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Posts posted by Pennydude

  1. sticks head out of the trees

    Just a reminder that the new monster ability to destroy terrain only affects the line of sight blocking and charge phase damage for our woods.  The keywords don't go away so we can still teleport to them (allegiance ability) and gain benefits by being near them (Derpthu, Dryads, Warsong).  The only time terrain is destroyed AND we can't use them for anything is from the Gatebreaker MG and Mancrushers in the Breaker Tribe. 

    retreats back into the trees

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    • Haha 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Mirage8112 said:

    If you think I’m way off base then show me what you think our most competitive list is and then tell me how tournaments it has won. Hell not even that; tell me how many top 10 finishes it’s had, and tell me why at list with Alarielle would be worse.

    Otherwise stop pretending her warscroll is so much worse than anything else in the game, and just resolve to play something else. Let the rest of us who are actually interested in making her unique toolkit work come up with play solutions to the current challenges in the meta without you telling how bad things are based on absolutely no experience, or on fictional worst case scenarios that are easily avoided by anybody remotely familiar with our playstyle and an ounce of generalship.


    I'll break my vow to no-post.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!  CAN WE BE FRIENDS?

    • Haha 1
  3. Okay seriously, we have to wait until the new rules come out.  

    Stop bashing Alarielle until we get the full story on how all units will be affected by the incoming points update.

    I'm actually really happy with the Alarielle changes but since we know points are going up across the board, I'm waiting to see what our army composition would be.  

    Since most people seem to not get this, I'm done posting until 3.0 releases.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 15 minutes ago, Walkirriox said:

    Although, must say, that we don’t know how the rules will change and the above mentioned is only true as the current state of the game. I hope that future rules promote the use of big center pieces such as Alarielle.

    Don't write her off until we know the new rules set.  GW has mentioned new abilities for heroes and monsters, of which Alarielle is both, and being a second general will play into the new rules too.  

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Kaylethia said:

    I didn't see much talk about the new Drycha battallion, so here goes:

    I don't think it's worth putting too much effort into Drycha's Spitegrove with it looking like warscroll battalions as we know it disappearing.  If they end up staying in 3.0, I think it's worth testing for sure.

  6. I don’t think it’s the end of the world if the Balewind Vortex goes away.  Even if it stays, going gladeless just for Spellsinger seems bad. I’d rather just take Gnarlroot. I’m really curious to see the new core battalions.

  7. 7 minutes ago, martinwolf said:

    So on the new Awakened Wyldwood warscroll it says the wood has to be more than 3" away from terrain and objectives in addition to whatever an ability or spell says, that means all spells/abilities got worse and harder to place woods with them because a lot of them were 1" previously. It's in general more likely to find a place for a single tree, but it got harder to get a 2 or classic 3 piece wood down. Don't get me started on the old plates. I have tried one game and the 3" rule for everything now really was a huge pain.

    Any thoughts?

    The only new restrictions is now they have to be 3” from objectives. Per the 2020 GHB, all our woods had to be 3” away from terrain already so that part isn’t new.

    • Like 1
  8. Something we need to keep in mind is that Alarielle was pointed for AoS 3. We don’t know exactly what GeeDub is planning but it seems like heroes, monsters, and probably generals will gain bonus things and have more actions. That would surely play into the points hike. 

    She also got buffed in almost every aspect too. If everything is going up in points, especially with those god-like models, she should be just fine.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    275 for a wizard for my Living City who can cast Verdant Blessing makes me smile.

    Hate to burst your bubble, but Verdant Blessing is not a part of the Lore of the Deepwood. It’s a separate spell that all Sylvaneth wizards know while in a Sylvaneth army.

    • Like 1
  10. If everything goes up in points with the WarRev staying the same, it’s fine as is. He has a 4+ FNP, full access to spell lore, still gets Look Out Sir, and now you can hide him in a woods. 

    However, I do wish he had a 4+ save but at least we now have our own 2 cast wizard that doesn’t require a battalion.  He will be fine in combat while behind a screen since it has a 3” reach on the vine attacks. 

    Don’t write this one off just yet. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    What is this feeling, it feels like... hope?

    Jokes apart, if this is true maybe something will change for us after all.

    They’ve learned to stop hating the trees. 

    I’m not too thrilled with what I’ve seen about the Warsong Revenant for its points. 

    275pts, 5+ save, 5+ FNP, 7 wounds, 2 cast wizard with full spell lore, Bravery buff/debuff at 12”, warscroll spell a horde buster on 5+. No word on combat abilities or shooting.

    Woods apparently have new placement rules and do damage on movement on 6+ BUT get +2 if a wizard or endless spell is nearby. May also have new LoS blocking rules.

    • Like 3
  12. LOL glad I could provide some comic relief.

    Bravery shenanigans don’t work in this game when an army is completely immune (OBR) or can turn it against you (LRL Cathallar). Plus to make it work, you have to really invest in Spite Revs (fragile), use shooting to take care of heroes (easier said than done), AND have the reliable magic to pump out Horrorghast and Vengeful Skullroot (which we can’t do reliably).

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Kaylethia said:

    I'm guessing a 60mm base and a really tall model at that price. I think it was 38€ from an LGS on their preorder. 

    The Warsong Revenant is on an oval base.  You can tell from the release video last month.

    When they mentioned that it increases friendly Bravery and decreases enemy Bravery, I thought that was really good news since bravery shenanigans in this army have been relevant...

    flips through and checks notes


    They better blow my socks off with this warscroll, Alarielle's warscroll, and give us more changes.  Otherwise, I'll shelve the army and focus on my professional wrestling themed Sons of Behemat army.

    • Sad 1
  14. Not an super competitive match, but I played against Stormcast Thundercats last night in Total Conquest (2x6 Evocators on Dracolines, 3x5 Liberators, 2 Lord Arcanum on Dracoline, and a couple of other heroes).

    I ran Gnarlroot glade:

    Alarielle the Everqueen (Throne of Vines)
    Treelord Ancient (General, Nurtured by Magic, Vesperal Gem, Regrowth)
    Drycha Hamadreth (Regrowth)
    Branchwraith (Chalice of Nectar, Verdurous Harmony)
    5 Spite-Rev
    5 Spite-Rev
    5 Spite-Rev
    3 Kurnoth Hunters w/Greatswords
    3 Kurnoth Hunters w/Greatswords
    Outcasts Battalion
    Extra Command Point
    Emerald Lifeswarm

    We called it after Round 3 when it was 19-13 in my favor.  I had a unit of Kurnoths sitting in woods near an objective and got charged by 4 of 6 Thundercats, took no damage, and carved them to bits with some help of the TLA over 2 turns.  My other unit of Kurnoths got slaughtered by the other Thundercats unit.  I summoned a Treelord with Alarielle to help control combats and on round 2, the combined firepower of Drycha shooting, Treelord stomp and attacks, and Alarielle's beetle destroyed the full 6 Thundercats.  By turn 3, he only had 2 heroes and 10 Liberators on the field while I had Alarielle, Drycha, TLA, Branchwraith, and 3 Kurnoths all at full strength.  

    I'm planning on running this in a small one day event this weekend, because I want to compare Alarielle's current rules with whatever her new warscroll ends up being.  Plus, the event doesn't require painted models so LET'S GOOOOOO! :) Once I'm done painting a TL, TLA, and Durthu (second of each), Alarielle is next.

  15. 1 hour ago, Havelocke said:


    Pretty sure Verdant Blessing is an allegiance ability, actually. People most commonly think of Battle Traits when they think of allegiance abilities, but Command Abilities, Artefacts, Spell Lores, and Glades are all also technically allegiance abilities.

    The general consensus, as mentioned by Pennydude, is definitely the way most people play. I'd recommend it, too, as woods can end up being very hard to put down when additional restrictions are imposed. That being said, your opponent's reading of the rules is the correct one as per the rules strictly as written.

    @Havelocke I stand corrected, you are right that it is an Allegiance Ability.  It's been over 15 months since I've played Sylvaneth and between then and now, I've only played one game and that was back in December with my IDK.

    So it does look like our woods must be at least 3" away from other terrain and 1" away from models and objectives per GHB 2020.


  16. @Abstract_duck I think you are right about the 3" rule for the TLA's Silent Communion.  I've never played it that way nor have been challenged.

    That rule is a load of BS.  Well, might as well keep beating the dead horse.

    @Enoby Part of why the army is not taken is the large barrier-to-entry cost of Awakened Wyldwoods (AWWs).  You need a minimum of 3 kits at a total of 150+ USD on top of your normal army costs just to play.  AWWs are key to how the army plays and just the simple layout of board terrain can make or break you.  

    Dryads are fine around an AWW but don't expect them to kill anything.  Actually, don't expect our battleline to kill anything unless you catch someone off-guard with a bigger unit of Tree-Revs that teleported somewhere.  Other than a block of Dryads around an AWW, our other battleline picks all have 5+ saves and 1 wound so they die to a stiff breeze.

    TLA is good since it's a durable wizard, but the main problem is that all TL variants bracket pretty hard after taking 3 damage aka "being looked at funny".  Especially Derpthu.  Going from flat 6 to D6 damage is BRUTAL.  A lot of people wish that the TLA was a 2-cast wizard and I may be one of the few that doesn't want that to happen.  I'd rather see Silent Communion be changed to "once per game per TLA, maybe only can be activated once per turn" instead of the current "once per game, period".

    Kurnoths are the bread and butter of the army.  It's not quite eel-spam bad but you usually see 12-15 or more Kurnoths in a list usually a combination of scythes and swords.  That's almost half a list for 15 models just to have the killing power.  Bow spam is a thing in Heartwood due to the artefact but that's only for tryhard cheese.  And if you are tryharding like that, why are you taking Sylvaneth to begin with?

    The army has no real allegiance ability that does them any good other than the Place of Power.  There's practically no way to get bonuses to cast other than... casting a spell... within a glade (Gnarlroot's artefact at least lets you roll 3d6 and take the best two).  

    Alarielle has been worthless even at 600.  Remember, she was 660pts AND was nerfed on top of that previously before the point reduction back to where she used to be.  At least we are getting a new warscroll for her THANK GOD.  A god model that has no damage save, no bonuses to cast, and THE BEETLE HITS ON A 4+ AND NO MELEE ATTACK WITH THE GIANT SPEAR OMGWTFBBQ.

    Maybe the saving grace is that five of the seven subfactions (not Ironbark or Oakenbrow) are actually pretty decent and gladeless is a good option too.  The stuff outside of glades are actually pretty good, in my opinion. 

    I say all this and it's still my favorite army.  I think it's difficult to find a more aesthetically pleasing army than Sylvaneth.  It's still fun to play and always get awesome feedback from my friends and spectators when the army is on the table.   Kurnoths are so strong and great, the stomp from the monsters can be game-changing, and there's actually quite a bit of shooting if you build it right.  I'm sitting on about 5500pts of the army and plan on playing it a lot more once things start opening back up.

    Some things I wanna try are allying in some of my Deepkin because eels, sharks, and Eidolon of the Storms are HAWT TECH.

    • Thanks 3
  17. General consensus has been that the allegiance ability woods is 1” from enemy territory, 3” from other terrain, and 6” from objectives and all others are 1” from everything. I’ll have to look more into the TLA woods bit. 

    The other person is definirely wrong about the Verdant Blessing forests because that’s not an allegiance ability.

    • Like 1
  18. I'm definitely getting at least 2 Warsong Revenants myself.  I'm currently painting my second TL, TLA, and Durthu right now so I can get them done before my wife and I start painting Alarielle.  There's hints we may get a new glade too, Enga'La Weald, from the Qulathis the Exile warscroll from Cursed City.

    That is, if Cursed City even exists to GW anymore. :)

  19. 6 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    Honestly not super excited about another revenant buffing character. They're 5 to a box 32mm models with 1 wound and no save to speak of so as cool as they look I'm not gonna invest the money and points required to bring a lot of them.

    Names can be deceiving since the "Arch-Revenant" buffed Kurnoth Hunters.  Let's hold out until we see some rules.

  20. Just now, AronQ_ said:

    Legally at start we can put only one. But if we use Metamorphosis spell, so we can put it with no limit?

    You start the game with one AW on the table.  After that, you can place however many woods as you can within the restrictions when your abilities/spells go off (Acorn of the Ages, Silent Communion, Verdant Blessing, Metamorphosis).  The most woods I've had on a table was 5 but that was only because I ran out of pieces.

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