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Everything posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. jesus christ dude. I cant speak mutch for balance since im not a tourneist but this is rather impressive, i must give it to you
  2. yeah, same here, thats a shame. I feel like dragon warriors should have a similar bonus like LoB instead of rerolling ones to hit on a charge. Like rerolling all 1s to hit and wound in general would be awesome (and mathematically the same as +1 attack). On a different note i just pondered about a future soulblight book and how awesome would be to have an Aborash miniature in a similar styile of the new mortarch, like a diorama with him on a throne... Excuse me, i must go master debate for ten minutes
  3. i can confirm that without rend, the enemy can mostly give up on beating bloodknights, expecially if you can cast overwhelming dread and are in LoB. They hit freakin hard even without chargin and are a brick wall. Yesterday i murdered 10 blightkings with 5 bloodknights loosing none in the spawn of several rounds
  4. Anyway, i won the battle even though it was REALLY hard fought. Here it goes: I have the list i posted, the enemy is maggotkin nurgle with a spearhead of 20 plague monks and 5 blightkings, a main body of 10 blightkings and an harbringer of decay and a spearhead of 20 monks and a sorcerer. We roll the mission and get the Blitz, so my spearhead is going to come in last... just great. He wins the roll and have me start. TURN 1 is pretty boring for both of us and we just take the objs. The VL darts towards his obj withouth the BKs. BUT his damn tree rolls the cicle that does the mortal wounds and i loose 3 skeletons... dang it. He scores 2 points for the kills already and we both get 1 for the objs. Our rearguards come on the othe objectives. TURN 2 I get to start and i put my wolves in a chockepoint on the obj to not make his BK wipe the unit in a turn. My necromancer is just short of the big group of BKs and cant cast overwhelming dread (dang it) so i put the prismatic palisade in front of his unit hoping to stop them from charging the wolves but, spoiler allert, it wont do jack all game long. I charge his plague monks with the vampire lord and kill 14 OF THEM. Although he put the sorcerer just right to use the CA to not make them run, so he still got the obj, dang it. The Blood knights come in and i split them in both table sides. He goes then, and the cicle of nurgle is the speedy one, so hiis blob of BKs charges 15 INCHES and gets my doggos but thanks to the chokepoint only 5 fatties get to fight, killing all but 3 dogs and steal my obj. The sorcerer also puts 3MW on the VL but Lord Vortiger has none of that, kills the remaining monks and starts looking the sorcerer in a mean way. His spearhead comes in and puts his BK very close to one of my blood knights while getting his other obj. He scores 3 points for objs and i score 2 for the kills (thank you plague monks). TURN 3 He gets double turn, DANG IT. He summon 10 plaguebearers on the obj with the VL on it and moves his guys to get a good charge. His BKs charge my bloodknights, and the plaguebearers get a 11" charge and pile in on the VL. The 5 BK manage to kill a blood knight and i kill one in return (bloodknights in LoB are very killy even when not charging) wounding another, his big blob kills all the wolves, the VL get knocked to 1 wound left but murders 6 plaguebeaerers in return. All in all it could have been a lot worse if he killed all my wolves the turn before. Now it is my moment. The necromancer succesfully castshis spell on the 10 BK, the VL summons the wolves from the grave close to the obj. I charge his big blob of BK with my other knights and manage to kill 3 (if he rolled a 2+ on the battleshock he would have lost more at this point but he obviously rolls a 1) loosing NONE in return, the other knights tank the hits and kill another BK. The VL murders more plaguebearers and downs his chalice getting to full wounds. He scores 3 points for the objs and i get 2 for the kills. TURN 4 He goes first and tries to get my obj but without mutch succes. The fight goes on and he loses 2 more BKs in the big blob and 1 in the small group, the plaguebearers and sorcerer cant kill the vampire, i lose nothing. I go and kill 2 more BKs in the blob, he rolls a 6 on battleshck and the rest runs, i get that obj. The wolves charge the plaguebeaerers and the sorcerer, skewering them alongside the vampire, i get that obj too. My other bloodknights kill the only BK remaining. I score 5 point for obj and kills. the game ends with a score of 10-9 and i get a minor victory but a really tasty one nonethless. Overwhelming dread truly is blightking's bane and bloodknights are just juicy as hell in LoB now. Not only are they absolute monsters but if the enemy has no rend they are hard as nails, love them
  5. WASSUP SUCKERS (got it? eh? yeah, you got it) Tonight im going to roll a meeting engagement and i decided to use my thrusty Legion of Blood. I ended up with the following army and im quite happy with the look of it: LEGION OF BLOOD MEETING ENGAGEMENT ARMY #2 (realm of life) SPEARHEAD 5x Bloodknights 200pts 5x Bloodknights 200pts MAIN BODY Vampire Lord 140pts Warlord, Command Trait: Swift Strikes, Artifact of Power: Ghyrstrike, Lore of Vampires: Amaranthine Orb, Flying Horror, Chalice of Blood Necromancer 130pts Lore of the Dead: Overwhelming Dread 20x Skeleton Warriors 160pts Ancient Blades REARGUARD 10x Direwolves 140pts ENDLESS SPELL Prismatic Palisade 30pts TOT: 1000pts So what do you guys think? Much of the focus is on the spearhead since in most scenarios it will come in in turn 0 or 1, the army is mostly fast for obj nabbing and the skellies should be sturdy enough to hold the center with some support from graves, the necromancer spell and some healing. I kitted out the lord to be a melee monster since i did not feel like having him be a tank would have been of mutch use
  6. holy Aborash, 30??? This sounds like my dream army 😍
  7. Had a really nice meeting engagement yesterday against seraphon. I was bringing spearhed 2x5 Blood Knights main body Vampire lord walking death & gyrstrike Necromancer with -1 to hit spell 20 skellies Rearguard 10 wolves and a prismatic palisade. He had a 20 warriors blob, a skink priest and a carnosaurus with the come back to life artifact as main body, 10 saurus and a sunblood spearhead and 3x2 ripperdactyls rearguard. We got the 3 obj diagonal mission, main body on the field, spearhead at end of turn 1 and rearguard at end of turn 2. I win the roll and have him start. Turn 1 He nabs the left obj with the carnosaur and advances in the center with the blob. The sunblood and 10 warriors arrive and he puts them as close as possible to the right obj. I fly the vampire on the right obj and make my skellies advance in the center. The bloodknights arrive and i put them dangerously close to the carnosur but in a way that he can only charge one unit and leave himself open to a countercharge. I also putted the barricade between the big dino and the center obj, in a way that he would not be able to get there in 1 turn and that everyone fighting there would be in the 5+ aura of the spell. No points are scored. Turn 2 He wins the roll and goes first. Advances the blob in the center into the obj but with not quite enough models to avoid the skelly charge, run the 10 warriors + sunblood toward the vampire to scare him off the obj and nabs it. The priest hangs back and does his hooga booga that makes the carnosaur -1 to be hit. Then he takes the bait and charges the bloodknights with him (i think he might have thought that the BK were a single unit). He kills two and gets two wounds in response. I start giggling. 3x2 ripperdactyls arrive and are put on the left obj. I go and cast the necro spell on the center blob, the VL fails the aramanthyne orb and puts himself at 6 total attacks with the CA. Then i move him up to the 10 warriors and sunblood to charge them, wich cause the opponent to start laughing. He evidently does not know what gyrstrike does. Skellies walk on the center obj and take it. The untouched bloodknights charge the carnosaur and the opponent gets pale. Even with -1 to hit they kill him. Then he comes back to life with 4 wounds and the horses attack, killing him again. He makes the saurus pile in on the VL and attack him putting him to 2 wounds left. He goes and murders seven of them, the rest run giving me the right obj. I dont charge the skellies because like this i have the center. 10 wolves arrive on the right obj. i score 5 points for the objs and the kills. Turn 3 We roll and i get a double turn. I basically won at this point but we keep going. The short of it is that the VL murders the sunblood, the bloodknights destroy the ripperdactyls (both units) and get blasted in return by the sking priest that does something like 9 mortal wounds (?!?!) but still hold the left. Skellies get cherged by the 20 warriors blood but thanks to the necro spell and the palisade, they hit on a 6+ and only kill 3 skellies, while the bonedudes kill 5 of them (i would have probably killed more but i thought that the palisade triggered on a 4+ instead of a 5+). Necromancer raises them back though so yeah. I score obj and kills, putting me to 10pts against his 0 Turn 4 He gets the double turn but to no avail, he kills a lot of skellies and gets the kills but i have the objs and win the game 13-2 Observations: the palisade is really usefull on a small battlefield. Bloodknights are just brutal and the VL can be kitted out to be quite the nasty. All in all i think we are in quite the good spot, although i could not say about competitive scenarios. If i did not get the double i would have probably lost some more BK to the ripperdactyls but i would have still probably won considering my points advantage and the three man BK unit remaining to countercharge. I think i will change the skellies to zombies since in a unit of 20 they would not kill mutch anyways
  8. I gets even better if you also give the dude an artifact that gives +1 to hit, triggering the MWs on a 5+. Gyrstrike from Gyran is probably the best one since it also gives you a +1 to wond on top of that. It makes for a really scary melee fighter, almost on the same level of the prince. That said, i REALLY suggest you to make some room for a 10 men unit of blood knights wich are really juicy in LoB
  9. So, i've finally tried my list against 5 different armies and here is my 2 pennies: Swift death confirms itself as the best bloodline, charging over chaff and running off to take far objectives is too useful not to have in an army like this. I would consider necromantic if i take vhordrai with mannfred or some endless spells. Dragon warriors is just meh and masters of night is mostly useless. The knights are just right. They dont feel overcosted or undercosted and make their dirty work, and although they can be a bit swingy with d3 damage, putting more in a unit can soft-counter the problem. I will change the 2 units of 5 and the one of 10 in two units of 10 and roll around at the speed of sound. You HAVE to get the charge, this is also why i like swift death. Vargheists are really good but dont expect them to last long. Weirdly i found them better at objectives than BKs since being faster and being better in general against hordes is apparently more valuable than tankyness. I really wish BK had 2 damage attacks too... The bat swarms are reeeeeally useful against order and skaven, holy dudu. Super annoying against shooty units and that -1 to hit with bows is just mmmmmm. I find that Fell bats are still mostly useless Ye olde vampire lords are still nice, no changes here (the two CA of the foot and dragon VL are mostly the same in regard of damage increase when put on BK and Vargheists so go nuts). Same goes for the coven throne, a nice middle point (but you can argue that its CA is better since it even gives you mistic shield) Mannfred is now nicer. His CA is still amazing and gives basically the same damage increase of the lords one except to everyone at the same time. A full 20 knights, mannfred and dragon charge with this slapped on can wipe half an army if not more in one turn. Neferata is still overcosted and defensive style is not what comes to mind with soulblight, so i will still not take her. The army overall is way better. I would not call it competitive since im not a competitive player and actually quite the noob but still, it feels really cool to rock the red on those metal riff inducing fullplate armored vampire knights with 10 foots lances. I wonder why... Not being able to give deathlords death lore spells, still really pisses me off Again, this is my opinion grown in not many games, so there is room to change my perspective
  10. Take Vhordrai in place of one of the lords. Yes, BK are better in units of 10. The 30 grave guards are not that good unless you are grand host, so i would suggest to exchange those with something else, like a coven throne and some skellies
  11. even though the amulet is quite awesome i would argue that in this precise situation, the artifact ghyrstrike could be almost as good. I would not take Neferata since she is still pretty overcosted and squishy. A coven throne would be a nice buffing piece, expecially if you take (and i suggest you do) a squad of 10 blood knights
  12. I still dont know... to be honest i would just prefere some allied direwolves or skellies to screen my knights
  13. i dont really care about mercs at tihis moment but i suppose that having some cannon fire with the dawi fire squad along with the knights and vargheists could be interesting. Although i find it very mutch not chivalrous it could be effective against hero/monster dependent factions like fyreslayers etc. On the other hand i dont know how usefull can marauders be since we are already quite fast As for your list, the CP are quite a lot, are you sure you need them?
  14. Uhm. My gut reaction then would be either doppleganger cloak or ethereal amulet but since the former has been nerfed im inclined to get the latter. Charge both him and the big BLK unit, make the knights hit first and blast whatever, then have the dragon take hits like a champ, fight with something else and than use the draogn last (recovering a wound 99/100 times). Then in my next hero phase drink the chalice, retreat the dragon and charge something else. Profit $$$. Yeah, that was my thought too, amulet FTW. YEAH!!! ****** the wolves and zombies, i want fullplate vampire knights with lances! For now im inclined to use swift death since i dont rely too mutch on magic but if i were to take the prince i would probably switch to necromantic. I would really like dragon warriors to be better though since i love blood dragons
  15. yes, t'was merely a miswrite, all is fine now. I usually go with LoB too but mannfred CA bonus is very comparable and i dont have to pick neferata and make her the general, so oranges and apples i suppose. Whats your opinion on the artifact? It is bugging me quite a bit
  16. Hy guys, im a relatively new "blood conosseur" anxious to join the knigthly order and skewer some dirty paesant mortal. Im actually pretty stoked (while previously i was just being staked) by the points changes and i setted up a list i would like to try. I always wished to be a soulblight main and i must admit that this list feels pretty good on paper. Some feedback is obviously very appreciated: SOULBLIGHT (SWIFT DEATH BLOODLINE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon 440pts Deathlance, Bloodshield, Blood Chalice General: Mist Form, Artifact: Ghirthstrike Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb Mannfred Mortarch of Night 380pts Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transferance BATTLELINE 5x Bloodknights 200pts 5x Bloodknights 200pts 10x Bloodknights 400pts 3x Vargheists 150pts 3x Vargheists 150pts UNITS 2x Bat Swarms TOT 2000 Im feeling really good about bloodknights being 200pts, as you can well see. I suppose vargheists are a good contender but there is something about fullplate vampire knights with lances... Only thing that im not so sure about is the artifact. Probably an ethereal amulet would suit the VLoZD better but wounding and hitting on 2+ with the lance sounds really juicy
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