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Everything posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. NAGASH BLESS US ALL, VAMPIRES ARE THE MISSING ANCESTRY Warhammer Age of Sigmar Hi, Nicola Tosi Yes, Vampire is the last ancestry archetype.
  2. yeah, the conversion potential is really sexy, it is not like im totally going to use the rules to play Vlad von Carstein or anything...
  3. Is soulblight absence in the ancestries a typo? The article says 23 ancestries but the list only has 22 and the is a fantastic vampire lord image there...
  4. this "customization is for narrative only unless everyone really wants to" thing really grinds my gears. I hope it is a standard thing for matched
  5. Anybody knows if the hero maker thingy is going to be for matched play too? I sewar to nagash, if it is open play only im going to be mightly pissed
  6. that fair, my assertion was mostly a shot in the dark actually but i was quite close as it seems
  7. this is a pretty interesting comparison. Even tough i already knew the reroll vs extra attack thing it is still interesting to see that blood knights are comparable to morghasts in a 2 turns fight. I did not know how morghast would have fared in general but if they dish out a similar damage to LoB BKs (8,8 damage vs 5,58 against 4+ save if the knights charged in the first turn) and considering that each morghast is more than double the cost of a bloodknight while being almost as hard to kill as two i see no reason to take the morghasts in LoB unless you need to stack the bravery debuff (wich while good is situational considering how easy it is to negate) since two knights will dish out 11,16 damage for 25 less points. Good stuff, good stuff
  8. uhm, thats a lot of heroes, basically 2/3 of your points. I dont know if i like that style of army though, ill see exactly what i did and pland to do next time
  9. - Nah, full vampires is very fine with me, i would not like to spoil it with other inferior speciments :3 (except for the engine, thats a sweet ride) -Usually i would have agreed but last time i played vhordrai literally murdered his way through his battlefield and i decided to give him sum luv, so i will use him for this time. If i dont find him too valuable i will drop the engine, take a normal dragon lord and slap 5 more blood knights in it, maybe making it swift death, how does that sound?
  10. So, following suggestions around the community and other less healty places i came up with the following army list: SOULBLIGHT, NECROMANTIC BLOODLINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS Prince Vhordrai 480pts Lore of the Vampires: Amethistyne Pinions General Neferata Mortharch of Blood 340pts Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference UNITS 5x Bloodknights 200pts 5x Bloodknights 200pts 5x Bloodknights 200pts 6x Vargheists 300pts ENDLESS SPELLS Soulsnare Shackles 40pts Extra Command Point 50pts ALLIES Mortis engine 180pts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT 1990pts the point is rather clear, wait for CP, ubercharge neferata CA and jump in wailing, hoping for something to survive the enemy retort. I feel like the shakles could be nice to slow down one of the nemey flanks and then skidaddle everything the otherside to overwhelm the other half or so since i will porbably have the speed advantage. What think thou, fellow knights?
  11. yeah, this seems like the best option. I would say black ark corsairs heads for the helmet ones and spite revenants for the unprotected ones. As for the lance tips i find the dreadspears' to be perfect
  12. i'd say no dragon, so you can get ethereal prince and that sweet -x to hit bubble.
  13. you absolute maniac, this is exactly the level of crazy i came to expect from the bloodsucking madlads that stalk this topic. Best AoS community
  14. Gonna try next time with the same list since she costs exactly as mutch, thanks for the advice
  15. This sounds actually pretty hot, would you say she would be better than mannfred?
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