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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I saw someone post some images of boats on Reddit mentioning Warcry and it hit me how awesome a Warcry Naval boarding game can be and it is now my biggest obsession. I need to buy some boats like right now! This could in turn function like the current kill team boxes leading to a small 500 point style game. They can produce four generically aligned boats for the different grand alliances as a Warcry box. Namely something like a Longship with Chaos stars or a frigate with sigmarite icons. Maybe for the sake of having it be playable two ships per box. Could imagine something like this for the boxes: Dark Oath vs. Black Ark Corsairs Vampirates vs. Plastic Maneaters Not sure how my beast claw raiders will fare on the open seas... might need to get some Pirate Maneaters.
  2. If that is all it takes I think I just found my new career!
  3. Is Valrak typically a reliable source? I have tried looking up the veracity of his past claims but found very little information regarding his past rumours. I hope he is accurate for AOS as those sound like some great boxes but the 40k boxes still seem suspiciously similar to last years boxes only with no Xenos.
  4. It has been leaked and it looks really good, especially the way it will impact individual units. Slaves to Darkness is going to be a really fun and pardon the pun chaotic army to play. Almost makes ruining ravagers ability worth it... almost! Now I just need to get me some fancy Chosen... and maybe my holy grail model Be'Lakor.
  5. I am so hyped for this that I just bought the Accursed Cultists set to have some proxy models for the eye of the gods for when I end up with some extra spawn from my pre-battle rolls on the table. Do I want my general to be turned into a spawn before the battle begins... no! Will I be absolutely prepared for when they do... yes!
  6. I think this is such a funny part of the narrative component's interaction with the hobby. To me it is a cool mounted hero that is riding a robo pony. Because I have no clue who or what a Lord Solar is I am able to appreciate it on face value. But conversely someone might love Archaon's or Teclis' models and they are pretty cool in places, but I have gripes with both because to me they should look a certain way or have a certain presence. I think it is funny that I chose one model where the mount/monster is my issue and the other where the named characters is my issue. Maybe because I like Lord Solar and the robo horse.
  7. I might slap a Varanguard head on this chap and run it as a Chaos Lord on Demonic mount. I might even keep the mechanical elements on the horse
  8. Do that for every army! I want some Plastic Yhetees This should be GW's main goal even before updating outdated plastic they should update all resin kits. Considering that they improved on Be'lakor and Kroak which were my all time favourite resin models I want all resin gone! Even if it involves saying goodbye to the last of my favourite old resin kits!
  9. I love this undivided trick or treat family so much! Li'l Dorghar so cute!!! I keep arguing that we need to give a Slaves to Darkness keyword to some of the named God specific champions as Archaon's Lieutenants to represent some additional schisms in the ranks of the God Specific factions as their loyalty is possibly divided between the Everchosen and their patron God. Then I can make a little undivided trick or treat family.
  10. Hoping for something spooky today: What is scarier than Vampirates?
  11. Just bought myself a new 40k Chaos Knight so I think the S2D box is out for now... Oh how I wish I could afford this hobby. Oh well at least I have a cool mech to ease the pain. Now let's get some Ogor rules asap
  12. Such as the best biome Chaos Wastes: Although I am fine with Ogroids filling the niche.
  13. I think that GW used Aelves to learn the right balance for AOS lines. Generic standard infantry options with awesome hybrid snakes, flying sharks and giant spirits as special options. Use the familiar to draw folks in and then sell them on the wild cow hats and awesome snakes after they have bought in. I am more into the 'high fantasy' side of AOS so I agree with you one hundred percent on how to go forward with gobos, but I also see people entering the world with some trepidation constantly looking for the familiar. It is the best way for GW to have it's cake and eat it too. Now we just need Duardin to follow suit... gives us some molten Fyreslayer golems and Gearpunk KO Mechs!
  14. As I said they are simply waiting for the Warcry Ogor Maneaters to release in a week or two... In other news Malerion will be out the week after alongside his friends the silent vampiric chaos pirate dwarfs...
  15. Warcry units are a little strange as we have so few examples of them and they are primarily only represented in Slaves to Darkness. I loved using them for rally the tribes but now they will most likely be for Warcry itself. Although I have not seen any leaks for them so maybe they have some minor tweaks to improve them? I still wish that they had a single profile with special rules for the different warbands. Then unlike traditional units when reinforcing them they'd gain a new special ability. Want deep striking defensive Cultists mix Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts or a unit of 'Flying' Terror evoking cultist you can have Corvus Cabal and Unmade. Of course with the strange unit sizes writing these rules would be complex and certain unit mixtures would likely be significantly better. I can't remember if it was here or on youtube, but I saw someone mention using Underworld Warbands as a free Ad-On for games. Little regiments of renown for friendly games. I think if you do a map based campaign it is actually a pretty fun mechanic as they are restricted to a territory but can give you a little extra oomph in a region that needs defence. Do you deploy them on the front line territories or keep them in reserve? They can also be used to give a leg up to an opponent that is struggling or for a faction that is not doing to hot. All of that is to say they are hilariously terrible and work best as a free add on between friends. I still wish they were a special hero with an optional unit of body guards as I find their current rules to complicated and the unit becomes something of a tax for the hero unit. But in both case the models are so fantastic that I could hardly care! To make this a little more rumour focused have we had any more validation on upcoming Christmas Battle force rumours? There was a rumour posted here a while back and I was wondering if anyone has heard any more?
  16. I still feel like having some Slaaneshi influence on Malerion's Aelves would make a lot of sense. From the taint of Slaanesh on the souls of the aelves to Malerion's ambition and vanity being preyed upon due to his close proximity to the captive chaos god. I just think it would make sense for Slaanesh to have had some secret level of impact on the Aelves of Ulgu. I had actually hoped that the Hedonites would have been Malerion's Aelves with the shadow king thinking he was still fighting for order. But I prefer the idea of the Slaaneshi influences being more subtle and something that Malerion would oppose in any outright manner. With that in mind I still think that these rumour engines will be for Slaaneshi models not Ulgu Aelves.
  17. I like when I have a less than great day and get fun Warhammer news, it shows how hobbies can be a nice escape. I really did not expect a new Novel about a handsome heroic Chaos Lord opposing the restrictive rule of the God King of Order. More excitingly we get some much needed Ogor news and I can't wait to learn more about my frosty beast riders!
  18. Is it Seraphon or Idoneth looks like a fin? Maybe it is some kind of contraption for Ironweld for Cities? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/10/18/the-rumour-engine-18th-october-2022/
  19. I just wish their was some variety in the new mini. Like give us a piece of artillery or an upgrade sprue for an old unit. Or even a medium sized monster. That is assuming a full unit is to much to ask for. It I just strange that it is almost always a hero on foot Especially for armies spoilt for hero choices and lacking in support units like Fyreslayers.
  20. I was just wondering what I would need to alter to make then Marauder horesmen🐎a new weapon and maybe a headswap? Probably a few accessories that need to be clipped
  21. I honestly just want to see how this 40k boarding actions thing turns out and see if we can get an awesome dungeon crawler style narrative for AOS. I want my Stormcast to be infiltrating the Varanspire and coming into conflict with my Chaos Warband... also the ogors are there to raid The Everpantry!
  22. Space Elves were seasonal. I think we will get Reindeer themed Beasts of Chaos this year.
  23. So I just crunched the numbers on my Slaves to Darkness army... any chance that AOS will get an Apocalypse style game as I really don't know if I can justify adding any more to my army right now. 🤔 Guess I should actually build and paint my Stormcast one of these days.
  24. So a Despoilers Demon Prince with Bolstered by Chaos gets how many additional wounds? Is it just the 2 for the trait or do you get 4 for the Monster keyword plus the trait?
  25. I feel like they will be Pirate/Total War inspired especially if the backwards capacity theories prove true: Which as much as I would be happy with that is boring next to the idea of them reflecting the realms.
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