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Everything posted by TALegion

  1. As far as I know, tournaments are letting the charge-retreat move work. That's enough evidence for me to assume it's legal. I saw a post that stated that there are equal amounts of Big Waaagh and Ironjawz armies at LVO. So it' s about equal right now.
  2. I'm odd and I use a large cookie tin that I got from my grandparents' house 😂 It fits a 2k army and magnets actually have a very strong pull on it, so I can easily stick models on the bottom, sides, and top. It's a tight fit, but most of my models are unpainted right now, so I'm not worried about them getting scratched up. Once they are fully painted, though, I'm likely going to upgrade to a larger plastic container where I'll glue a metal plate to the bottom for magnets. I think that's a little more convenient than foam containers, but it's completely up to your needs and preference.
  3. I was wondering about this. The pig just comes completely free, correct? As in, there's no reason to take the footboss at all?
  4. Report from the doubles tournament I just did. Forgive me if I don't know a lot of terminology/unit names - a lot of armies are fairly new to me. My list was the same as my last comment's, and my ally's army was Gristlegore FEC: Terrorgheist Archregent Ghouls 3x crypt flayers chalice spell Game 1: Duality of Death vs. Kharadon & Gloomspite Gloomspite were 1 large unit of stabbaz, a small stabbaz unit, two wizards, scuttletide, and a 10-man unit of fanatics. They shielded for some mass of kharadon made of arkonauts, a chemist, and some balloon guys. They were split about 60:40 across their deployment zones, putting the majority of their kharadron and the small stabbaz unit on their left side (60) and the rest of the gloomspite army on the right (40). I deployed all of my army one side (the 60 side), and my ally deployed fully in the other one. They finished deploying first and gave us the first turn. Turn 1, we moved everything up and attempted turn 1 charges with our big guys into their bigger force. I made the charge, my ally didn't. I took 11 wounds from fanatics, but I wiped them and the stabbaz in one go. In their turn, they moved up their right side and shot with the left, leaving the cabbage at 2 and the terrogheist at whatever - he healed it all up. They failed to take the objectives back from us, so we hold them and the turn ends 2-0, us. We won the roll and went 1st on turn 2. We continue to fight the bulk of the kharadron with our big guys and hold still with the rest of our armies. They move up the bulk of the gloomspite army, taking my ally's objective. At the end of the shooting and fighting they take the maw krusha down, but the terrorgheist is still alive while they're at fewer than 20 model of mostly arkonauts. The turn ends 5-1, us. Turn 3+, my ally and I pretty much have the game. My side of the board is virtually clear of all enemies, I'm sitting on the objective uncontested, we're ahead in points, and we have my whole army + a terrorgheist that we can send at the rest of their army. The opponents played everything out well, but it was a difficult situation to win past that point. We just attritioned them to death. Game 2: Shifting Objectives vs. Hallowheart CoS & Skaven Skaven were a unit of 6 stormfiends, 60 clanrats, and a warlock. CoS was 6 scourgerunner chariots, soulscream bridge, 3 gyrocopter things, and 3 various wizards. Their gameplan is using the soulscream bridge to move the stormvermin up the center of the map, screen them with clanrats, and murder everything with a huge amount of shooting and magical damage output. The scourgrunners were used to move up the board for objectives (and shoot). This team eventually ended up winning the tournament, I believe My ally and I weren't sure how to handle this and we ended up taking the top of turn 1. I charged into the clanrat screen and my ally charged some scourgerunners. I cleared the screen, and my ally managed to remove one model. We take the side of objectives, failing the run roles we needed for the center objective - rookie mistake on our part. On their turn, they gave the maw krusha nearly every single shot and mortal wound they could muster. Gyrocopters moved up and took the middle, the bridge came out and brought the stormfiends, and scourgerunner scooted up. The warlock failed his MMMWP cast, so the maw krusha actually survived the full shooting with about 6 wounds remaining. End of turn one, it's 3-2, them. They win the roll and double turn us. Tbh, it was pretty much over from there. The maw krusha was removed on turn 2 and the terrorgheist wasn't far behind. We were able to take objectives on our turns, but we were completely tabled by turn 4. Not an exciting game to recall. In hindsight, we likely should have given them the top of turn 1. They had a very strong army and were very experienced players, so our best chance might have been just praying for the double turn after letting them move towards us. Game 3: Focal points vs. Ironjawz & Nighthaunt. The Ironjawz were 2 WCs, a hand of gork + bash 'em ladz shaman (general), a 6-man GG unit, and a 10-man brute unit. Nighthaunt were 2x10 chainrasps, 2 mournguls, some small caster hero, geminids, and cogs. Pretty clear idea of cogs + teleport into a charge, but it ultimately never succeeded. We deployed first and gave them the top of turn one. We deployed with a screen of ardboyz and ghouls, filling the backline with heroes to prevent hand of gork. They deployed everything behind a screen of chainrasps. The Ironjawz were on the very back line, clearly setting up for teleports. Their army scooted up, barely taking the middle objective and giving us the turn. We did the same, but not moving up enough in the center to take the middle that turn. 4-2, them. We won the turn roll, giving them the top again. They moved the middle chainrasps up, with the mournghuls following not far behind. No teleports this turn, either. We take our turn and clear the chainrasps with gore-gruntas and his crypt horrors. Still holding back the rest of the army to prevent backline teleports. 8-6, them. They took the top of turn 3, sending the mournguls and geminids onto the middle objective to fight the 2 units we had there. In their turn, they also moved up the other chainrasp squad enough to capture my ally's objective. Additionally, the gore-gruntas were teleported in front of my ardboy squad. They failed their charge, though, leaving them wide open in the middle of the board for the maw krusha. In our turn, the maw krusha moved up to the gore-gruntas and the terrorgheist moved up to the mournguls. I killed all gore-gruntas in one go and the terrorgeist killed a mourngul. We recapped my ally's objective and the middle. 14-10, them. They took the top of turn 4. With few nighthaunt left and only the brutes + heroes on the IJ side, our opponents positioned to take and hold objectives from the oncoming maw krusha + terrorgeist. Fortunately for us, their hand of gork failed again, leaving the brutes far back in their territory. Now, the brutes moved up so that they could charge the middle next turn. On our turn, I fly the maw krusha up 24" to take their objective and my ally cleared out the last mourngul in the middle. By this point, the ardboyz were now in the middle as well. We held 4 objectives, netting us 6 points. 16-16, tie. They won the role and took the top of the turn. The brutes were the only substantial unit left, and they moved up to be within charge range of the terrorgeist. Heroes also ran towards the maw krusha to just take the objective back with body count. The brutes made the charge, throwing 7/10 on the terrorgeist and 3/10 on the ardboyz. The terrorgeist was just barely brought down, but was able to attack back before death with the gristlegore command ability. That + the WC-buffed ardboyz were able to clear 6-7 brutes, having the rest die to morale. Had they taken the objective successfully, the could've worked as a tie, but it just narrowly failed. We shook hands after that. This was definitely an interesting game. I have to recognize their bad luck on consistently failing cogs and hand of gork so regularly. After the game, my opponent also alerted me to the fact that we likely would not have won had the gore-gruntas made their charge - I simply would not have had the model count to take the middle from the brutes on the final turn. This is likely true, so I'll chalk the win largely up to luck.
  5. All the above is true. I'm mostly thinking of how this applies to maw krushas, though I suppose GGs could make use of it, too. If people don't plan for this, a buffed up maw krusha can do so much by hopping over a frontline screen. or even hopping a sizable distance across the map. It's like a different version of the 24" of movement far MD. EDIT: i'll report back tomorrow with results from the tournament. It's doubles, 1k for each player. As of right now, my partner is FEC, but that may change. My list is: - Ironclad + Ignax to make the tankiest variant of maw krusha, minus loud 'un or weird 'un. Weird un is somewhat redundant with ignax, and mean un should provide more value over several turns than loud un would provide in a single turn. - Ardboyz are to compete on objectives - Gore-gruntas are for supporting the maw krusha - Fixin' Beat > Get 'Em because a handful of wounds can mean another turn of life on the big boy - I think the fungoid is worth it if only for the mystic shield and potential CP. With so much relying on the cabbage, the rerolling 1s to save helps a lot - especially with a 2+. Also, I'll want to use as many CP on the maw krusha as possible. More CP = more damage The charge-retreat slingshot could provide a lot of value, so I'll try to look for opportunities.
  6. I'm gonna clear it with my tournament organizer first, but I'm hoping to use this tomorrow. I've got a doubles tournament and I want to use a a beefy maw krusha. The cabbage can spend 2 CP to frog leap a full charge + 18" over my opponents' screens. I could snipe heroes, shooting units, backline objectives, even. It could easily end up being game-changing in some circumstances.
  7. Rules question about Mighty Destroyers charging and fighting later in the turn. The core rules say that a unit is eligible to fight+pile in if it is within 3" of an enemy unit or if it made a charge move in the same turn. So, if we make a charge with MD in the hero phase, we've fulfilled that second requirement, right? So, a unit could hypothetically be MD'd to charge into an enemy unit in the hero phase, then retreat (and run, hypothetically) in the following movement phase (moving you within 3-4 inches of another enemy unit), and then pile in 3" and fight with that unit later in the turn. Is this correct? I can't see a reason why this wouldn't be the case. If this works, I'm just imagining the huge threat range that this gives a cabbage. If you spend 2 CP (one to MD the MK, one to run 6), you can charge the MK up to a screen and then retreat 18" across the screen and into their backline, still fighting at the end of the turn. Sorry if this is already known - I just came across it for the first time
  8. New idea for a 1k list: The weirdnob could honestly be replaced with a get em beat WC, too. Either way, you should have 2-3 VF'd units per turn, which is a lot of raw damage for the points. Checked Out helps to deal with brutes' poor leadership, and he'll likely be in range with killa beat thanks to the cloak.
  9. I've got a double tournament coming up, 2x1k for each team. Has anyone had success with any particular 1k lists? I've got two ideas right now, basically mawkrusha vs. non-mawkrusha: I feel that an ironclad-ignax mawkrusha may be one if, not the biggest single model in the tournament. Otherwise, the option is probably a brutish cunning footboss. Much more well-rounded, and 6 GGs can fill a similar role to a mawkrusha anyway.
  10. That's a pretty clear answer. Which FAQ does that come from?
  11. That's true - I forgot about that point. I'm much less certain now
  12. Yeah, it was probably just a small oversight. I'll make 10 mistakes in a 2k point game, there's no way I'd do 3k game 100% perfectly.
  13. The warscroll for the gnawhole states "This counts as that unit's move for that movement phase" at the end of the ability. I'd say that doing something that counts as their move definitely counts as having made a move for the purpose of jezzails.
  14. Yes, you have it pretty much right. Unless you see an irresistible opportunity for a turn 1 charge (e.g. Your opponent made a huge mistake in their deployment that you can take advantage of), you'd most likely prefer to hang back with both the pigs and the MK until turn 2. On the MK, especially, hitting and wounding on 2s increases his damage output by quite a lot. It also makes him a great target for rerolling 1s to hit for 1 CP and/or the warchanter +1 damage, since he'll be hitting and piercing armor so consistently. It can quickly get overkill, though. If your pigs have gore-hackas, there's not an enormous difference to have the turn 2 +1/+1, since the riders will already be 2/2 on the charge (i.e. The only difference would be buffing the pigs' attacks). So, if you have hackas, you can fight in turn 1 without there being a huge difference. If you use pig choppas, though, the it's much more important to wait until turn 2 because you'll get the full benefit of the buff.
  15. Just to clarify, clanrats cannot charge after they retreat if they run as part of the retreat, correct? So, it's a 14" range that they could run from combat into another area (e.g. an objective), and not 14" into range of charging another target. Just making sure. Either way, that's huge.
  16. Good luck, man. That list is basically the dream right now. Can't hold objectives for ******, but neither can dead enemies 😂
  17. @Ineffectual Clawlord @Riff_Raff_Rascal Wow, thanks a lot for the feedback guys. That's exactly the type of info that I was looking to hear. I really appreciate the advice. I think I'll hold off on the double cannons for now - that'll give me the opportunity to explore more different models. I'll try a second cannon later. I've heard people say that they don't think Thanquol is worth the points. I want to take him anyway, since I think he's just cool, but may I ask why people think he's not very usable? I figured that 4 warpfire projectors would allow him to take out most units with 1-2 wounds per model. Also, the +2 to cast (with maybe +1 from a gnawhole) gives him a great chance at getting off high-cast spells. EDIT: I just read the FAQ for the first time. Regarding Thanquol's warpfire projectors, it says: So, if I'm reading this correctly, what I said above is incorrect? If he has 4 warpfire projectors, he does not get to do 4 dice per model within 8 inches? E.g. If there are 5 models within 8 inches in a unit, he has 4 warpfire projectors, he'll still only roll 5 dice (rather than 20)? In that case, would it not be best to only do 1 projector and 3 braziers virtually every time? Tbh, this kinda killed my interest in the model. I thought he was a pure death machine with those things.
  18. As I understand the mechanic. it's simply that the last effect to be applied takes priority. If that's true, I don't really understand why that's so complicated. The only thing you would need to know to apply any of these rules is the wording of the rule you're using, which should be in every tome/tournament packet. Am I missing something?
  19. So, to paraphrase, you're saying that the passage I cited was only referring to hero's auras, and not the entire function of their keywords? So, Archaon still chooses only one aura to give out, but he can be a recipient of all other auras simultaneously? e.g. Archaon can give out Khorne, but still be affected by other heroes' Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch auras at the same time. Honestly, that makes sense to me. I did notice the oddity that Archaon has every keyword, which would function similarly to Mark of Chaos if he had to only pick one mark per game. The only other functional difference I can think of would be that it would allow Archaon to be part of god-specific armies without using ally points, correct? Either way, I imagine that this is a good topic for the FAQ. It would be a nice, fluffy bonus for Archaon, so I'd like that.
  20. Sup, everyone. I'm looking into starting Skaven and have little background on them. Can I get a sanity check on this list? I'm mostly interested in seeing if there's any obvious improvements that could be made. EDIT: I'm also interested in running a warpcog convocation. It brings the list down to a much more reasonable 6 drops. Also, I love warp-lightning cannons and this seems like the most effective way to get the most out of them.
  21. I have a bunch of Ironjawz to paint, so I'm going to have to resists building this list: The idea is pretty clear: - Utilize Dark Prophecy to guarantee the best turn orders for you - Double-turn with Archaon and the Khorne Varanguard, destroying nearly anything they charge into with rerollable 2's to hit and wound, +1 damage, and the fight-twice ability (preferably putting the sorcerer's reroll save ability on Archaon, too, to keep him alive) - Use the mob of warriors to sit on an important objective and tank+blender anything that gets close. Stick the sorcerer with them, too, to give the, the appropriate rerolls throughout the game It's super CP reliant, so I think the Aetherquartz is the best bet for an artefact. Time will tell if this is even close to being viable, but it looks like a fun list (for me) that uses some of the best-looking models in the game.
  22. The book says: "If you select a unit with more than one Mark of Chaos keyword to be part of your army, you must pick which one will apply to that unit for the duration of the battle." I interpreted that as meaning that Archaon can still only choose to be one mark and be affected by one mark. So, in this case, he could not be Khorne and be affected by the aura of a Tzeentch sorcerer.
  23. I'm not sure if the battalion is useless, since a good point was raised about the fact that you're now able to summon a 20+ ardboy unit across the map, which is game-winning in some circumstances. But, personally, I'd never run that list - it's just too much of a gamble. I'd also question whether that's really a better play experience for the opponent - massive amounts of BS summoning obviously isn't fun to play against, but is a 4+ potentially game-winning roll much better?
  24. Oh, yeah. I won't argue that it needed to be changed - I know how unfun it feels for other players to be subject to a series of 4+ game-deciding rolls. I agree, the correct solution would be something along the lines of "no more than 1 new unit can be summoned as the result of a single dying ardboy unit." The same-unit-size restriction is fine with me, as well. You have to pay a valuable unit to get a valuable unit, also you can only get a big unit if you manage to get a big unit killed.
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