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Everything posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. oh yeah, i forgot about the command point generator. That is cash right there, he also has a nice spell. I usually find myself wanting to field a huge hero like a VLoZD along with a secondary utility boy, both radukar an Torgillus would be nice IF i could pick them up separatly
  2. Aight, those are clearly old book rules but it is still pretty interesting for things to come: -Radukar actually has 7 wounds wich i think are quite possible for vampire lords to have wich is nice, also his command ability is juicy. If i was able to take him individually he would actually be a nice choice for some army styles (infantry mostly) -the vargskyr is nice depending on its price taken individually, wish it had some kind of steroid -the bloodborne are actually a stand out point since they are squishy but very stabby fast units that can nicely fill the battlefield assassins role not too bad all in all, i will not take the box but i'm not too disappointed either
  3. well, that is doubly annoying then. Anything else to be known about the rules other than points cost?
  4. well, that sure is bad news. I would have liked to receive such news yesterday to be honest
  5. you mean nechrarchs. Yeah i feel ya, i would like blood dragons as well :3 (no, Vhordrai does not count, he is a VLoZD with a slightly different color)
  6. unleeeeeeess, we pull a Vlad and tell big skelly daddy to go snack on another type of bone. VLAD IS THE ONLY DAD
  7. Well damn, guess we are unemployed... wanna go kill some paesants and get blood-high?
  8. i would suggest everyone to temper their hopes for the cursed city models being used in AoS, they will almost certainly have garbage rules
  9. Not really, Abhorash was renowed as a honorable cavalier wheras Vhordrai is kinda of a ******. He is more Luthor an Walach Harkon fused toghether. A bloodthirsty butcher with amazing fighting skills that got mad because hubris. More of a mad dog like the ASoIaF characther Gregor Clegane than a noble knight like Abhorash. The Blood Dragon on the other hand is "totally not Abhorash still alive" https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Blood_Dragon
  10. my two-ish cents on how the units we currently have should be improved/fixed: -Nagash: pretty fine as in the ossiarchs -Arkhan, Mannfred, Neferata: they need some extra form of wound mitigation, way too squishy for their cost. I would not like seeing them becoming cheaper but some extra skills representing their character would be nice (like a comand point stealing power for neferata to reflect her spies connections) Vhordrai: he is pretty much fine as he is, maybe his command ability could be better since you need either another big dragon or mannfred to make some use of it, which is a very costly combo. -Vampire Lord on foot: needs 3+ armor and a signature spell -Vampire Lord on Zombie dragon: signature spell sucks rather hard and could use some more rend on the lance/sword. Maybe a slight points drop -Wight King: needs more punch, his strikes being damage 2 could be enough. Also needs 3+ save -Coven Throne: its ok-ish if a bit costly. 220 would be fair i think, the handmaidens attacks need rend. -Bloodseeker Palanquin: way too costly, should be around the same cost of the throne. The spell is meh and the +1 attack bonus should be game long OR just be its command ability. -Blooknights: slap a 3+ save on them and give the lances flat 2 damage on the charge and i'm sold, should be 200 for 5 at that point though. -Fell Bats: either 4 wounds each or better save, need rend -1 -Bat swarms: mostly fine but you would not see me cry if their debuff worked in melee too. Could become an endless spell? -Vargheists: have the damn thing trigger on a 6 to wound or hit for nagash sake, it almost never happens unless you plunge them into gobbos. -Necromancer: he is actualy fine but could use a horse -Mortis engine: i actually like it as it is -Zombies: they are fine but there is way too much competition in that role. They need something special like auto ressing models at the start of the turn -Dire Wolves: maybe even too good, dont touch the good boys -Both Corpse Carts: need to do something more for deadwalkers instead of being a moving +1 to cast (wich is still nice) -Skeleton Warriors: they are very nice but seeing the models id say they are going to change, maybe have higher save -Grave Guards: need polearms and 4+ save. -Black Knights: pretty fine but a 4+ save would not hurt.
  11. i really hope so. It seems like we will get some kind of glaive infantry but it is unclear if they are grave guards or vampires given the colour i would say grave guard
  12. i have mixed feelings about this one but is nice to have the choice. Would probably swap the head with the coven throne mathriarch's one. Also she is the first Vrikos vampire to not be directly linked to some kind of animal wich makes me think that maybe they dont have this werewolf theme after all
  13. i know it is not exactly lore friendly but i would love a diorama like model with vlad, isabella and some other goon like the katakros one.
  14. it depends. I would say that grave guards problem was durability compared to cost and the fact that they were battleline only in the grand host. 2" range could allow better engagements or even striking from behind zombies or skeletons (wich would be AMAZING) but on the other hand polearms tend to have lower to wound and rend so as i said it depends. If they are at least the same number of attacks of one hand weapons and 3+ 4+ -1 D1 they will be good option. Also i would prefer halberds to glaives so there's that :3
  15. So here's a thing i noticed and since nobody talked about it i wish to bring it up. If you squint really hard you may see some models in the background that look like some kind of glaive weilding infantry of some kind. Now, unless my brain is starting to rot away (and since i live forever i seriously doubt that) there are no such models in the current range so since the colour scheme looks like skellies my money are on polearms graveguard.
  16. i expecially love him. Amazing model, 99/100 my new vampire lord
  17. to be fair, the new skeletons are hella beefy, they could be as strong as grave guards (having 2 chaff infantry was kinda of a shame) so maybe now they are the elite-ish ones and the zombies are the actual chaff. Anyone else listening to simphony of the night prologue in loop?
  18. i have mixed feelings about that since i have 20 blood knights but i also do hope they are terrors on the field. Vampire lords do need a jiuce injection though, i agree on that
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