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Posts posted by Tiberius501

  1. 11 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    So, basically, what your saying is that having the first battletome and BR: Teclis doesn't give you all the rules to play LRL. I do not have the new battletome and now I'm wondering if there's anything else I'm missing.

    What is the wording in the BR: Teclis? Or has it not got that updated in there?

    I could see them doing an FaQ, just for peeps who don’t have the tome. Or, knowing GW, they’ll leave it so peeps need to get the new tome anyway.

    I’m not really sure what else could be missing though, looking through. The Artefacts/Command Traits maybe? In the original tome it was either for the Cathellar or the Stonemage specifically. They’ve been redone now to be given to Scinari and Alarith heroes in general, (plus the 2 new selections for Vanari and Hurakan heroes).

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  2. Would this be an alright list?


    - Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (General)

    - Chaos Lord

    - Bloodsecrator

    - Aspiring Deathbringer 


    - 10x Chaos Warriors

    - 10x Chaos Warriors

    - 30x Bloodletters

    - 5x Flesh Hounds

    - 5x Flesh Hounds


    - 10x Knights

    - 3x Varanguard


    Any suggestions? And also which sub-faction should I go?

  3. So, I sold my huge Khorne collection a while back, due to losing every single game with them (like... 6 years of losses every week) and getting sick of painting red. But, against my better judgment, I’m considering starting up another small force of these duders.

    How do the blood and skull loving bros do these days? Can you play them without taking 3x Bloodthirsters? Or is that a must? I like Mortal style armies with chaos.

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  4. 1 hour ago, John Edwards said:

    Can someone confirm that the Lore of Hysh is supposed to be available to all Scinari Wizards and not just Cathallars?

    I have the original LRL battletome, BR:Teclis and the FAQ, which don't clear this up.

    I can confirm. Spells from the Lore of Hysh can be taken by Teclis, Scinari and Vanari wizards. As of the new tome. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Troggbosses are worse than ever. The random damage is a pain and they are only fine if your intention is to play Megamob sub alliance. 😢

    This is a big shame. I really hope we get a Battletome update soon for some of our balance issues to be resolved. I LOVE this faction so much, but I struggle to do well with them against my friends in friendly games :S 

    Was hoping something had changed since then with points or something.

  6. There’s a lot of schemes, it turns out, that work very well on Lumineth. Red looks pretty ace, same as blue and cream like Ymetrica or green and gold surprisingly looks tasty.

    On another note, could I get a scale pic of the Regent next to Dawnriders/ Wardens? The mount looks quite large, I’m curious how big her model is. 

  7. I guess it’s mainly the opponent feeling like they are able to react to the damage. It’s certainly worse in 40K where wounding is harder or easier based on toughness, and mortal wounds on hit rolls ignore the toughness of a model. So it’s easier to get away with in Sigmar.

    I did like it when it was a little rarer to see MW’s personally, they felt like a special type of magical dmg. But they’re very common now to the point of our army not caring much about rolling to wound. We just roll to hit and see how many 5+’s we get and the opponent takes X amount of models off the board. There’s no real engagement. 

    Anyway, I don’t mean to hate on our bros, it’s just a personal taste thing at the end of the day. Still love my pointy eared champions, they’re my version of what some would call “the” army. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Yeah I’m pretty sad about them too. I was really keen to have them as my awesome big unit of elite bros who slice through everything. But as is I’m struggling to even put 5 in a list and not feel like the 120pts could be spent elsewhere.

    But they look cool so I’ll probably always have a unit of 5 in my lists. 

  9. Ooo, I like those alt poses. Are there any for the others? I’m not the biggest fan of this pose (image). But damn, can’t wait to get a box of these utter champs. Such cool models!

    Could you possibly also show pics of the alt poses for the ballista too if it’s not too much of a pain? I need my fix! Haha.


  10. Yeah I find it strange they don’t have spells or sunmetal abilities. I’m assuming they wanted them to be primarily a bodyguard unit and wanted to keep them cheap as they are primarily more wounds for your heroes. So giving them more abilities just to die and not really use them would be wasted.

    In practice though they seem kinda boring sitting around as an extra wounds pool.

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  11. 1 hour ago, P.T.Bahnum said:

    Dumb question but i keep seeing lists that have dawnriders listed but not enough wardens? can you take them as an other option even without wardens to match?

    Yes you can. You can take as many Dawnriders and Sentinels as you want as Others. But they’ll only be in the Battleline section if you have the same amount of Wardens. 

  12. So, if I were making this list, how would you guys go about adding in a battalion? I posted it a couple pages back and I agree that it’s not the most competitive list, just curious about battalions. I can’t quite fit one in and keep it looking as cool haha. (I’m a weirdo)


    • Light of Eltharion, Warden of Tor Yvresse (220)
    • Lord Regent Syrielle Nobleheart (150)
    • Calligrave Ninathar (100)
    • Loreseeker Salendti (160)


    • 20x Wardens (240)
    • 20x Wardens (240)
    • 20x Sentinels (280)
    • 10x Dawnriders (260)
    • 5x Bladelords (120)


    • Ballista (100)
    • Ballista (100)

    Endless Spells 

    • Sanctum of Amyntok (30)

    Total Pts: 2000

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, Heksagon said:

    A bit random question: Any new combos/rules that makes the Light of Eltharion a little bit more valid option to take? 
    I bet it will be fun to pair him (especially with teleports) with a Loreseeker, but I don't know if it's something more about him. 

    Not that I’ve played much, but he seems pretty cool as a counter charging unit. Chills behind the lines, giving his leadership aura to them. Then they can part a gap in the middle for him to charge through when he needs to. Maybe enemies have too much good shooting these days for that, but it’s one potential way for him to synergies with units a little more.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I would use a block of 20 but I am still going for the Auralan legion, so I need at least 2 squads of sentinels. Otherwise, I would be taking both!

    I want the Auralan Legion too but I’m having a real hard time putting a Cathellar (and finding the points for the battalion) into the list with all the other units I want XC 

    But yeah that makes sense. I guess you could split them into 2 units of 10 if you also wanted to go 2 Ballistas. Otherwise a unit of 20, a unit of 10 and a ballista sounds good. 

  15. 20 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Wow look away for a day and 20 pages were added xD

    I am excited to see how this is all gonna play out, especially on TTS. I hope to avoid a Kroak list again (I had my more casual army demolished top of turn 1 by a kroak list, and it was sad times.) but I am excited to try out my full legion list of ballista, dawn riders, regeant and spartan elves.

    interesting question though. Is it more useful to have a list with 30 sentinels in a squad of 20 and 10 with 1 ballista, or should I drop 10 sentinels to get another ballista?

    I’m going to go with a block of 20 Sentinels and 2 Ballistas I think, myself. Get a few extra points, less to paint, and you can use the blinding bolts ability twice. Will also look pretty boss.

  16. I really like the idea of a Vanari focused army is the only thing. But I’ll be testing them out anyway, my brother plays Ossiarchs, who we’ve struggled with having so many stacked armour saves and ways to revive, so we’re hoping Lumineth will be the answer to some even games between us haha.

    But yeah I think a focused Alarith/Hurakan list will also be quite fun down the line when I have more money haha.

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