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Everything posted by KriticalKhan

  1. >using meme-arrows outside of 4channel.org Many such cases. Sad!
  2. So was that release schedule rumor in the SAME post as the one that predicted the other stuff, or was it a separate post on a website all about being anonymous and indistinguishable from everyone else?
  3. It's a real shame for all three people who bought that model
  4. None of you are going to convince the other of your way of thinking because your viewpoints are coming from fundamentally different places. You'll never be able to convince them that political themes in fiction need to be handled with care because they don't think that fiction has any bearing on the real world. You'll never be able to convince them that themes in fiction don't matter because they believe that fiction has an effect on the world its brought into. You are not going to come out of this "discussion" with any kind of progress or meaning. You are wasting your time.
  5. Anyone else thinking we might see more of the "uber-leaders" for factions come out in 3e? Most armies have a structure where there's a smaller force that players can fluff out as "their's" that's beholden to a larger organization comprised of many of the smaller ones. I'm talking stuff like Stormcast Chambers to Stormhosts, Flesh Eater Kingdoms to Empires, BoC Beasterds to Greatfrays, etc. In the case of the Flesh Eaters, we already have an example of this, with (get this) Ghoul Kings leading Kingdoms that are subservient to the Empires of Archregents. In the case of Ogres, we have Tyrants (who have a model) that lead armies that are under the wider command of Overtyrants (who don't). Stormcast have Lord-Celestants, Aquilors, etc. who lead Chambers that are parts of the wider Stormhosts, headed by Lord-Commanders, who have no table-top presence. Given that we have examples of this with Archregents and plenty of god-level characters on the field already, I can't see a legitimate reason other armies don't have access to these leaders who exist in the lore, and the whole system seems like an easy way for GW to squeeze out a bit of extra dosh from players with armies that aren't likely to see real releases for a while. Great potential for alternate builds as named characters, too.
  6. Regarding Kruleboyz, if they were getting their own book, why would GW be so coy about it? Why refer to a completely separate battletome every time just because the loophole in the rules lets you bring them together? Why wouldn't they just say they're getting their own book? Every sign we've seen points to them being a Warclans expansion. I get that's a worst-case-scenario for a lot of people, but believing otherwise just seems like denial.
  7. They're new models for a battletome that already exists. Warclans is a unique situation compared to a lot of other armies, but I don't think people should be thinking of Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz as fully independent factions anymore than Gutbusters and BCR or Warherd and Brayherd are. The independent allegiances they have might completely dissolve with the new book. Right now, we just don't know what's going to happen, but until GW starts treating them like separate armies, orcs are Warclans first, Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz second.
  8. I doubt Kruleboyz are what most Ironjawz and Bonsplitterz players wanted when they asked for more models, but it's a good sign that GW is willing to go back and give new models to extant factions rather than just make new ones that never get touched again. After Lumineth, Slaanesh, and now Warclans, the idea of a "second wave" has gone from a myth to a legitimate possibility for a lot of factions that didn't have much hope for proper support before.
  9. Minor note, but the Angelos and Justicar aren't mini-chambers; they're Conclaves, a separate organizational designation. Conclaves are essentially a term designation a unit's role on the battlefield and exist somewhat outside of the Chamber structure, which is why Liberators and Sequitors are both in the Redeemer Conclaves despite being in completely separate Chambers. This is unrelated to what you said, but since it seems to come up pretty often: Chambers are not synonymous or comparable to Space Marine Chapters. The closest equivalent would be Stormhosts (which can have multiple Chambers of the same type) but they're more akin to Space Marine Legions.
  10. A minor thing to note is that, if I'm remembering things right, the Legion of Azgorh models were never meant to be a replacement to the old Chorf designs. As the name implies, they were their own subset of Chorfs with a distinct look, the same as Tamurkhan's horde was to Chaos Warriors. You can see some of the LoA units still had the same design cues as the oldschool Chorfs, such as the crew members on the artillery. Whether or not GW sticks with that for a hypothetical Chorf revival/reinvention remains to be seen.
  11. If we're still talking about Kragnos, looking at his sprue, a lot of his little chain and armor plates are almost completely separate from his body. It would be really, really easy to replace them with the Kruleboyz shield and armor bits (or parts from any other Destruction faction) to give him some really easy visual tie-ins with whatever faction you're running him with. I was already planning on doing that with all the spare Gutplates I have lying around and it looks like it just got a whole lot easier. I don't mind the idea of a big random monster leading Destruction armies-- they care about strength more than anything --it's just the lack of design consistency that throws me off. Honestly, I'm surprised GW didn't do something like it for his kit: just having a couple options for ogres, orcs, goblins, etc. that you can build him with and say that whatever armies he travels with adorn him with their own iconography as a way to represent how they all worship him in slightly different ways. Now the only thing I have to get over is that price-tag....
  12. They're themed around Mork by being cunning over brutal.... so they're drawn to and worship a god who does nothing but smash stuff. Their shields all look like squigs, are styled after themselves, and have the same Gork and Mork faces we've had since the 80's.... but they're supposed to be Kragnos. Because "most of them haven't seen him." They live in swamps.... and follow a god of earthquakes. I'd hope it was a last minute change, otherwise I'd worry for the mental faculties of GW's writers.
  13. I'm not sure how much they actually know, but one of the presenters (Adam?) hinted that Yndrastra might be getting a proper standalone model in the future since she's on a sprue with another unit. Of course, there's also a chance she'll be sold with it later as a Saint Celestine type deal, or something like the Honored of the Chapter.
  14. They're completely separate creatures that often fight together
  15. stormie btfo by gobbo crossbow made from swamp twigs and dried poop Amazing.
  16. Don't forget the gauntlet for the Twinsoul! Poor gobbo just got knocked down to third place
  17. Probably for the sake of wounds-based mechanics like special objectives or "roll higher than the wounds and they insta-die" stuff.
  18. Frankly, it's disingenuous to compare something like Mawtribes to a united dwarf tome. Mawtribes was a return to form and reuniting of a single faction split apart. Dwarf soup would be taking two completely separate armies with completely different identities. If we assume GW is not going to add new models to either faction, then a soup tome is a LOSS. You LOSE options because one book cannot support the amount of lore, factions, battalions, and allegiance abilities of two factions. Yes, Warclans and Mawtribes let you run the microfactions separately, but compare how much space is dedicated to each of them compared to what they had with their own books. What was GAINED outside of letting you run some more units together? Couldn't you already do that with allies and GA armies? People say stuff like, "Soup tomes are good because then I don't have to paint the same thing over and over again!!" Cool! Buy a different model. You're not locked into one faction forever. The idea that armies are just the same idea copy-pasted between all the units is a vestige of AoS 1.0 and isn't reflected in modern original factions. Do you want FEC souped into Bonereapers for more diversity in aesthetics? What, that doesn't make any sense? Neither does Kharadron and Fyreslayers. I'm not even against the idea of Fyreslayers getting rolled into another book. I don't think they're popular enough to warrant a second wave. But to put them with Kharadron specifically? It's an awful idea. It has no redeeming features. Kharadron don't need Fyreslayers. They'd be sacrificing half of their book to fit in less than half a dozen kits that don't work with what they already have. If neither army gets new units, then you're deleting half of what they are for the convenience of updating them at the same time. That's it. How is that worth it? If Fyreslayers are really a dead-end with no real future, then let them stay that way or roll them into whatever neo-Dispossesed army eventually comes out. Don't drag down Kharadron with them.
  19. The terrorgheist kit is impossible to magnetize without some decently heavy conversion work Vargheists are ******-easy if you're only doing the arms, which is what 99% of people will notice. You could magnetize the head and backs, but it might be a little too tedious, depending on how many you plan on doing.
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