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Posts posted by Tinniez

  1. I definitely hobby weekly, but the intensity/regularity of that hobby varies wildly, depending on a bunch of external factors that impact my willingness to get stuck in.

    Like @MitGas, painting has a deeply meditative quality for me. Because of this, I often find myself eager to hone in on a project when I have a bunch of stressors weighing on my mind.

    Recently, my hobby has waned somewhat, as the circle of friends I game with have been a bit despondent and much less active than I'd like. I find that playing games with my friends (rather than at tournaments) is a great motivator.

    This year, I'd love to paint more projects for fun, instead of churning away at seemingly endless army projects. Perhaps the freedom of being able to complete something that isn't just a small part of a larger whole would be good for me.

  2. Kia ora all! I am still alive. Sorry for the infrequent posting.

    Anyway, here's my Mugruk Da Watcher and his little sorcerous minion. Pretty much finished other than punching up the rust effects and adding some swampy goo on their bases.

    No clue what I want to paint next. Maybe a unit of 10 Gutrippaz, so I don't have to sweat the painting too much.




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  3. Sheesh. December already! 

    I failed at my goal of getting my Monsta-Killaz completed in November, but am tracking to have them done within the week. Have yet to decide what I want to paint next - perhaps a Killaboss on Gnashtooth, or maybe Mugruk Da Watcha and a wee friend.

    Anyway, here's a WiP shot of Morbadd, my Beastnob. This is the mini that has slowed my workflow down to a crawl, as I found the sculpt to be over-detailed and (unfortunately) quite a chore to paint.


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  4. I have a rules question regarding the updated Rampage ability and would love to hear other's thoughts. Namely, does the new Rampage ability:

    1) Restrict the fighter's bonus move action to whichever is lower between the fighter's movement characteristic or the value of the ability?


    2) Cap the fighter's bonus move action at the ability value of the Rampage, regardless of the fighter's movement characteristic?

    Post-errata, Rampage reads:

    [Quad] Rampage: This fighter can make a bonus move action up to a number of inches equal to the value of this ability. Then, they can make a bonus attack action.

    The rules for movement read:

    When a fighter makes a move action, there are 4 ways in which they can move: move normally, jump, climb and fly. A fighter can move in any combination of these ways as part of a single move action, so long as the total distance in inches moved does not exceed the fighter’s Move characteristic.

    What do you think?

  5. Hello everyone!

    This seems like a great way to share my hobby progress and keep my motivation levels high, as it feels like my friend group is going through a bit of a hobby drought at the moment!

    This month, my goal is to complete the Monsta-Killaz warband for Warcry (and my AoS army) and then get stuck into a hero - maybe Gobsprakk or a Shaman. 

    I am a bit of a slow painter, but I've already started working on some of the Monsta-Killaz. Here's where I'm at with one of my Gnarlwood Howlaz!


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  6. On 7/7/2023 at 11:50 AM, Doko said:

    seems we are back to botton tier next season.

    every competitive build used vulkites and the flamekeeper.

    I do understand the disappointment in point changes, but this is a massive overreaction lol.

    Let's look at what we do have going for us, as we enter the new season:

    • We have seen success with Grimwrath heavy lists and even some Lofnir lists.
    • We have a solid core of troops with ward saves and 2" reach.
    • We have almost guaranteed access to the Nullstone enhancements.
    • We have priests and potent prayers, which wizards cannot interact with.
    • Our heroes have been buffed by the Look Out Sir! changes.

    Fyreslayers had a lot going for them in the last book. It is normal to not be pleased by point increases, but please, let's keep things in perspective.

    No description available.

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    • Haha 2
  7. 20 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Yeah, Hexbane's Hunters and the Cursed City characters I forgot (despite having Hexbane's displayed prominently on a shelf in view 😛).

    The Hunters will almost 100% be in the new BT, although the Cursed City heroes will probably stay in the booklet from the box/get rules in PDF form, unless they get a separate release kinda like the Necron Royal Court or SM Honoured of the Chapter (or get some separate sprues like the Blackstone Fortress Tech-Priest and Psyker and become generic heroes).

    Agreed! Fortunately, a bunch of the Cursed City heroes (especially Glaurio) would make decent proxies for something like a Freeguild Marshall - not that I'm going to eschew getting my hands on one of those pretty minis. 😍

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    Based on current information here's what will probably survive from the current roster:


      Reveal hidden contents


    My speculation:

      Reveal hidden contents


    I'm a bit iffy on the dark aelf stuff, but we haven't really had anything on them so...

    I'd wager that Hexbane's Hunters will find a home in the new Cities book too.

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  9. On 1/3/2023 at 7:44 AM, Hannibal said:

    I'm thinking a lot about Herohammer Fyreslayers and these are some questions I can't answer myself. What do you think? 


    1) Krondspine incarnate. It literally gives half your army all out attack for just 1 cp. Nice model too. 

    2) Runefather OR Runeson on Magmadroth. Sure, you can't put the additional relics on them and they won't get +2 ro their wounds characteristics, but you gain a fast beatstick that you're otherwise missing. You can still give the free Relic to them and they will still get a mount Trait. 



    I'm a Greyfyrd man but the Magmadad is a great pick. Lots of utility with great CT and artefact options!

  10. @EnixLHQ Thanks! I was really stoked with how the new book plays!

    Some general thoughts I had about the game:

    • My opponent didn't have much fun on my turn, as retreating and charging your whole army can take a fair bit of time.
    • My opponent also made some fairly large errors between his positioning, combat choices and the way his battle tactic decisions forced him to maneuver.

    Some thoughts I had about my NH list:

    • Our units are deceptively tanky with Discorporate and protecting heroes via Spirit Hosts is easy to achieve.
    • I can see myself including at least one Spirit Torment in most lists I write for the guaranteed recursion.
    • I leaned quite hard into casting. Our spell lore is great but Reikenor was the only consistent wizard in my army.
    • Unfortunately I didn't get to use Spiteful Spirit on my KoSoES at all, but he did get to 8 wounds without much effort.
    • I'd like to experiment with replacing a unit of Spirit Hosts with a unit of Myrmourn Banshees.

    Some thoughts I had about my opponent's LRL list:

    • The Callathar (especially when she is garrisoned in the LRL terrain piece) is massively annoying. I would say that overall LRL is well positioned to minimise our battleshock shenanigans.
    • The Loreseeker is a great piece, but without adequate support he isn't particularly worrisome.
    • Units like Avalenor, who have a low number of attacks with high damage, really get shut down by our saves.
    • My opponent's list was fairly "soft" compared to what could have been Teclis and Sentinel spam.
    • Thanks 2
  11. Had my first game with Nighthaunt today against some Lumineth!
    Here are the lists and a quick battle report for anyone interested:

    The plan we played was First Blood.

    Before R1, the Loreseeker dropped down on the right objective and I pulled my unit of 10 Grimghast into reserve. I only managed to hit two units with the Emerald Curse, so I chose Eltharion and Avalenor. In hindsight, it may have been a better choice to target the Cathallar and the Lord Regent, as they both have quite potent abilities.

    I gave my opponent T1 and he got most of his spells off. He moved his Dawriders up the flank to support his Loreseeker on the rightmost objective and set up a counter-charge. His small unit of Wardens only just tagged the left objective and the rest of his crew castled up and advanced toward the centre objective. His Sentinels did a small amount of damage to my Bladegheists, which I was mostly able to recover through my Spirit Torment. He achieved his battle tactic (Ferocious Advance) and scored 5 points.

    In my T2, I failed to get most of my spells off or they were unbound. Solar Flare was a massive pain in the ass. I did manage to cast the Mortalis Terminexus, but it did marginal damage. I ran my Chainrasps and Reikenor to the left objective, advanced Olynder, the Guardian of Souls and two units of Spirit Hosts down the middle, while my Spirit Torment, Bladegheists, Knight of Shrouds and a unit of Spirit Hosts headed for the right objective. I dropped my Grimghast behind his lines near the left objective and succeeded on the charge, wiping most of the 10 man Warden unit. My Bladegheists were further replenished by the Spirit Torment. I achieved my battle tactic (Conquer), but failed to kill the Loreseeker, so I only scored 3 points.

    I lost the roll-off for Round 2 and my opponent chose to take the turn to prevent me from doubling down. I managed to unbind a few spells in his hero phase but unfortunately the Mortalis Terminexus was also dispelled. He charged Eltharion into my Chainrasps on the left, killing six. Then he used Avalenor to wipe out my Grimghasts. His Dawnriders and Sentinels did some damage against my Bladegheists, but it was nothing that the Spirit Torment couldn't mostly fix. My Knight of Shrouds finished off his Loreseeker on the right flank which meant I was able to capture the objective. At the end of his turn, he scored 3 points for holding the centre objective and completing his battle tactic (Broken Ranks) with a monster.

    On my turn I replenished my units with Lady Olynder. Reikenor managed to cast the Mortalis Terminexus again and sent it right into the middle of his army. It did a lot of chip damage and knocked some wounds off his support heroes. Olynder lifted the veil, rolled a 6 and killed the Lord Regent. I rolled hot on my charges here and managed to apply the fight last effect to every fight, excluding the one with the Dawnriders on the right objective. My Guardian of Souls headed over to help the Chainrasp on the left, who charged into Eltharion. Reikenor charged into the middle of his army to try and bully the Windmage. Olynder and the two units of Spirit Hosts charged the 20 block of Wardens and everything on the right objective charged the Dawnriders. Eltharion died, the Windmage died, the Dawnriders were wiped out and Olynder and the Spirit Hosts did a tiny bit of damage to his big unit of Wardens. 5 points for me, as I achieved my battle tactic (Aggressive Expansion) and held both the left and right objectives.

    My opponent won the roll-off for Round 3 and chose to take the turn. I removed the objective in the centre of the board. He didn't have much casting left at this point and banked heavily on killing Reikenor and wiping the Chainrasp off the left objective with Avalenor. Reikenor survived this tun, thanks to the nearby Spirit Hosts and the Chainrasp managed to make their saves against Avalenor, who has a low number of attacks, but high damage. My opponent couldn't see a way to win from this point, so he conceded the game.






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  12. Hi @Rors, I think you are mistaken about the batallions. Warlord is what is granting me the extra artefact and Battle Regiment lets me keep my drops down to 5, which will hopefully give me choice of turn in some match ups. 

    I understand Grimghast are better in a block of 20, I just only own 10 at the moment. 

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  13. On 3/16/2022 at 7:18 AM, juancarMAD said:

    Hi Bro! im going to use your build, but i have a dude...how do you distributd them in dagger, hammer and shield?

    Hey @juancarMAD!

    Not the person who made the list you are thinking of using - but you might like to have a watch of this video by Reedo and check out the comments section. There is some fairly good discussion there about how to best split up your warband.

    Typically the older/original plans favoured the shield coming on earlier, but my understanding is that newer plans (Catacombs and Red Harvest) tend to have a more even distribution in when groups show up.

  14. Great idea! I wish this part of the forum had some more activity! Warcry is such a fast and fun way to play with AoS models!

    I had a Warcry tournament last weekend. Ended up coming second with my Hedonites of Slaanesh!
    My friends and I are about to start our second ever Warcry campaign together -  I just need to decide what faction I want to paint and play!
    My three contenders are:

    1. Nighthaunt - who are pretty much out of the picture because they're just so frustratingly bad on the table.
    2. Sybarites - who are great fun, but I have painted a bunch of Slaanesh recently and don't really feel like painting more at the mo.
    3. Kruleboyz - who I love painting, but I know another player is likely to also likely to bring them.

    Here's a snap of my Lord of Pain (and MVP at the tournament) -  Issithis the Violator!


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  15. My friends and I have just started playing Warcry again and I am fairly keen to give my Kruleboyz some time on the table!

    What have you been fielding? How have your games gone? Any traps or must-takes? 

    Here's a pic of one of my nasty dirty ladz. 


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  16. Admirals, it appears that we've come out of the point shake up fairly well positioned!

    A few big price hikes, especially on Endrinriggers and Gunhaulers - but barely a scratch on the Ironclad and even a slight drop for Navigators! I'm very comfortable with these changes, especially when compared to other factions.

  17. 4 hours ago, Gwydion said:

    I suspect the value of the Admiral will go up in people's eyes. He has a CP generating command trait, a CP emulating artifact, and his CAs are no longer as redundant with generic CAs as they once were.

    Admiral stonks are definitely on the up and up! A "free" warscroll CA definitely has some value in AoS3.  I'll need to get my Bugmansson mini painted up to fill the role!

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  18. 1 hour ago, Phasteon said:

    Also, I dont know who talked about nerfs, I see new triumph as a huge buff!

    Let's be real - the new Triumphs are objectively worse than the old ones. There is no merit in denying that our allegiance ability is now less powerful and versatile than it was previously.

    My hope that GW will give us some more flavourful Guild Triumphs, similar to the ones in Broken Realms: Be'lakor.

    Now, with that out of the way - in AoS3, we will have a way to benefit from shooting in our opponent's charge phase, which is extremely potent. The changed command point rules also allow us to easily benefit from a +1 to our saves - which can be applied reactively. We also have multiple ways of benefitting from (increasingly rare) rerolls to hit.

    Without an understanding of how our units will be pointed, it is impossible to say if AoS3 heralds a net positive or negative result for the Kharadron Overlords. What is apparent is that our faction has been in a very strong place for a long time and will probably remain powerful coming into AoS3. Personally, I hope that we find ourselves placed a little further back in the pack, so that people stop complaining about our faction and we can enjoy playing our beautiful flying Duardin without feeling like we are bringing a nuclear warhead to an acorn war.

    Anyway, just my two cents. I'm very excited for AoS3 and look forward to the discussion it brings!

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  19. 19 hours ago, DrShan said:

    Hey everyone, Thanks for the lists. I recently picked up the warcry box and the Arkanaut box. Haven't started putting them together since I have ZERO idea what I want to field. 

    Wondering if anyone has built the skywardens with magnets and tried swapping them with Endrinrigger gear occassionally? ? Is that even an option? 


    You can absolutely magnetize the Endrinrigger/Skywarden kit. The connections points where the arms attach to the torso are flat and wide, so a small drill should allow you to seat a magnet in there rather easily. Take a look at the Kharadron Overlords Facebook page - there are many examples of it on there.

    Arkanauts: I just build these lads with all the special weapon options available, because they 're fun. The volleygun is great in Warcry, as is the skypike.

    Thunderers: The aethercannon is undeniably powerful in Warcry, but many people (myself included) equip all of these lads with aethershot rifles, as they have better range in Age of Sigmar. Again, these models have flat and wide connection points, so you should be able to magnetize the arms if you so desire.

  20. Kia ora!

    Looking for some advice/feedback on my 2k Mhornar list.

    I don't have a third box of Arkanauts yet, which is why I am running Endrinriggers as battleline. I realise that this doesn't allow me to utilize the Mhornar pre-game move - but I don't really enjoy dropping a spell on my opponent at the top of Turn 1 anyway.

    I could split the Arkanauts up into two 10 man units, but I think I would rather keep drops low.



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