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Everything posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. This actually looks pretty damn good. Let us nknow hot it rolls and dont forget to bottle some of the blood and label it with the year and the name of the hero tha got killed. On a similar note, i got myself a nice Skragrott bottle yesterday: Remember the list i posted? Turns out i was to fight gobbos, not fyreslayers. I didnt change anything cose it looked rather nice against them: i had the prince, mannfred, allied mortis engine, 3x5 knights, 6 vargheist, soulsnare shackles and the sun (that i did not use). The opponent had Skragrott, a boss on squig, a big troll, 80 gobbos in three units, 2x10 squig knights, a mangler squig and two endless spells that did nothing. Scorched earth mission, he wins the setup and goes first. turn 1: he literally stays still, offering me a bait charge on the gobbos and pews mannfred with the moon but he ignores the wound. I dont take the bait and go forth putting the knoghts in front for him to charge or to get a double turn. Mannfred also cast the shackles in front of the big troll and 40 gobbos basically stopping them still for the rest of the game, atta boy. turn 2: i dont get the double turn. He goes and hand of gork 20 gobbos on my rear obj destroying it and unleashing the crazy gobbos with the flails into the vargheists killing ****** three. Then he charges my knights with his squig knights and the mangler squid. I start readying my bag to return home defeated but the knights not only survive but one squad also kill half the squig riders and the other squad (that was in cover and just lost one guy) almost kills the mangler in return! That was rather lucky i must say but putting them in a V formation helped minimized the damage. He breaks two more obj I get to go and i fly a buffed vhordrai over the fighting to smash into 10 squig knights while mannfred gets in position with his command ability. My counter charge is deadly, killing all the knights (thanks vhordrai), the mangler squid (thanks blood knights) and Skragrott is fryied by the dragon with 6 mortal wounds (THANKS VHORDRAI, HOLY ******). I manage to break one obj but at this point is clear that i will win only on a wipe out. turn 3: I still dont get the double turn. He tries to salvage what is left of his army and runs from vhordrai but the shackles do their job (freakin priceless) and the important part of his army stays still. His boss runs away from the action. I go and vhordrai charges the 40 gobbos after flaming them, the bloodknights charge the big troll and manfred charges 20 gobbos along with the three surviving vargheists. The troll holds with two wound left (i failed to get the knights in mannfred CA, im dumb) but he only gets two knights. mannfred and the vargheist kill 18 gobbos but thanks to the moon mountain thing they dont run away (damn). Vhordrai KILLS 35 GOBBOS but the rest does not run for the same reason. Dang it. I burn another obj turn 4: I STILL DONT GET THE DOUBLE TURN. He runs away grabbing his three remaining obj and does nothing. The troll smashes another knight but gets skewered in return. I get to go and charge the gobbos with only three knights thinking that it will be enough while vhordrai flies over the boss and fries him along with the obj. mannfred and the vargheists kill the remaning gobbos and burn an obj BUT the bloodknights do not manage to kill 5 gobbos (ARGH) and he mantains that obj. we call it for the late hour and the game ends 15-18 for me, but if we played the last turn i would have burned his last obj thus probably winning but whatever, i still feel like i won. he had basically nothing left I never really appreciated vhordrai untill now, he is a freakin beast and i love him. he killed 35 gobbos, Skragrot, a boss on squig and 10 squig knights, ending with 13 wounds left. What a champ, holy nagash. I had a lot of fun even though my luck was rather swingy
  2. finger crossed for Jaunary open day. Anyway i did the modifications and the list is now basically Manny+Prince, 3x5 knights, 6varheists, mortis engine and purple sun+shackles spells. Looks pretty good, gonna try it and give some feedback
  3. well, then i guess that 4x5 men squad it is, expecially considered that mannfred CA is an area buff and having splitted squads will actually nets me better damage (more kastellans getting the reroll) in a prefect scenario. I was also thinking that maybe that lone vampire lord is not as usefull as i would like him to. Maybe i will switch him and the vargheists out with an ally mortis engine, a bat swarm (or even a corpse cart to cast the purple sun on a 6 xD. Maybe a bit too silly i reckon) and a prismatic palisade, really rocking that magic, you know. Could it be nice?
  4. right, i always forget that stupid thing. 5 men squad you say? Interesting, i will try, thanks
  5. So, i came out with this. I dont really think it is very strong but nonethless it would be a good laugh. I think im going to be facing fyreslayers and my chances of winning are rather dim anyway, so i may as well get a good kick out of it and try the vampire bros combo: SOULBLIGHT, NECROMANTIC BLOODLINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS Prince Vhordrai 480pts Lore of the Vampires: Amethistyne Pinions Mannfred Mortharch of Night 340pts Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Vampire Lord 140pts Flying Horror, General Artifact: Sigyl of the Sanguine Throne Command Trait: Curse of the Revenant Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb UNITS 10x Bloodknights 400pts 10x Bloodknights 400pts 3x Vargheists 150pts ENDLESS SPELLS Purple Sun of Shysh 50pts Soulsnare Shackles 40pts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT 2000pts I feel like the endless spells are going to be quite annoying for the opponent (no dispell, slow speed across the army, big blobs of high value models with several wounds) and that is possibly the best i can ask against said opponent, i really like to get on his nerves
  6. Uh. Actually did not tought about that. Totally gonna try that, thanks man
  7. so this "soulbight" change was about manny and neferata getting a discount and some minor changes to the wording of dragon and terrorgheist. BORING
  8. Alas, not mutch glory for my aristocrats, fyreslayers and idoneth proved quite the hard challenge and not all was good. We got in a good trashing but we received twice in return, so not a good day was had by the knights. FUCKEN DWARVES, THEY ARE WAY TOO HARD TO KILL. ALSO THE IDONETH THIRD TURN IS UTTER ******. Im quite crossed as you can see... So, im still managing to find some with ebay but id say that bretonnian knighs are a good alternative, as are empire knights. Neither are avaiable at gw but there are quite a bunch on ebay and similar sites, so not too mutch of a problem. Then again i do have 30 knights and im probably reachin a point where i have too many, but you know... Chaos kniths can be fun and all but some work is reuqired to remove the symbols and swap the heads. I find that black arks corsairs have nice helmets wich cound be good enough, although not as mutch as the elves
  9. sooo, yeah. The +1 armor armywhise is strong as ****** and i love it. I really hope you can take the big cheese in that army to to get an all around 2+ armor. What i hope even more though is that soulblight comes out and get some similar rules
  10. Ok, so thats what "other dragon" meant.
  11. Maybe im missing something for the spanish terms but the math seems a bit off. For example: how can vhordrai go from 13,72 wounds on average against 6+ save with his power on, to 18,34 wounds with his power and charging? The charge just gives him +1 damage on the lance wich has 4 attacks (so +4 damage on a perfect round of attacks, mind you, not on avarage), how can the average damage go up by 4,62? Something is wrong
  12. -Yeah, the VL is quite squishy so having him along the BK is mandatory -I understand, yes. I had some good rolling with 2x10 BKs as of late but i will try your suggestion -Agreed, imma swap the horrorghast with a pendulum
  13. So, after reading with my two eyes about the absolute madness that Ignatius "Nate" T (love you btw, total respect) i thought "I WANT A MASS VLORD ARMY TOO" and came up with this. Is not as good as Igniatiuses' one but im trying, ok? Also if you think im crazy, you probably are, not me. Here goes: LEGION OF BLOOD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS Vampire Lord 140pts Flying Horror, General, Command Trait: Aristocracy of Blood, Artifact of Power: Orb of Enchantment Lore of Vampires: Amethistyne Pinions Vampire Lord 140pts Flying Horror Lore of Vampires: Amaranthine Orb Vampire Lord 140pts Flying Horror Lore of Vampires: Amaranthine Orb Vampire Lord 140pts Flying Horror Lore of Vampires:Vile Transference Vampire Lord 140pts Flying Horror Lore of Vampires: Vile Transference Necromancer 130pts Lore of the Deads: Overwhelming Dread UNITS 5x Direwolves 70pts Battleline 5x Direwolves 70pts Battleline 10x Zombies Battleline 10x Blood Knights 400pts 10x Blood Knights 400pts ENDLESS SPELLS Purple Sun of Shysh 50pts Prismatic Palisade 30pts Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws 30pts Horrorghast 60pts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT 2000PTS Not gonna lie, it could use a lot of improvement, so shoot away and give me a piece of your mind as long as it does not goes against the main point of the army
  14. Yes, i meant the gravetide. Btw you are an absolute madman, i love you and wish to bear your spawn. Im quite inspired to do the same thing as 6 lords sounds absolutely bonkers and F.U.N. Gonna buy some old blood dragons lords models just to do this. I would agree alas that they are quite swingy, wich is a shame. I would really like a damage 2 weapon on them (and on bloodknights for that matter). What artifacts and traits did you have? Ps- is the model in the low side of the table a black coach? I dont think i have the space for a ME quite yet, i would probably be more keen to include it in a LoB army, maybe.
  15. The idea was to go necromantic bloodline so i thought that more than one endless spell and some bravery debuffing would net me some profit
  16. Auto correct, i meant to write "i would hope to pick" but my dumb italian phone did not abide to my will. Anyway i see what you mean and i agree, the palisade is quite some value (i could also help stacking to hit maluses with neferata's CA). I was also wondering, if not using soulblight what would be the best spell for neferata. Overwhelming Dread seems like the best one all around but Fading Vigour would be less redundant
  17. Guys, i have a dilemma. Im building a list with neferata and i have 20 points left i dont know what to do with. Should i pick the prismatic palisade (i already have horrorghast) or leave the 20 points and hope for a triumph? In that case i would pick the one that basically nets you a free CP
  18. yeah that was pretty mutch my worrying point. I always use 6 vargheist in my soulblight army btw. Anywho, i shall try the aristocracy of blood trait on the same list (i posted it already) in place of walking death since i noticed that without something like gyrstrike it only adds 1,3 wounds to the total
  19. I usually manage to get them where needed without too many problems, i tend to use a pseudo lance formation that allow some better manouvering when in a terrain heavy zone, usually like this 000 0000 000 Then put them in a larger formation just before charging. 7 charging LoB knights are more than often enought to destroy everything, expecially if buffed by the dragon (rerolling to hit is better than +1 attack on 4+ attacks models) 0000000 000 Maybe im just lucky but i find it rather reasonable Uhm, you mean running neferata and mannfred... it sound quite fun actually and would make the knights rather nasty. The throne is nice but i find is quite a bit costly for what it provides so im not too keen on bringing it along. Vargheists? Are you sure? They look a bit sub par in LoB compared to knights
  20. i usually partake in the murderball yes. Since i tend to roll 2x10 bloodknights almost always i wonder if aristocracy of blood would be better than walking death. Is the classic trait that is useless untill you really need it. Im even tempted to try neferata
  21. Question: in the army i posted do you belive it would be better to put on the dragon the aristocracy of blood trait instead of walking death? I ask because yesterday i failed a 3" charge with the dragon that costed me the game. Also Im sorry, it seems that is only i who posts on this thread
  22. Greetings noble knights, and i apologize for the spamming but im in a quite busy playing period and my mind rebels at stagnation. Give me blood knights, give me an army to build, give me the most abstruse bravery bomb or the most intricate battle formation, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. So i came up with a 2000pts bravery bombish vampire heavy list, enjoy and grant me some sweet juicy feedback LEGIONS OF NAGASH: LEGION OF BLOOD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon 440pts Vampiric Sword, Bloodshield, Blood Chalice General: Walking Death, Artifact: Ethereal Amulet Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb Necromancer 130pts Lore of the Dead: Overwhelming Dread BATTLELINE 5x Direwolves 70pts 5x Direwolves 70pts 30x Chainrasp Horde 240pts UNITS 10x Bloodknights 400pts 10x Bloodknights 400pts BEHEMOTHS Mortis Engine 180pts ENDLESS SPELLS Horrorghast 60pts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT 1990pts Well then, i think the point of the army is quite clear. Mortis engine yells, Bloodknights smash, people run, there is mutch rejoicing. All the wile some bad ****** is caused by the dragon lord and the other guys.
  23. exactly my point. By swapping the VLoZD with mannfred you would get his amazeballs CA wich is mathematically equivalent to +1 attack for BKs, difference is that you would give it to half your army. Also mannfred is a better damage dealer than the standard VLoZD and would benefit more from Vhordrai CA. Taking necromantic bloodline for +1 to cast and -1 bravery is just icing on the cake. This is my two cents obviously
  24. that foot vampire lord doesnt really speaks to me as usefull, also you have way too few knights imho. I would chack out the orb and soulpike spells too if you can. I suppose the rasps are for obj taking? i would swap the dragon lord for mannfred and take the necromancer line as well
  25. totally understandable point. I like to think pure soulblight BKs as a knightly order always ready to battle and LoB BKs as filhy bored aristocrats too noble to dirt their hands, unless there realy is a need for it.
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