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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. @xking@JPjr@Overread thanks for the explanations! I keep finding out just how little lore I've actually dug into, and TBH the high fantasy setting is holding my interest much more than fantasy earth Old World. Even with needing more time to solidify the Mortal Realms lore, it just feels better having these absolutely fantastical places that allow players more creative freedom. I cannot flipping WAIT for the AOS TTRPG now!!!

  2. This is absolutely wild to me, why are the Realms not globes? Sigmar even flew through space, and uses that metal planetoid to make sigmarite?? Is it tongue in cheek about us playing on 2D tables, or do y'all think there might be some sort of Realm-fusing event where they turn into a globe.

    Is it possible, if using the center as North and the Edge as South, to accurately know which way (counter) clockwise will take you regardless of where you are in the realm? I suppose if the 'sun' doesn't move then it could be done without a compass

  3. On 8/5/2019 at 9:49 AM, Cèsar de Quart said:

    the sun (usually the shine of Hyish, if I'm not mistaken, unless that bit by Phil Kelly has been retconned in some novel) doesn't even necessarily travel the sky, and that some Realms are flat earths, while some are not...

    I was pretty excited to read this thread by the title alone but this bit is ungodly intriguing...where is the source for these so I can read them?

  4. 10 hours ago, soots said:

    Ogors are Mongolian/eastern in appearance and fluff. So thats more supporting evidence of the eastern cathay undead theme. Horse archers as well. And undead Ogors can fall under the re-animate keyword. 

    It's quite possible they do a Re-Animate army, but it'd be a bit too close together to do simple undead/risen Ogors with regular Ogors I think

  5. On 8/2/2019 at 12:41 AM, xking said:

    Ray is considered a Mary Sue in Star Wars because she literally picked up a lightsaber and was good enough to fight people who've been training be Jedi for years. 

    did you miss the entire opening sequence where she's been a lone scavenger for years and is CLEARLY well-versed in using her staff in combat? that alone would allow her to defend herself against a wounded opponent...

  6. On 8/5/2019 at 11:56 AM, chord said:

    Build the 2 star soul maces. Build three of the Protectors.   Then you can field a unit of retributors or a unit of protectors as needed (2 of the 5 have star soul maces).  then buy a starter set of paladins and kitbash some star soul maces (I like painting the hammers a different color) so you can field both units at the same time

    i have not been able to find that starter set for paladins, else I would probably buy that + the start collecting box for decimators..

    On 8/6/2019 at 1:02 PM, jhamslam said:

    Idk if youve seen the points and armies now, but sequitors simply arent worth their investment, given that you also have to take a bad wizard (LA) to use them.

    What other Lord would you recommend buying for players who started with the Soul Wars set?

  7. On 7/27/2019 at 10:31 AM, Hankster said:

    I think the popularity of TK in total war may have changed that calculation. 

    I'm more of this belief, since back in 7th when I started only one dude even thought Tomb Kings were cool enough over the other armies to play them... I really never heard people talking specifically about TK but maybe that was my area/the internet not being as big as it is now.

  8. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    You don't get to reroll all saves against units that fight first since they will attack on their turn before you can activate the ability

    I still don't understand how a passive ability activates after an attack... Fight First fine but while you're charging at me, I'm going to empower my shield not just stand there?? The Sequitor ability should be done at the start of combat phase itself.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Lord marcus said:

    Are any of the boardgames a good deal?

    the ones at B&N are supposed to be priced at 45-50$ so I would say they are. I may not get in to W:U but that intro set looks like a good buy to play with a friend/partner.

  10. 39 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    As usual, nice minis.


    My feeling is mostly negative because I'm a bit fed up of all those specialist GW games. I understand perfectly the GW strategy which is becoming a big company . They have to make perpetual growth and to increase their income, they can't count on only 2 mainstream games. Saling more boxes is good for the business but we are loosing a bit what make us love this company and their fantastic miniatures/lore.

    I have to disagree with this, considering they are creating lore for these specialist games that ties into the larger respective universes. Underworlds especially, has the ability to show us new factions or minis that will make it into AOS too.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Harpo2 said:

    I think they are orange because Ghur magic colour is amber orange.  Ghur is awkward because despite being the realm where the Orruks are based they can't have green due to the Ghyran the realm of life already taking it (and the fact that the Lore of Beasts users are called Amber Wizards in World That Was). 

    Amber is not even close to the shade of orange they're painted, but I do see what you're saying; Ghur could still have some pretty vibrant yellow among the brown palette that usually comes to mind for "Beasts"

  12. 6 minutes ago, FractalRain said:

    Yeah, I think they were going for the old Wardancer look, but painting them that color they get a fyreslayer feeling. :)

    The hair doesn't remind me of the old Wardancers, though old to me is like 6th-8th edition! It is just a seriously weird design choice to paint Ghur inhabitants in a scheme that is immediately remniscient of Aqshy.

  13. The Kurnothi leg poses look...strange. Like GW wanted the difference  between them and Beastmen to be overly clear... What's also weird is the hair makes me feel like they are from Aqshy rather than Ghur 🤔

    I'm happy my guess about feral aelves was right but why oh why do they look like aelven fyreslayers

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