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Everything posted by Kronos

  1. I keep thinking about This Skaven Behemoth. Behemoth is a very particular word, it’s a little more nuanced than say Monster, Or creature. It’s biblical yes, but it’s really used more as a title - I propose that this Behemoth is a reinvention the Titular Burrowing Behemoth from the Hellpit List. And I reckon its that horned fella we’ve seen.
  2. You could also look at it as Just one more sleep, or no sleep if you’re brave enough.
  3. That, to me, sounds like tree kin, where old Branches and dead trees are reanimated by the spirits of the forest. Would be nice to see that idea brought back but with living creatures such as the hives and swarms now lending some extra attacks. Tree spirit armies are neat 😂 So excited for Thursday, I really hope we get see some of this starter set.
  4. Wait, We can just make Rumours and Release them Into the Wild? Wish me luck guys. Gave Spawn full Release, With Centre Piece Morghur model, Multipart Beast Spawn kit monstrous infantry, and Warcry Unit of Spawnlings.
  5. I know I’m a broken record, but I really really hope to see a Grombrindal miniature for the 500th celebration. A useable one, not one in fancy dress. Just so excited to see Dwarfs return. Also looking forward to seeing what classics will come along with the release too!
  6. As a unit sure, as an overall Aesthetic, no. I want Armoured Chaos Dwarfs with coiled beards. Personally I preferred what Forgeworld Did with the Infernal Guard over the traditional big hats for line Warriors. Drazhoath was as perfect a look you could get for Sorcerer. Very disappointed they did away with that line, always hoped for a K’daai destroyer to come but it never came.
  7. I don’t know why, but when I think ruined stormcast I think of Stormcast Almost mutated by the powers of Azyr but instead of breaking out in mutations and claws their Limbs and armour rent into forms of Azyr Magic, bolts of lightning, tempests, and Pure Balefire. I suppose Imagine the Gal Vorbak, but instead of the flesh turning into mutation, it turns into pure energy.
  8. Disappointed to wake up and not see some clearer leaks. Do better TGA, Be Better.
  9. Whatever happened to this thing, I feel like it’s been years since this concept got shown. It was for Necromunda but would work very well as a Skaven Spawn.
  10. I forgot how bad a sucker I am for new releases. Thisnpotato pic has me HYPED. Rat ogre? Or Rat Ogre Prime?
  11. I’m going to Hazard a guess that the Slayer is actually a reference to the previously released Dwarf Command which would follow the similar released Orcs are getting with their re-released command.
  12. What do people Think we’ll see next week if indeed the Dwarfs are next. I’ve heard Rumours of a King/Lord on Shield Bearers and a Lot of Murmurs about the Tank that was never released. I’d like to see the White Dwarf return with a table top worthy miniature (my biggest pet hate that he was always in fancy dress). Can’t wait to see the Dawi return.
  13. What if instead of a Horned Rat Avatar or such, we get something more akin to Kweethul Gristlegut, or Kweethul Return in AoS. Would be an interesting way to Branch out Skaven with the rest of Chaos. https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kweethul_Gristlegut
  14. This. Clanrats are a Solid Kit, so much more needs attention - Rat Ogres, Skaven Really need a Rat Ogre kit with the quality and Size of the Kroxigor Kit.
  15. I know the consensus has usually been against Sigmar getting a Model, but what If he came out to play this edition to redeem himself. Reverting a little back into Sigmar the Barbarian at the head of the Ruination Chamber. A man can dream.
  16. I was thinking about these “broken” Stormcast, and why Stormcast Eternals with significant flaws are so appealing - it makes me think of Thunder Warriors, and unhinged magical warriors really ticks a lot of interest. Really really excited to see this new Vandus.
  17. I really like those darkoath, I really really do, stunning miniatures, jaw dropping sculpts… These should have been Beastmen.
  18. I usually fawn over the evil side of Miniatures, and Skaven are very dear to my heart, Very clearly remember the first ever “army” I put together, A Regiment of Clanrats and a Metal Screaming Bell). This Skaven leak is promising! But for some inexplicable reason….I’m really excited to see Vandus Hammerhand reforged.
  19. Sooo many, some of the ones I really wanted have actually come back, Ushoran (Goodness) Kroak (Sweet Tepok), and Archaon (Cool). I find this is where my absolute weakness for AoS lies and where it undoubtedly, to me, trump on Old World. When Characters return as Demi Gods! on My biiiiiig List of “Please Mr James Workshop, please give me” MORGHUR, Just a beefed up version of Morghur with a a Spectacular Base with Spawn and twisting victims and branches, maybe a few more Horns and Arms. All The Vampire Patriarchs - Abhorash, Vlad, W’soran, all returned, but still very happy to see the big man Ushoran (Actually just arrived today teehee) Tyrion, Kurnoth/Orion, Malerion- Just teased so long. Grombrindal, I feel the Dwarf Gods, muchmlike the Chaos Gods belong behind the Scenes, Grombrindal is their Face! Grimgor - Gork and Mork also behind the scenes, Gordrakk is ok, But I want a Grimgor Uniting the Orruks, Maybe with a More animalistic touch showing his past link as an incarnate, Not quite being a centaur, that would be ridiculous for Orruks to have 🙄 Nakai - The Kroxigor kit is so cool, Lets go a step further and Bring Back Nakai! A roided Rage filled Unit of a Kroxigor. Kholek Suneater, I just want a model of the Big Bad Shaggoth. I’m so glum that Shaggoths never got a cool plastic kit. Throt the Unclean - I could only imagine with a Massive mutated Throt would look like, with a big base being carried on a Brood Horror.
  20. If we’re no getting the Horned Rat (would be weird to have an entity like the Horned Rat) then maybe we get something parallel to what Tyranids got. Vermin Lord = Hive Tyrant and the New Horned Entity = Norn Emissary.
  21. I’ve speculated previously in this thread That It could be A new Grombrindal model, not because I’ e heard anything, but because I’m desperate for one. He got a story omnibus recently, so he’s still in the Lore. So if not when he turns 500, then when!
  22. Yall can Joke about Froggobots but I knocked up some concepts a little while back for My Old School Slann inspired army. Got all the bits ready to go, just need the motivation 😂🐸
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