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Everything posted by LordPrometheus

  1. Archy took a big hit... no more forcing everyone to re-roll sixes. Now it's a "once per game" -1 to hit. Whoopdee doo... Should have been a permanent -1 to hit.
  2. Varanguard are elite now! https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ct1LAEqXRcVkGiLl.pdf
  3. New FAQ is up: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ObWHvaLLEDgyPGQp.pdf Bodyguards REPLACE wards, even though they're not wards themselves. Interesting.
  4. I'd go with some Annihilators, personally, but if you don't have them, then Evocators are still really good. I'd go with Staunch or Astral Templars, personally.
  5. Not if you're playing Despoilers I beat KO and Lumineth with them in a tournament before. Pitch Black is a fantastic rule. IMO, Despoilers are extremely underrated right now, especially with new Belakor. Use him as a distraction carnifex, do some monster actions, and juice up one or two other DPs of Khorne with artifacts and spells and a 5+ ward and have them go ham. No idea how this would fare against gargants though.
  6. They are REALLY dragging their feet on this tome... I don't get it.
  7. Thanks, I totally forgot about that keyword lol
  8. I'm pretty sure they do, since they're still part of the STD faction and have all the keywords.
  9. I'm absolutely thrilled with this. This tome is looking to be everything I was hoping for and more. It looks like Stormcast are going to be the toolbox anti meta army, which makes my heart sing.
  10. All Dragon army here I come!! Going full dadhammer on this one. I don't care if it's good, it looks freaking amazing.
  11. Stormkeep rules looking good. Sequitors are Redeemer units too, so it's looking like tanky battleline time. Also, did anyone else notice the unit of 5 Castigators in the last picture? Hmmmm....
  12. Yeah, like Stormcast currently. Although hopefully that changes with the new tome.
  13. In the lore, Dracothian and Sigmar were like best buds for life, and Dracothian swore to always help Sigmar. I think that extends to his children too.
  14. I'm stoked. These guys look dope! Apparently the blue one is a wizard buff piece, which SCE really needs.
  15. Somebody stop me from running this lol Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Host of the Everchosen (Sixth Circle) All Tzeentch marked Leaders Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360) Archaon the Everchosen (830) Chaos Sorcerer Lord (115) - General Battleline 3 x Varanguard (280) 10 x Chaos Marauders (90) - Axes & Shields 10 x Chaos Marauders (90) - Axes & Shields Behemoths Chaos Warshrine (185) Total: 1950 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 86
  16. I don't know what a "praetor's ability of board" is, but none of those things are disallowed. GW specifically re-wrote the rules for the FAQ. It's not "un gentlemanly" to play with the rules that they wrote, as written. Besides, we're getting a new tome in a month. There's no reason to bellyache about it now.
  17. Looks hilarious and fun! But I do have one question. Do the mount traits stack?? Double Storm Winged is a thing??
  18. Sadly, Imperitant 7' charge ability only works with Thunderstrike keyword units. I wish it was everyone.
  19. Completely agree. It hoses the core abilities of an army THAT YOU PAY POINTS FOR. It's just lazy design that punishes a few armies for no reason whatsoever.
  20. That's really really stupid if true, and just one more reason not to play SCE until their new tome comes out. Man, I could really use some leaks right now...
  21. I do? I don't think I was around when I figured it out, then. Perhaps you can refresh my memory.
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