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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. So while we are waiting for some solid new rumors, why not go over to the painting and modeling section and check out all those Wonderfull blogs that are now thriving because a lot of people are spending so much time at home :)

    And when you go down there, why not not for the TGA painting challenge? You can check out the entries here and vote here!

    • Like 7
  2. This article is way better than the last Lowdowns... a lot to love in the fluff for Hysh. The ‘magical cloning’ but sounds fun. 
    what I also like is there are 10 paradises, just like Ulthuan had 10 kingdoms. And one of them is matriarchal, which somehow reminds me of Avelorn. 

    The color scheme in the artwork is also really cool. 

    • Like 5
  3. Are we discussing Teclis again? I don't often buy a centerpiece, I really love working on basic troops. The artworks of Teclis are so amazing, I can't help but feel disappointed by the model. If the pose would have been similar to the artwork he would have been amazing. Oh well. Guess I'll just spend my money on the models I do really love.

    Color schem wise I'm thinking about lots of cool grey tones and subtle blues with NMM armor, maybe introduce a bit of color in the metal like GW did with the Cypher lords. So a subtle glaze of purple or green on some parts of the metal. But nothing to much because I'm afraid they'll look like cheap toys.

    The studio photography with this army has reached new heights. 

    Cool catch on the different hammerheads. 

    • Like 2
  4. Just looking at the artwork of the veiled lady again and I think het chalice contains dull eatherquartz. She also looks really sad. Could it be she is releasing build up emotions from the realmstone? She could be a very compelling and tragic hero.  

    also that might mean she is not air or river subculture. 

    • Like 3
  5. 46 minutes ago, Adeeb said:

    Chips.JPGDoes the marker all the way on the right in the second row from the bottom  remind anyone else of the rumor engine below?


    It looks exactly like the helmet of Eltharion. What do these tokens represent? The illustrations of the helmets on te right, bottom row I don’t think we’ve seen before. 

  6. I just entered in the painting comp. for march 2020, here on TGA (check it out)

    I did a conversion I've been thinking of for some time. It's based on the fantastic cover art of the 8th ed. dark elf army book. I think it turned out really nice. the painting was a lot of fun, but also a bit of a struggle. The OSL in particular was tricky. Eventually I went for a different light source then you see on the book, but I think it's still reminiscent of the look and feel of the artwork.





    Do you like the white or black background better?

    • Like 7
    • LOVE IT! 3
  7. Blood and Glory made me think of the god of murder... so I did this conversion I've been thinking of for some time, based on the Dark elf cover art from 8th ed. Great fun and I think it turned out nice. For the paint job I wanted to do the cover justice with the red lighting, but that turned out to be a bit of a struggle. So eventually I posted for slightly different lighting, but I think it still fits with the look and feel of the cover. 

    So here he is:


    and the link to my instagram post. Funny story, I started this account for the first TGA painting comp. It's such a great medium to share my hobby:)



    • Like 16
    • LOVE IT! 2
  8. With them having had a civil war and with all the rubble on the bases suggesting that they were a dying race, it's is like they put all the Old world elves stuff in the background and are now moving forward. I like that. There is enough to love for me in this range as a total High Elf fanboy. but there will be some conversion work! And that is just how I like it. I can look at this range and see how I'd like to make them my own. 

    There are some really nice models in the Scions of the flame too! Looking forward to painting some OSL on them sometime in the future.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    If thats' the lady the brazier picture is also still missing. 

    Edit: now that I had more time looking at it, she has the brazier in her hand. As we thought at that time.

    We still haven’t seen the bonsai on the cliff though afaik.

    I think it is on the ‘regular’ build from the big cow 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Remember we haven't seen that veiled looking thing with the chalice yet, there's definitely more to come.


    you can actually make her out in the army shot. She's between the archers and Teclis. Seems she is a single model. It also looks like she has a pet mini dragon? but to blurry to make it out

  11. the warco monster is not my thing. The infantry looks cool though. But the helmets will have to be changed. I'm also thinking those cow heads on top of the helmets might make great masks for something else. Right now I'm thinking to turn these into updated phoenix guard... 

    In the movie clip you can see the veiled lady in the centre of the army shot.

    • Like 2
  12. 12 hours ago, Overread said:



    Only 6 days remain in the painting competition - ending the last day of March. Open to all! 
    Includes official prize support from Element Games. 


    almost done with my entry:)


    I think it is worth mentioning that there is a price for the winner, but also a Start collecting box for one random competitor. So everyone who enters may end up with a price! I think that is really cool and generous from Element games.

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