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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. I wouldn't mind a good kill team box. Apart from the layout of the sprue, the veteran guardsmen were brilliant!
  2. Considering the distinction is there, it is a feature (for them) they enabled early. No use building that filter unless you intend to use it.
  3. It was, but I think it also was a teaser. They did have a new design, which would dilute the joke as well as being extra work if there wasn't more behind it.
  4. Note that the design of the dwarf seems different from old squats. Why put them in an april fools video with a different design if you didn't want to use said new design? That's making a new design essentially for nothing.
  5. Because it's Squats, it is real. Remember the rules, every rumour that would add to Dwarf or Halfling armies is true.
  6. I'd like smorgasboard boxes. Give a nice bit of variety with versatile kits. Replace the hero with an Underworlds team. Get a battleline unit in there, and something nice. For instance Thundrik's Profiteers Arkanauts Arkanaut Frigate Something else: Vortemis the all-seeing &Eyes of the Nine Tsaangors Ogroid Thaumaturge
  7. I hope (idly) that those Ash Waste bugs are cheap. It would be awesome to see them converted into Cities cav.
  8. This isn't bad per se, but this implementation creates an extra system (higher complexity) to boost a metric (tournament win rates). They could just as easily have changed the warscrolls or points values (as shown by killing off the Handgunners). This would not have created an extra system.
  9. This is it. It's a system that doesn't invalidate one letter of the books to be released. That it doesn't work is a different thing.
  10. I gave away an army because I had already painted them, and I wasn't that charmed by their design, not enough to keep them. Often, when I have painted something I can't use for d&d/Pathfinder 2, Frostgrave or Stargrave, I have no further use for it. Some, like the Demigryphs, General on Griffin or Kharadron, I keep for display.
  11. Considering the paint job is the major difference between shades of space marine, I would think said paint job would be important to them. Also, this pushes Citadel paints, which fits the "we have everything you need for your hobby" narrative.
  12. It is a change since 3rd, before, warscrolls were freely available. You could play the game with warscrolls and basic rules. So they were there, but have since regressed.
  13. If only GW had a way of distibuting warscrolls over the internet. Free warscrolls, as it were, downloadable from their store...
  14. Some people are wishing it dead so GW would bring back Fantasy. This wouldn't pan out the way they think. Others are jealous of the creativity of AoS releases compared to 40k. Forgetting that fan backlash of changing anything chains down designers. I don't think AoS is going anywhere, but do think the amount of design time wasted on space marines alone is as much as is spent on AoS as a whole since the Swamp Orcs came out.
  15. I also think they will survive. They even have the majority of a start collecting.
  16. Oh good. Another way to delete infantry heroes that don't have mortal protection. Unless it's vs another Death army, then it does nothing.
  17. Remember that they did nerf warscrolls outside of books, like Handgunners and Sisters of the watch.
  18. This only needs Squat upgrade sprues for all Kharadron stuff to be more reliable.
  19. It's obviously the stylized corn on the cob for Haelflyng Rooster Knights!
  20. This has a decidedly pointy haired boss feel. Some armies have very low win rates. Some units are overtuned. For instance, it's too hard to kill them. Solution, look only to the win rate as an easy metric to design a new subsystem. So let's give players a bureaucratic extra layer where they can get VP for killing them. This makes distraction carnixes even more distractiony. Defensive overtuned units are hardly nerfed. Armies that have problems killing enemy units are not buffed.
  21. There is complexity that helps the unit do what it can do, like the page long Ironclad warscroll, and there is complexity for complexities' sake, like drifting horses in the new coherency rules or performance based VP bookkeeping.
  22. They are resin, right? As long as there is one, I wouldn't expect the rest to coe back.
  23. Ahh, middle management GW. Looking at the easiest to measure metric and basing performance off that without adressing underlying issues, all while adding another layer of bureaucracy.
  24. It's a lot better than the bug of 2.0 that required mortals.
  25. Art is subjective indeed. I used that term because I wanted to disconnect the models from being "game tokens" or representations of their IP, which is neccessary if you want to talk about the individual quality of GW products (so models without game, shop, paint etc). Might not have been the best choice of words, but still.
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