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Everything posted by Indecisive

  1. Maybe an alternate build for Vindictors multipart box. Lets guess... Stormcast with big swords! Vanguard rename? I dunno. They can't be new ranged guys, look at the cost of Judicators compared to them. Either the Judicators got a massive buff or the Vanquishers are awful at shooting if they are shooting guys.
  2. Honestly, as other people have said, GW needs to give up on points updates in books. The time from completion to actually being released is large, making it so the points updates are the problems of 9 months ago. Slaanesh for instance getting whacked again because the points were made in mind from a pre-pandemic meta seemingly. It does not address the concerns of the new Slaanesh tome because the GHB was probably off to printers went the new tome actually released this year.
  3. relieved they nerfed slaangors, what an oppressive unit that was
  4. oooh so uh, anyone got the book and can educate us on these potential new units
  5. now that rule book talking is apparently sanctioned by gw, anyone reveal new models in the rule book yet?
  6. Hang on, Bob at war of sigmar says that leak fits some things he knows. Guess we wait on the Whitefang test.
  7. It's not uncommon to yoink rumours from somewhere else that hold validity and mix them in with yours when people are making things up. Like some of the earlier rumours where people took Grimdark stuff and mixed in made-up stuff.
  8. Reading this Reinforcement business. Literally why. I honestly don't see why I should bother with that in any sort of friendly game. It just seems annoying. The example I saw touted somewhere was Anvils + 12 man Raptor blobs and I'm just like, sounds like the problem in that case is Raptor unit size or the CA, not meriting everyone else's listbuilding to get weird because of it.
  9. It's fun to banter about factions but overdone and it gets obnoxious.
  10. That'd be nice. Some people dislike named characters, but I do like factions having some sort of fieldable bigshot. Gives you something for you to really rally behind and follow their narrative threads. Without such a character you sort of feel like you are on the sidelines. If your faction is all nameless, they tend to not do much in narrative. Ogors need something. As do Beasts. FEC has their guy, the deadbeat just needs to turn up someday.
  11. https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/5527#comment-5409586744
  12. anything on the rumour front with regards to upcoming soup? atia website comments has people discussing rumoured upcoming soup of dwarves together and wood elves together, no idea if that is a rumour worth any weight
  13. sure feels like movement trays, formations, and all things square are on the upswing I gotta say, I do kind of like it, units of large models count are obnoxious to play with/against sometimes due to skirmish style positioning and movement of them. At least now all those rats or whatever will be plonked onto something and pile-in is quicker
  14. well, a lot of units shaping up to be ****** looking at you blood knights with your big bases and 1'' weapons unit of 5 or bust cavalry is going to get real weird edit: the c word that rhymes with trap is censored? that's funny
  15. Hang on, I just realized that units of 6 should be fine (dracolines bought as 6 for example) Do the grouping at the ends, once you take one casualty you'll lose coherency but you will have a unit of 5 at this point so your coherency rules change.
  16. Assuming Annihilators are bought in 3s, looks like they might as well have the minimum and maximum unit size the same at 3.
  17. For comparison, Kboyz so far Dominion Killaboss Gnashtooth Shaman Killaboss Murknob Boltboyz Gutrippaz Slittaz Separate Killbow Breakaboss The cavalry of some sort from Grimdark seems really likely, but I won't quite place it yet.
  18. Indomitus box Overlord Warden Plasmancer Thralls Skor Lord Skor Destroyers Plasmacyte Reanimator Swarms Warriors Separate Chronomancer Psychomancer Flayed Ones Hexmark Void Dragon Lokhust Destroyer Ophy Destroyers Szaraekh Doomstalker Terrain Szeras excluded due to being a Psychic Awakening thing. Necrons being the non-posterboy faction analogous to Kboyz. Judging from the list, if this edition release cycle is anywhere the size of last year's, there are a fair few more things to come.
  19. guess it's time to wait for whitefang to spill the beans on what's left for the starterbox factions
  20. 2020-08-21 I think that's beast snaggas 2020-10-27, 2020-12-10, 2021-05-11 (spear, hand nailed, beast trophy) I think remain unsolved and possibly Kruel
  21. talon is pretty unreliable, 3+ to hit and 4+ to wound means 4 attacks gives 4/3 wounds, I'm assuming you don't roll save and only negate with FNP generally you might roll 1 die then and it's a 1/6 chance then of actually doing something (the insta-kill), add in FNPs and almost no chance
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