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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Is it weird that the thing that is making me most excited for Warcry 2.0 is seeing the wild Ghurish terrain? I have a feeling it will be similar to the Thondian expansion with some elements of Dawn Bringer terrain in the starter set. Also Warcry is super fun so I hope that the rules are fairly consistent with the current edition. Hopefully a little more focus on monsters and maybe terrain interactions. I also hope the rules are more streamlines as I feel like I am several expansions behind and missing some key content currently.
  2. My guess is a full space hulk reveal, warcry 2.0, new underworlds warband, something silly for blood bowl, and as always a necromunda warband that will make me call my bank plan on getting into the game and promptly forgetting exists until the next Necromunda reveal.
  3. I cannot wait for the new Warcry but these themed Killteam realses are awesome! I hope we get a Mordheim themed Warcry set down the line! I also am pretty confident that the new Warcry box will be the Centurion, Legionares and Hashut followers, and people will be disappointed as the nurgle swamp units will be in an expansion set. In that case I will of course be obliged to purchase the set setting back my little 40k Knights/Darkdmech/HH project back... of course being me I had no real plan after getting the Chaos Knight box and just throwing out ideas!
  4. I don't know what this is, maybe a new destruction faction? I want to say FEC and I am hoping it is but it also seems like a very different tonal scheme than the typically pallid ghouls. I dunno what it is but it is exciting!
  5. Wow this is a beautiful box with two amazing armies... I must resist the call of the lumineth... I have too much on my plate and if I were to fall for annother Warhammer army it will be for their shadowy rivals but each new hero just begs for a Hylian paint scheme!
  6. So to follow up my earlier post I will now do my list of Resin I want updated, again with a selfish eye towards models that I personally want: Icefall Yhetees: I have a Beastclaw Raiders army and it needs some frosty snowmen that are made out of material that is not brittle. Valkia the Bloody: Just imagine with Be'Lakor and Kroak how they could reimagine this fantascic model! Kroxigors: Cool models and even though Salamders could use it more i just want plastic Kroxigors a little more Dishonourable Mention: Skaven again! Update them now GW honestly one of your strongest IP and the look so terrible yet the few modern models you have made are all a tier! Honourable mention: Anything carrying lances, spears or rapiers... resin is not the best material for such things!
  7. I loved all of the lesser demons from that era! I always thought if I were to expand my S2D into demons I would track down some of the metal models for heroes or champions
  8. This is not based on the kits that most need an update in my opinion but the ones I would personally want updated for my own selfish reasons! I am also not going to mention resin kits as I would like them all updated even with they look great. 1. Marauders: if this classic unit does not disappear in the future in favour of Cultist Warbands then I would love to see it get updated. I have never loved these models and really think they need a redo. 2. Saurus: I remember these coming out and loving them at the time, but they have not aged well at all. Skinks sill look great but almost everything in the Saurus range needs an update badly. 3. Bullgors: Ogroids have buried this outdated unit in every single way and they either need to be updated or put down. Dishounorable mention: Skaven... just all of the old models need to go! Honourable mention: For every Space Marine lieutenant we should get a new Slambo!
  9. Thanks, that creates a slightly more involved update, but still one that could be included in a campaign book... but of course I think we all know Games Workshop would much rather sell multiple books and not aim for the more consumer friendly option.
  10. Having not read the DOK book how much of the new books are just brining it in line with 3.0 standards like battalions and Path to Glory rules? In other words would a late release such as Lumineth, Soulblight Grave Lords or Hedonites release be a complete reworking or just an update? If it is the latter I hope they do a release like Broken Realms Teclis That supplements the new rules and also includes a few extras for people that have those books already. A narrative featuring Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Hedonites and Soulblight would make a perfect little Broken Realms epilogue tbh.
  11. I have argued this for Tau and I will argue it here there is nothing more grim dark than providing a flame of hope with the knowledge that the second the Imperium or Forces of Chaos can get their acts together they will snuff that flame of hope. To tie this to AOS I feel like with some head swaps and a the right paint scheme we are going to see some amazing KO conversions. To the point that each announcement is as exciting as a KO reveal for me.
  12. Did the cool Black Library Models drop? I dunno it looks like we are getting some new Chaos Spawn/Demon Princes from the CSM launch to me! I have finally dipped my toes into 40k with the Chaos Knight Box and it is primarily so that I can proxy my S2D into a futuristic setting, and use the cooler/fantasy 40k models in AOS. It is largely an excuse to get some Ogoroids and tell people they are demons... or these pretty folk and run them as Chaos Spawn in AOS... I am just divided on getting HH and calling it a day for the infantry side and getting a new game system, or do I use Chaos Space Marine models try and track down the old start collecting because the new Combat Patrol is really boring? If I go HH I will run Dark Angels and have a narrative project about them becoming Fallen Angels, Bastian Carthalos will be 100 percent run as a Primarch in this scenario! If I go Start Collecting than I am pretty much stuck proxying and going Word Bearer Mutant heavy... I personally like both options. I have had a single unit change 10-20 points and it make my entire army 30-60 points and that can be a lot. I remember both Chaos Warriors and knights going down and getting 100 additional points to play with. So I think it can depend on certain things and how hard and fast you hold to 2000 points being a limit.
  13. May have missed it if someone shared already but our friend Ash has posted his Skaven deep dive
  14. I just want artillery to fill a different niche tbh. I don't care if it is outclassed by regular unit generally but artillery needs at least a niche. Make it strong against hordes or develop siege mechanics and give artillery a role... heck giving it something like monsterous actions would be best just give it something to make it different from a regular unit.
  15. I am going to opt out of the GHB this time I do not play enough lately and when I do we have been going mostly core rules. Still sounds like a fun spanner in the works... Also no this has nothing to do with having just completed my Ogors...
  16. Clearly there is only one way to make everyon happy:
  17. I would love if this was fluffwise tied to the feeding mechanic. Namely the Ogors know to keep their distance while eating.
  18. Seraphon or Imperial Guard? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/14/the-rumour-engine-14th-june-2022/
  19. I don't know if it tracks in terms of the prices, but there is a suggestion that the Imperial Knight box will be 3 armigers so maybe Mancrushers will get a similar treatment? I will also mourn the loss of the BCR SC set it is just straight up amazing! It is the sole reason I have an amazing little Ogor army.
  20. Maybe it is affordable paint? I mean we got squats now anything is possible. I really like the Skaven box a nice mix of everything I would want. Nighthaunt and DOK are really great boxes but I feel like the both seem so infantry focused and lack a truly crazy centre piece.
  21. I feel like Chaos using old world characters is actually fine, even the ones that were killed off in the world that was. The villains won and now the heroes are fighting back, having Bastian Carthalos defeat Throgg is an impressive feet as we know what a threat Throgg was in the old world. Having Brokk Gungnir exchange blows with Egrimm van Horstmann feels suitably epic, and having the ven Denst's survive a battle with Scylla will make them feel more important. This is similar with the followers of Nagash being the eternal thralls of the god of death.
  22. Awesome work! I am still hopeful for Malerion Aelves I can imagine the arrogant king offering to take the most corrupted Aelven souls and having ambitions to supplant the Dark Prince while still fighting for his perverse view on order. But I know I am just being naive at this point.
  23. As someone from the Northern Wastes of Canada this would probably benefit us as we ride our Stone Horns to the local hobby store
  24. Which I believe furthers the initial point as when GW has had delays they have often been tied to those products. Of course there was the internal dragon production fiasco
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