, Underworlds, Quest or Warcry? As for my expectations for Adepticon, they are pretty low at this point. I feel this year is 40k focused with AOS mostly churning out tomes.
  5. You know what upon revisiting the image if I squint a little and rotate it slightly then I can just make out what looks like an amazing hat... I think you might be onto something. It must be hard for 40k players, we keep getting all these great rumour engines and they are stuck with nothing.
  6. That is the most hilariously 40k thing I have ever heard... thanks for the info and I am glad to have finally gotten a 40k prediction seemingly correct. 😄
  7. it is strange that having a segmented grenade styled grip makes something look inherently modern even though that could have been crafted historically. Either way I think it is 40k related and probably something Imperial Guard... but every time I make a guess about something related to 40k I am instantly corrected, because it is clearly some iconic weapon used by some unit that I should totally have heard of... oh this is clearly Inquisitor Igor Ironeye's prosthetic harpoon hand. 🧐
  8. It is weird because it is a band-aid solution... but it is a nice band-aid like a Hello Kitty or Spiderman band-aid. I do think it is a sensible rule that upon reflection should have always been a part of balancing mechanics like killing the physical manifestation of a god really should be worth a VP or two.
  9. To officiate this as a speculative force... Abholon Soup! But in all seriousness that is amazing lore. Idoneth undoubtedly have my favourite lore in AOS. My family are from the East Coast of Canada, and the type of tales I heard growing up remind me of the myths of the Idoneth. I even bought the battleforce but I knew I could never really capture the vision I had for the army I traded them for Ogors. It was a good trade for me as they are more in my hobby wheelhouse and I got 2000 points worth of BCR. Still I wish I could have pulled off my Idoneth goals.
  10. I do not need more for my Ogors... although these two releases would make it in immediately.
  11. It is so weird how people keep misspelling Demon Prince and Chaos Spawn as Tyranid, must be a quirk of auto correct? But in all seriousness that is an amazing looking model! I hope that tyranids get some more updates.
  12. @CommissarRotke confirms chaos dwarves! 😎 And TGA rejoices!
  13. There was apparently a picture in a Tyranid article with a model that appears to have that tendril. But the image has since been removed. I just watched a video by the Youtuber Kiroth covering it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E50j7xu0K-0
  14. I hope it is a model for a broodmother. Although, my initial thought was beast of chaos.
  15. Daughters of Khaine and Nighthaunt are aesthetically my two favourite armies in AOS... this is going to be a horribly tempting box for me. I have held off of both factions so far lets hope I can stay strong going forward. Malerion/Morathi soup would absolutely break my will power so lets hope for my sake that doesn't come about 😓 I do wonder if we are going to see more for nighthaunt it could even tie into cursed city.
  16. Sound Logic? Well, I never! Back to the chaos dwarf vampirate discussion, as seen with this clear AOS compass:
  17. This will happen with every single army. Either everyone sees the previews and assumes the army is utterly broken based on a few rules or has been nerfed and is unplayable. Even after the release people are upset when the book is in hand. But once it is on the tabletop the opinions become more nuanced and based on actual experience.
  18. Have they ever done a dual release of Chaos forces with 40k and AOS? They have always seem staggered since I got back into Warhammer but I am also painfully forgetful.
  19. Oh please have a mad scientist, please have a mad scientist, please have a mad scientist!
  20. This is a great sign that Chaos Dwarves will get an Old World army. I wonder if that means we will get Hats for Old World and a different design for AOS? I hope that they get even bigger hats!
  21. I am in a weird place as I started my Ogors towards the end of last year and it is carying forward to now. My army project for 2022 is meant to be the SCE side of Dominion plus some models a friend is giving me... So I kind of have two projects on the go.
  22. I think that AOS should get a risk set but if you take a realm gate you will get to invade a separate board 😁 If you thought risk took a long time before wait till you have to take all the realms.
  23. It is a pretty apt depiction of this thread when we go a week with no news/rumours.
  24. Weeks could mean this week and next... It doesn't... but it could.... 😰
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