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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I kept thinking with the Ogroids and Slaangors there was no need to update the Bullgors/Doombull but oh how wrong I clearly was as now I know we need them so badly!
  2. We stayed Silent on the low key Silent People reveal!
  3. Are these the old Warhammer Fantasy Watch Towers or a new terrain piece. I have seen them in a few pictures from the event
  4. I kept hoping for a terrain kit reveal, that might have been my only actual disappointment.
  5. Now we just need Eddie to clarify that they meant Chaos Dwarfs are absolutely coming and will be one of the two armies featured in the Starter Set (Meaning that Brettonain Tomb King Soup is confirmed as the other side).
  6. Haha, my friend and I were just discussing this although he is leaning towards a zombified Wight King.
  7. So this preview made me really excited for two things that were not revealed: 1) If they can make a new plastic Knight then I feel like another Gargant Sculpt is not off the table 2) With the Harbinger in plastic what are the odds of getting the whole gang together in plastic?
  8. Darn I am much to broke to get into a new game without a starter. Heck the only reason I am going for Leviathan is that I can justify the cost by splitting it. Hopefully we at least get some Start Collecting equivalents. 😞
  9. Yesterday may have been the big day but today felt more up my alley even if I am going in on Leviathan. Cities of Sigmar: Free Guild Cavalry, take the best of Brettonian’s and Empire and have a nice grim dark aesthetic and amazing sculpts. I think that as I suspected these help make the infantry feel more cohesive from a design perspective and I cannot wait to see how the rest of the army shakes out. Personally I hope we get some Aelves and Duardin in this shared grim gothic aesthetic. Dawnbringers: Looks like a really wonderful narrative and I am excited for the expansionist Dawnbringers to fail on at least one side! Sad that each new army gets one new infantry hero which is become almost a running joke. The Regiment of renown drives home the issue. Order - Grimhold Exile: So disappointed to see another melee focused infantry hero. It is actually absurd how many more heroes they have than even regular infantry. But I am not going to lie as I genuinely love the model! Chaos - Harbringer of Decay: The best remaining resin model is updated to somehow even greater plastic! Great looking box giving a wonderful mix of models. Might become my Chaos Lord on Demonic Mount for S2D. Destruction - Rabble Rowza: Another fantastic grot and so characterful! That giant skull will be an amazing piece for any conversion. Death - Marrowscroll Herald Flesh Eater Courts between this and the Warcry war band I am getting very worried about my ability to hold off from the knightly order. Mawgrunta - Well worth the wait! I might replace the orruks with ogors and find a way to fit it into my Mawtribes. Old World: Tomb Kings vs Bretts confirmed??? Trying not to get overly excited over this announcement but looks like my Ghostly/Green Knight themed army on its toes. Learning more about the narrative is also really exciting and I am getting hyped for this game against my better judgment. I feel like this game will fall outside of my budget beyond splitting the starter and some extra Knights. But since I will be doubling them up as Nighthaunt it might help me justify the cost. The Tomb Kings are the more exciting of the two but my friend is 100% taking them from me lol. But most importantly classic Warhammer Art Style!!! Quick mock up of the (K)Nighthaunt theme I will make: Horus Heresy: NOT A SPACE MARINE! As someone with a small collection of Knights… this is the announcement that broke the bank. Although. I actually prefer the more stout and sturdy knights in 40k… Probably will never get my hands on this but it is nice to look at and pretend. But I will probably never build my knights as magnets scare me. Back to resin Space Marines… zzz Models that aren’t Space Marines, lets hope the mystery army is more daemons that are not resin. New book, seems to have some interesting narrative implications for the setting and makes me excited to see the types of campaign books we might see for Old World.
  10. Slap an ogor on top and some gnoblars on the side and you have a pretty great looking Stonehorn/Thundertusk Proxy! I think it will fit your non-hibernal army theme.
  11. For last nights reveals, or this morning... I guess? 40K: Wont cover it all as there was a lot. The Tyranids look utterly fantastic especially the larger monsters. As for space marines you can try and convince me that those were not the same model shown 25 times... I will believe you but I will not be able to explain the difference. Since I am splitting the box and ending up with this half I will have to put a piece of tape on all the Vetrans to tell them apart until they are painted. Still great reveal and despite not knowing a phobos armour from a lasbolterfist all the sculpts on both side are great. LOTR: I like the diorama and think it would be fun to play with the Ringwraith but that is a premium for a single model. But for a pure hobbyist it is a great purchase. Underworlds: Oh man those are fantastic sculpts. Nighthaunt are maybe the most aesthetically pleasing army and Underworlds has the best sculpts so to no ones surprise these look amazing. Warcry: I think this is the first time i have seen a leak and then upon seeing the full models finding them so much better that it is almost incomparable to my expecations. Lots of fantastic options for Stormcast heroes in that set making it more appealing. The terrain is also great and Warcry is my favourite game. I hope we get a Kurnothi vs Ogors set so I can split it with a friend. Was hoping for some reveals for Crypt of Blood maybe I missed it but I am hoping it is a reasonably priced option to get folks into Warcry.
  12. My updated hopes for upcoming reveals. Don't worry each will have an expansion in Critters and Keys!
  13. Chorfs Confirmed! I still hope that we get a kit that is for AOS and Old World with classic hats for old world and more helmeted looks for AOS to tie into the Horns of Hashut and Hobgrots. This is so I can make the lords all have hats and make a strictly stratified society based on a ruling class of Hat-wearers
  14. Albion and Araby are pretty prominent don't want to get my hopes up but I have officially gotten them up.
  15. My mantra for the next few weeks: "I cannot afford both Flesh Eater Courts and Rent" I hope if I say it enough I won't make bad life choices.
  16. Very excited, I feel like Yndrasta has a lot of narrative potential and could really become an iconographic part of AOS lore. More central than Blacktalon or Sureheart, more independent from Stormhosts than Carthalos or Steel Soul, and less narratively constraned than the mysterious origins of the Celestant Prime. In other words Yndrasta can be a fully realized character that can also feature in major narrative events and not be tied to a specific Stormhost's story or characters. Still think that we need to broaden our named Stormcast characters to at least have a major character for each central Stormhost. Then I want to see them loose to Chaos as we need to keep the threat of Chaos real and also support the upcoming release of Chaos Dwarf and line updates for Skaven and Beasts of Chaos... 😈
  17. Whelp looks like I can skip the AOS reveals on account of this legitimate leak. Guess it is time to plan out my Duardin themed City!
  18. Unfortunately I have somewhat high hopes for most of the reveals with a parenthetical inclusion of my unrealistic hope. Middle Earth: Considering the 40K Amazon deal I would not be suprised if there was some Second Age focus... Either an expansion of what we saw in the Last Alliance or possibly Amazon series focus. (A promise and commitment to replace all resin) 40k: I think we will get a full reveal of the Box Contents for the 10th Starter and some more information about 10th edition. I don't think that this year will be as heavily 40k focused as many others as I think that the focus will primarily be focused on getting out the Tyranid and Space Marine new releases and then a slow roll out of codices that I will ignore as I kind of like the idea that they balanced the free data sheets against each other and each codex will invariably lead to power creep. I will check them out eventually but not until all of my friend's armies are covered. (Rather than Darkmech and Traitor Guard we get a Chaos Soup to represent the diversity of mutants, heretics and cultists that fall outside of the Chaos Space Marine range) 30k: A character I never heard of before will get a resin model that looks like every other Space Marine. Somehow this will be the most exciting reveal to hardcore fans. (Plastic Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes) Kill Team: I think that we will see the follow up of the Space Hulk setting with a wreckage themed set on desolate planet. No idea what teams will be included. (Exodites vs Necrons, as the world the ship crashed upon is home to some dino elves and I feel like the Robots could survive the crash) AOS: I think we will get a massive Cities of Sigmar reveal and clarification on what is happening with the Aelves and Duardin models souped within the Umbrella of Cities. I also am hopeful we will get some new Flesh Eater Courts and the new Season of War which I hope includes that cool terrain of buildings we saw previously. It would make it a nice companion release for Cities of Sigmar. (Chaos Dwarves get a teaser!) Warcry/Underworlds: I believe we will get the leaked sets and more amazing Underworld models. (As always I hope we get some focus on often overlooked armies, Fyreslayers, Ogors, Idoneth and the often overlooked Slaves to Darkness that haven't had a release in weeks!) The Old World: I think we will get a preview and some reiterated information on how the game will work with current collections and a new model hinting at the potential starter. (I hope that we get movement trays designed to let me use my Chaos Army in Old World!)
  19. Well to be fair, intelligent and over indulgent murderers are pretty much making 3/4 of the big four Chaos Gods pretty happy.
  20. Amoung many other desires for Fyreslayers, I would also want some warriors that can fuse with the soul of Grimnir and become empowered by the flame and become Avatar's of fire. As Grimnir's soul is split into many shards this could be an elite unit type. Would it look like a Duardin Flame Super Sayian? Absolutely!
  21. I haven't a clue, although I do think your guess is towards my inclination. But I absolutely love this mad looking sculpt.
  22. So happt to see you on team Duardin! I have argued it time and again, the reason that the Aelves got so much focus in 2.0 was to help untangle the mess that they found themselves in lore-wise after the Endtimes. Games workshop had to really sort out the mess of Slaanesh and the Gods of the Elves, who were prominent heroes in the old world. I personally feel like they have done a fantastic job and have set their narrative up in exciting ways with faction distinctions, clear direction and purpose going forward. Even with Malerion in the shadows, and Tyrion not present I feel like their introductions will be fairly straight forward, and will be met with fan excitement. Duardin are in a different situation, importing them into AOS was extremely straightforward and extremely smooth. Kharadron are a massive success and much beloved, whereas Fyreslayers are an expansion of an Iconic part of the Old World that does need a little more depth and exploration, but as you suggest won't take that much effort on GW's part. Dispossessed are expected and I think they are making sure to create something very IP friendly so it might be taking a little more effort. But the lore is also setting up Duardin into taking centre stage and I think it is going to be fantastic. I feel like we will eventually see Duardin having Chaos Dwarves, Fyreslayers and Kharadron on their feet by then end of the edition and Grombdibal leading a massive Dispossessed release next edition. Oh that would be amazing, I will be splitting the release with my cousin (if I don't run out and grab Beasts) and I would not be disappointed with any of those armies or sets. Plus they would all have some interplay with AOS particularly within my own collection and narrative. High Elves and Dwarves will make easy City of Sigmar Collation allies for my Stormcast and be the basis of a new COS army. Goblins will sub in for Gnoblars and maybe be used as the basis of a Gloomspite army. Finally Skaven do not as easily pair up with my current collection but will gladly be used to help me induldge in my love of Chaos and possibly be the basis of a Dark Mech army down the line. Luckily my friends are fairly indifferent about base sizes.
  23. Horus Heresy and Old World Sharing a spot? I guess we can expect even more Space Marines!
  24. Has anyone compiled a list of the current boxsets that will adapt directly to Old World? I am contemplating between Beasts of Chaos and the Anvilguard Starter Set. Although I think the Greywater Fastness, Goblin and Skaven sets should all work fairly well?
  25. So are we heading into Warhammer Fest with any rumours or speculation?
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