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Everything posted by Talas

  1. It seems like that Nafka/Faeit person posted more rumors about TOW and something related for AoS: Not sure what that "all in" means, but maybe it refers to the 4th edition. http://natfka.blogspot.com/2023/04/rumors-old-world.html
  2. ICv2 just posted their list of Top Non-Collectible Miniature Lines in Fall 2022 and surprisingly (at least for me), AoS climbed to #2 once again: https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/53653/top-non-collectible-miniatures-lines-fall-2022
  3. Most of the Soulbound books (including the core) are currently on sale at DriveThruRPG if you are still on the fence, it's a pretty fun role-playing game and it's worth it just for the lore. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/54/Cubicle-7-Entertainment-Ltd/subcategory/179_35517/Warhammer-Age-of-Sigmar-Soulbound
  4. In other news, there's more information about the new book from Soulbound and the cover looks amazing as usual. https://cubicle7games.com/blog/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-soulbound-ulfenkarn-city-at-the-edge-of-death
  5. Bretonnia and Tomb Kings aren't popular even in TW:W.
  6. As a fan of Norse and Greek mythology, I love AoS just for that.
  7. Seems like there are no changes for Beasts in the new GHB... makes sense, since the new book is coming soon.
  8. It seems like there's no Bounty Hunters equivalent... unless they're not showing everything yet.
  9. A guy is posting a bunch of info in AoS Coach Discord: GHB rumors about small heroes are true. Dawnbringer crusade is the spring Order release. Seraphon in summer. Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone. New Khorne rules are playtesting way too strong. Disclamer: I'm not in Coach's Discord, I got these from another Discord. If someone could give us a better view, I'd appreciate it.
  10. Are they that bad? I'm quite tempted since well... 80+ rats.
  11. Are playtesters painting GSG at the moment? This is important...
  12. Rob from TheHonestWargamer just mentioned some rumors about the next GHB: heroes below 9 wounds would be untargetable near other units. He said the source was Twitter, does anyone know more about it?
  13. Um, someone left the comments open in the preview video. Let's give them a little positivity before the trolls arrive:
  14. My local scene was really into Underworlds with Shadespire up to Beastgrave, we used to have 18-20 people in tournaments. COVID put an end to that, obviously... but with Gnarlwood, a lot if not all of the old players are asking about the game again and the questions keep coming: "when are we going to do a tournament again? Who wants to split a new box? Are demos available? I have an old warband, how can I play again?" Our Underworlds community is back in action and I'm all for it.
  15. As Nurgle is quite popular locally, I really love that Windchargers' rule!
  16. Not sure if this was already mentioned, but Rob from The Honest Wargamer is posting some rumors on Twitter:
  17. There were a bunch of Stormcasts lists performing well in recent tournaments as listed in Goonhammer: https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-the-mortal-realms-a-6-pack-of-spice/ Since I have a bunch of Knight-Vexillors (don't ask me why), I really want to try that Meteor Shower list...
  18. Not having a wizard is going to hurt with so many Purple Suns going around... well, I guess it depends on your local meta. I have a question of my own, what's the consensus on Battle Regiment for Stormcasts? I really want to run Liberators in Expert Conquerors, but I'm not sure if having 3 or 4 drops is enough to make a difference or should I just scrap it and go full Bounty Hunters and Command Entourage for another holy command?
  19. At one of the lastest tournaments articles at Goonhammer they write about 2 very different Stormcasts lists to decide the winner of one of those tournaments: https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-the-mortal-realms-analysing-armies-in-aqshy/
  20. There was an update today and the notes said that it got fixed.
  21. Agreed, since the FAQ says "it overrides any earlier modifiers", but the Bounty Hunter +1 is not earlier to the charge. Well... maybe?
  22. My local store is organizing a quick 1500 points tourney with the new GHB, we still don't know the battleplans but I'd like to see your opinions on these two lists: Hammers and Chariots: Fulminators and Comet: There will be many new people playing Age of Sigmar since this is our first big tournament in a while, so I'd like to field something more on the fun side but still a little competitive.
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