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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Brodd puts the King in @KingBrodd So with the points updates for more recent armies being online should I expect less drastic changes for my Slaves to Darkness?
  2. Speaking as a fellow Canuck I suspect that the 4th of July is probably not making a huge difference in his review... If anything the 1st of July would have caused a delay but he got out his 9th edition review on time.
  3. I hope that is real as frees just enough points for me to run an Eidolon of the Sea... 😊 Assuming reavers, eels and allopexs are at least stationary...
  4. The Community article was updated to include Vampires
  5. I have to say that we simply don't know what the future holds. Will soup armies be squatted or will more armies be added to soup tomes? We don't know and I am assuming that GW is watching the sales of armies like Cities and Legions of Nagash fairly closely. I had assumed that the Phonician models from Cities would have been integrated into Lumineth and Dispossesed, Wanderers and the remnants of the Dark Elf line would follow suit when their AOS equivalents were released. But as that is not how it turned out I am curious if that is a sign that GW has more faith in the City concept...
  6. The hand looks a little claw like which made me jump to Malerion Aelves. However, it looks so close to those dark eldar weapons so I assume that is correct but do dark eldar often have such freaky hands?
  7. It is well beyond my budget but I would love to do a Dragon themed Stormcast list of Dracothian cavalry and a Stardrake. Kinda a Stormcast answer to Host of the Everchosen. It bothers me to no end that a Stardrake doesn't open up Dracothian units as battleline.
  8. As for expanding destruction outside of Orcs, Goblins, Ogres and Giants: I still feel like Fyreslayers and Idoneth would have both been good aesthetic fits for Destruction. I personally would also really like a faction of traditional fairytale witches in Destruction. One model Underworlds sounds fun but I would hope it was character focused. I feel it would be easier to balance two heroes having special feats than it would be to balance an Iron Jaw and individual skeleton... But I haven't played underworlds only checked out a few batreps of it.
  9. I personally feel the existential dread of loosing your humanity for eternity is much more terrifying than death. On the one hand it seems heroic to sacrifice so much in the face of Chaos, but on the other hand I feel like I would rather follow the gods that let me retain some aspect of myself... before turning into a spawn... Never mind I am just going to follow Gorkamorka!
  10. Hahaha, Yeah I played fantasy in my teen years. I remember desperately waiting for an update for books and it taking forever. Also Chaos Dwarves never got an update 😥
  11. Yeah, I hope there is further refinement for mercenary rules. I also am hoping for some updates to some of the older tomes like LoN, IDK and Maggot Kin.
  12. Well wasn't the last GHB was split between two books with only one focusing on points? Maybe they will do the same this time around and release them at separate dates?
  13. Is this based on a certain mechanic you have discovered, or knowledge of meta trends, or is this based on info leaked from the GHB?
  14. That would be cool, I could see them being a defensive answer to Melusai.
  15. I feel that what I want as an Idoneth Player is an Ogre/Troll sized unit. I also feel like the Hydra/Kharibdyss not being part of DOK is a slap in the face!
  16. @Skreech Verminking The Skaven would be in the Chaos narrative, overlooked until the final moments. In the end Nagash will realize that while he was focused on taking the Eight Points the Skaven have completely overrun Shyish.
  17. I hope that there is a war in the realm of heaven with Gordrak's attack and that they continue to develop Nagash attacking the Eightpoints. I think this keeps all of the alliances narratively engaged in a major conflict. But I would hope that Destruction gets to take central stage as the big threat this time around. I also want Slaanesh to be freed and the addition of Malerion. I have argued (unconvincingly) that I want these two things could coincide with Malerion being corrupted and Slaaneshi mortals to be Malerion's Aelves.
  18. On the bright side it showcases that there is a demand for Sons and that hints at them getting continued support by GW. I know I am interested in them but they are probably going to fall just outside of my budget. 😅
  19. Is it sad that I am only interested in Grotbag's if they dress like traditional pirates?
  20. @Overread is there any warcry warbands that you would personally like to see added to any armies?
  21. @HollowHills I feel that you are correct on both levels, I think it might be a Warcry/Underworld release of a Embailor with some mid-sized monster in tow.
  22. They will release a new Xenos army after they release every Space Marine Primarch and all of the Chaos Factions... and then the Xenos army will be sidelined by the lost legion of mauve marines!!
  23. I am very fond of Necrons which are being updated and I am interested in Chaos (as I can reuse some of my Slaves To Darkness models in a Chaos Space Marine army). I do not really understand why GW seems so reluctant to expand on Xenos armies or develop further new Xenos factions. As you mentioned there is limitless potential but three flavours of Space-Elves, Post Apocalyptic-Orcs and Robot Skeletons are sadly pretty uninspired. But overall, I am just not a big fan of the aesthetic of Space Marines and they dominate the line in such an overbearing manner. I am interested in getting the new 40k box for the necrons and maybe running Space Marines as Imperium and proxied-Chaos. My friends are also all pressuring me to try it out. But overall, I am more interested in the creative armies presented in AOS. I might instead just purchase the AOS Starter set and help my cousin expand his Legions of Nagash and start a new army of angelic lightening paladins. As divisive as Stormcast may be, they are more interesting to me than knockoff Imperial Stormtroopers. However negativity does not suit me, so instead I will talk rumours. Does anyone know if any of GW staff was able to work from home on design or rules development? I know that model production was delayed but I am not sure how much of GW staff was laid off for that time?
  24. I feel that the lack of new Human models is an indicator of the amount of work being put into whatever their forthcoming models will be. If I had to guess it would be a Devouted of Sigmar army. I feel that the legacy models from Empire in Cities of Sigmar will have to wait some time before getting a proper update but Warcry and Underworlds will bring them small incremental updates until that day. I mean how old are some of the Imperial Guard minis in 40K? As a purely hypothetical army, I think it would be cool if they did an army of human Witches for Destruction.
  25. From the brief time that I have returned to this hobby, I have noticed that when a new army is released it is often hard to predict and understand how to play around it. Often this results in early adopters making builds that capitalize on that confusion and they will frequently seem overpowered. But after a while either people learn to play around it, or the army gets a slight adjustment in the next rules update. So while I personally think that Lumineth seem very strong, I also doubt I will come across any of its overly competitive builds and will learn to play against the Lumineth opponents in my own small group of friends. 😁 I have also noticed the more complex an army's rules the worse this reaction seems to be. I will admit playing against certain armies can feel somewhat overwhelming at times (Ossiarch and Tzeentch come to mind) and Lumineth seem like they will follow that trend... for better or worse. 😧
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