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Everything posted by KriticalKhan

  1. The only thing they've CHOSEN to show is a map. As others says, that's far, far more than anything else that GW has done. "Initial rumors" also said that it would be a total reboot, you wouldn't be able to use your old armies, it would be circle bases and also a Warmaster redo at the same time, and guess how many of those turned out to be true? I don't know how many times I'll have to repeat this, but this is going to take a long time. They announced it early. That's all that's going on. Your feeling is based on hearsay, lies, and a misunderstanding of how long GW's production time is.
  2. Not really. It takes about three years to design and release a single army, and they're making an entire game system that was likely delayed due to Covid. They announced it really, really early and even admitted that we'd be looking at a 3+ (probably around 5, honestly) year wait time. You can debate whether or not it was worth revealing they were working on it so soon, but the fact is that they probably DON'T have a lot to show, and that's nothing to be worried about, or if they do, they don't want to start heavily marketing something that won't be out for several more years. Their strategy right now of the occasional update to let people know the game still exists and is being worked on is probably the best way of handling things. Otherwise people would start doomposting if they said nothing and get pissy over how long things are taken if they show too much. And this isn't related to what you said at all, but it's pretty funny (and a little annoying) about how dismissive of the game a lot of people are here. Most AoS players spent 5 years getting shat on for liking something, and now the moment things turn around, they go and do the same thing. I don't know if people are actually scared TOW could kill AoS or if they're just bitter the "dead grog game" came back, but I'm getting a little sick of seeing it.
  3. I stumbled into getting an entire 6th ed Orcs and Goblins army and I've been wondering about how I'd ever translate it into a viable AoS list for the past year or so. So this is all pretty good news. I'm almost tempted to hold off on the Soulblight stuff I have until we figure out how cross-compatible stuff will be. At the rate things are going with my Mawtribe army, I'll have plenty to do in the meantime. Here's to hoping the Old World is as good as we all want it to be.
  4. I saw some people point out that the "hobgoblins, centaurs, and half-orcs" mentioned in the article could be a reference to the Kruleboyz and Kragnos getting backported into Fantasy's setting with different lore, like a reverse of how Fantasy models were brought into AoS. I'm not sure if I think that specifically will happen, but it will be interesting seeing what new models, if any, make it in.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised at all if factions like Gravelords were designed with Old World compatibility in mind. Even ones like Lumineth could use the Vanari units and fluff them as wearing "High Elf Colony militia" armor. I 50/50 on it incorporating any current AoS models (or even old Fantasy ones), but if it does then I'm pretty confident the Old World would be in the same position as AoS was for the first two editions of its lifespan, where the majority of its playable models didn't even have proper faction books to call their own. Has GW ever brought a retired kit back into full production before? I want to say something like that happened with Teclis' old model replacing a newer version back in Fantasy, but I don't remember well enough to say. Regardless, GW knows they'd get more money out of new versions since old Fantasy holdouts would want to buy the new shinies even if they already have an army. I supposed the Old World's biggest test is whether or not it can draw in all those Total War players who totally would have started a Fantasy army if GW hadn't killed it off.
  6. Hopefully soon, so that we can finally put that 4chan "rumor" to rest.
  7. I don't think I've seen anyone bring this up, so I wanted to point out something about the command tokens. Thanks to the terms and conditions on Dominion's page, we know that there are 33,050 copies that include the special command tokens with them. Once they're gone, they're gone for good, and any copies of Dominion that are ordered after will not include them. Essentially, it's a limited release within a limited release. Before I veer into speculation, the last fact I'll mention is that the command tokens are still being added to orders, meaning that GW has sold less than 33,050 copies of Dominion (unless a lot of people took the free thing out of their cart before ordering). Going back to the idea that it's a limited item inside another limited item, to me, it would make sense that your special incentive item has less copies than the standard version. I.e. there are at least 33,051 copies of Dominion that don't include the command tokens. Again, that is only speculation, and there's no telling how many of those copies would be with GW vs sent out to 3rd party retailers. If all those copies are with GW and they had a separate stock for 3rd party stores, then GW would have, in almost a month, sold less than half of their stock of Dominion. You can make all the arguments you want about consumer access, but that's just not good business. More reasonably, we can assume that this unknown number of copies was split between 3rd party stores and sold at the same time as GW's. There's no way of getting any kind of hard numbers for any of this other than the 33,050 still not being sold out, but this kind of discussion didn't happen with Indomitus, it didn't happen with any versus boxes, and it didn't come from nowhere.
  8. My big worry is that every edition GW is going to come out with a new refresh and redesign of Stormcast that end up replacing the last one in an attempt to find an aesthetic that finally sticks and makes them AoS' Space Marines. I don't think it's ever going to happen and Stormcast had enough models before even the Sacrosanct release. Now half their range is completely redundant and they have more heroes than some armies have units total.
  9. 99% sure it'll be a nurgling on the base of whatever obligatory hero model Maggotkin get with their next book
  10. I'm going for the safe bet with Nurgle, since they're one of (if not) the oldest ones right now. And I don't think we should expect the same rapid-fire release schedule that 2e had, since that had to bring the entire game up to the same standard when half the range didn't even have their own books. Every army is in a "functional" stage right now, even if their rules are undertuned with 3e in mind.
  11. The battle of ages. Warhammer War. Who will win?
  12. They will never replace Decimators (in my heart)
  13. God, I love characters just dramatically walking forward It's so much cooler than generic battle poses And the first Lord-Commander! Neat.
  14. That art is from the Realmgate Wars. Nothing worth looking into
  15. At this point I'm pretty sure that the only thing meant to represent Kragnos is the face on the banner guy's.... banner since it has those cute little horns, and anything else was just the presenters getting the lore wrong or people mishearing what they said. Neither of those are uncommon. It would make sense, too. All the little guys carry shields with their own faces on them, and the big inspiring banner has the face of the biggest dude they look up to. People have said that the conniving, sneaky backstabbers worshiping a big, loud facestomper doesn't make sense, but it does under the context of them essentially hiding behind Kragnos and his might, using him as the big distraction Carnifex and shanking their enemies when they aren't looking.
  16. So are we placing bets on there being Drogrukh that have been in hiding for three ages, magical trickery bringing some back, or Kragnos packing a bit more than what his model shows?
  17. It can't be overstated just how much more popular 40k is than AoS, and Space Marines are an absolutely guaranteed seller, whereas Stormcast are about as popular as any other army. There's a chance they produced more boxes than there is demand, but it could also be the limit on how many people can buy. Have they done that for other boxsets?
  18. I'm pretty sure you were talking about people just not wanting to buy the new GHB, which, in my opinion, is slightly less extreme than burning an army and qutting the game entirely, but if you think differently, then I won't argue If you want people to take your arguments about maturity seriously, then I'd recommend against calling them childish, buffoons, and nobheads. This is just all about a silly soldier game, after all.
  19. So if someone doesn't like something they're a childish buffoon for not buying it, as opposed to the mature and well-thought out response of mindlessly consuming whatever is put out in front of them? Yes, yes, that is very reasonable.
  20. Ah, I remember when I said the same thing about Gutbusters and Beastclaw when 2e was launching. To be young again.
  21. My hopes for new ogre infantry will be dependent entirely on how they handle Ork Boyz. If those guys end up being monopose with no real customization between themselves and other kits, then I don't want GW touching ogres with a ten-foot-pole.
  22. So does that mean Kragnos can't be legally taken in any army? His warscroll says he can be taken in a "DESTRUCTION" army, but if "Destruction" doesn't exist as an army and keywords don't determine what units can be taken, then how does he fit? Surely he was written with 3e in mind? I'm not trying to challenge anyone's points, I'm just confused.
  23. So re we thinking the Forbidden Power ES will get a separate box? I can't imagine the entire supplement surviving into 3e.
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