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Everything posted by JangutzKhan

  1. Depending on which is better wrt warscrolls, I’ll probs be going spire tyrants as my marauders
  2. Not a chance! Hopefully a new std General to come whoop his ass!
  3. I’m fine with little tweaks, as long as the synergy is good and our top units actually play like top units. As for Chosen, I’m happy to do conversions for now if they don’t release new models, and I reckon all they need to do is make them 3 wounds and they would be amazing.
  4. Surely most of the warscrolls get a boost, if not weapons than at least command abilities/abilities. Some rend would be nice on the manticore. Also, any news on Chaos Chosen? Phased out, new models or keeping the resin ones?
  5. Someone earlier was saying Dec 1 for Std previews?
  6. I like this model, but that new Ogroid is just amazing. Can't wait to convert the Thaumaturge and field two of them!
  7. I would love Slaves to have some ranged, like archers or spear throwers . I also like the idea of the Warcry models replacing Marauders, however I hope we don’t have to field a mix and match if each tribe I reckon would look weird especially if painted in different colour schemes
  8. @Whitefangseeing as you were spot on with the new warriors and knights rumour, any more info about future models or resculpts? I am super hoping that Chosen get updated.
  9. Unfortunately I do not 😂 metal is as far back as I go and even that’s a stretch.
  10. I don't mind at all. The current poses all look amazing. My only concern would be if it is push-fit it might be hard to paint separate sections where it might be hard to get to once the model is fully assembled.
  11. Each to their own I guess. Push-fit just makes it hard to make adjustments to your models that you find more aesthetically pleasing.
  12. One of the new Chaos Warriors is holding a severed Elf head....
  13. Doesn't really look like a Slaughterbrute's face..... EDIT: it does
  14. I think we should watch this space regarding Std. If all the new models are in the SC box then I reckon they'll be some new stand alone units/models coming.
  15. So unbelievably happy about the StD release! I thought a new SC box must have new models, did not expect it to be ALL new models!!
  16. So awesome. I hope it’s not just these guys revealed though.
  17. As long as the finecast models are updated and maybe a new hero that would be OK, although new warriors would be sick.
  18. It wouldn’t make sense for GW to be really pushing the Eightpoints through Warcry and OBR tome and the idea that Archaon is building an army to strike back to not have a big StD release.
  19. If they are releasing new sculpts for finecast models, do you think new plastic chosen and hero on foot?
  20. Let’s just wait until all the 2.0 tomes are out before getting greedy...
  21. Can’t wait for the rest of the tyrants! Hopefully have a decent aos warscroll, and is a precursor to a std reboot.
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