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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I feel like they will be Pirate/Total War inspired especially if the backwards capacity theories prove true: Which as much as I would be happy with that is boring next to the idea of them reflecting the realms.
  2. The longer the Ogor book takes the more I feel we are waiting for Maneaters before the book drops. 🤞
  3. Between the S2D news and now this I must say this is a fantastic day for little plastic soldiers. If all armies are truly playable I will need to decide between Beasts and Dark Elves.
  4. I am so hyped right now. Loving all the changes barring that Ravagers can no longer summon. I have not had a chance to pour over the changes but I am really happy with what I have seen. I feel like I am leaning towards despoilers now and will have lots of fun with the eye of the gods. The Legion of the First Prince Changes are expected but leave me a little saddened. Makes me happy I did not rush out to buy the daemon starter sets. Especially with Darkmech hopefully on the horizon.
  5. I think every army will invariably recieve a second wave. I feel like Soulblight will get patched up via the likes of Warcry and Underworlds for the time being though.
  6. Biggest news is the News Thread is back!? I go away for a few, and then Nagash uses some necromantic magic on these boards! I like that it seems to be moving towards community news as it gives this thread a distinct vibe to the Rumours Thread which often kind of intertwines with model and release news as usually those are the resolution of rumours. To continue the thread of Peachy News this popped up on my youtube feed: I feel like this thread will become the home of man reads book videos... and I am up for that!
  7. With the Dearth of Rumours we've had a lot of time to work on our Schtick! I wanted this to be AOS but those cables at the bottom seem to imply 40k 😢 Although maybe it is Dark Mech and the iconography will be easy to paint for the faction. Although I doubt I could free hand even a basic shape.
  8. Even for the little photoshop I had to resize the chameleon sk... I mean blue horror so I am not 100 percent
  9. I wonder if there was a pair of Tzeentch heroes that could be the foundation of an amazing dual kit that could see play in Slaves to Darkness... if only... 😢
  10. Due to the changing and protean nature of Tzeentch's demons every release is a Tzeentch Release if you want it to be! We got some updated Blue and Pink Horror's announced today
  11. Hmm... Dropping new Seraphon at the same time they tease the potential release of Dark Mechanicus. Between that and Slaves to Darkness I think GW may have saved the British GDP and all at the cost of my own personal finances.
  12. A streets of death, stormvault or duardin tunnel expansion would be soo cool. It would also probably get a lot of attention from tabletop rpg players
  13. Did they just reveal Dark Mech! 🤯 Or is it just a new character model? Oh man if it is Dark Mech I have my next army!
  14. A huge reveal of Old World next year would be exciting!
  15. I feel tomorrow is going to be an interesting day as I am still adamant that the plan was to show off 10th Edition alongside the 35th anniversary but that delays have changed plans. But usually as an AOS fan the excitement of 40k reveals are for the proxy and conversion potential on display. Maybe some World Eater reveals will have potential but I feel like the focus will be primarily on Imperial Guard. But wouldn't Khorngors be cool?! Even though I am starting to dip my toes into the sci-fi world I will always be more partial to our Fantasy side of things. With that in mind I am still curious to see how far off the 35th celebration is from the 10th release as a potential metric for seeing how things have been delayed. Because otherwise I feel like 35th anniversary seems like an arbitrary and strange anniversary to dedicate an entire reveal for. Especially as 40K's 40th anniversary is clearly the best one to make into a massive event.
  16. I would like them to implement a generic equivalent of faction terrain that would be based on the realms. The rule would be something like instead of your faction specific terrain you can instead pick realm terrain. Here are some ideas off the top of my head: Azyr, Sigmarite Abbey, conveys a ward when garrisoned. Aqshy, Rent earth, dangerous terrain that limits line of sight that you can set up after armies are placed. Probalbly outside of deployment zones. Shyish, Graveyard, impacts enemies bravery? Ghyran, Healing spring heals d3 wounds on nearby heroes Hysh, Rebranding of the Realm gates and paired with Ulgu for some teleportation fun? Ghur, Monster's den allows you to deepstrike a monster from the terrain piece Chamon, Magical forge gives a benefit to combat? Ulgu, see hysh Okay these are terrible ideas but still conveys the idea of generic terrain that could benefit any army but probably would not be taken over faction terrain in most cases but a nice alternative when Faction terrain revolves around specific builds such as priests or wizards. But I also am adamant we need siege rules and like terrain.
  17. I think the drip feed approach would have increased excitement but we have already had it leaked so now it feels less special to get a single model when we knew the unit was coming. It is unfortunate that leaks work that way. I wish the leaker had just released the index and a few warscrolls and left the models secret.
  18. Really like the Lumineth box and the new Mancrusher box is great and gives me hope of the 3 armiger Combat Patrol for Knights
  19. List of future Lumineth Temples: To bad they will hold off on Tyrion until they have completed all the Nobel Gases which will have terrible synergies.
  20. It is funny i have been developing that into the background of my Chaos army and trying to figure out how to place the realms/winds of magic in between each.
  21. I will be upset if Chaos Dwarfs are destruction... but mostly on the principal that I feel like Grimnir should have been a destruction god and rival to Gorkamorka and Fyreslayers could have been the Destruction Dwarves and added a little more civility to the Grand Alliance. But I also feel like Chaos needs more Gods than the Big Four and the Sometimes Rat god... I really hope Morghur is treated directly as a god and same with Be'Lakor. Archaon as well although I think it should anger him to be treated as such.
  22. My cousin who is my main opponent has gone full Halloween on his models, Jack o Lanterns, grave stones, Autumn Leaves and has leaned heavily on the Vyrkos to fill the werewolf theme. They put my dark granite S2D and lazy snow Ogor bases to shame.
  23. As someone that is in love with Sauron/General Kael/Evil Knight side of S2D I am one hundred percent on board with the recent cultists and particularly the Dark Oath. I honestly feel like they should be spun off into a unique army and I am the one suggesting all the soups on this thread.
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