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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Good call, was going to say this looks very much like a locked safe/hold, which would 100% fit on a KO ship!! You would think so but I very much doubt it, especially when we know GW has a 40% profit margin...
  2. ...I thought those were two different posts actually 😅 would love to see dwarf inspired gear in this revamp
  3. Definitely a mounted knight. The weird left arm is in perfect shield holding position, which leaves the right arm joint open to hold a lance at ready or charging position, or holding a banner aloft
  4. There might not be any lasting change from commenting criticisms but I do think it's worth doing still--especially about pricing, and especially about book pricing when there are pre-release patches and glaring typos for said books. They cannot charge for premium products without giving us premium products. I wonder if the painting/hobby and batrep talk is on discord rather than forums or groups? It's certainly easy to share images there vs a forum and people could do tandem streams to support painting contracts. The batreps is especially strange when those are how you further analyze the current rules and meta.
  5. Well I try not to bother with 40k but I am now also wondering 😭
  6. Maybe we can narrow this down even more then: if the people moving into AOS from 40k are only doing so to act competitively, then it'll completely F over an organic AOS group happening in that area. edit to finish thought: not a catch all, just another idea as to why AOS interest would falter. AOS-only players focusing on comp and meta will also drive out new people. However I can see 40k players coming to AOS only for comp and meta reasons, if that's what is tying together 40k groups in the same area. It's not focused because GW keeps putting all its secondary media weight behind 40k... I love AOS and I'm tired of being continuously frustrated by GW hemming and hawing about their decision for 7 years. (or at the least, it is not any more unfocused than GW's other rules are)
  7. Yea this is 100% more votann... I'm feeling a Lumineth treatment here
  8. Stay strong brother Isharann, 40k is the Archenemy This can definitely be more of an issue of the spaces you've chosen or find to talk about AOS. I find myself talking more about lore or the business side of GW more than AOS metas for the same reason. Overall agree with your post, it's very frustrating being an AOS fan right now and being unsure if we've lost the momentum of 3.0's release! However if you're not already into it, I don't think buying into 40k is ever the answer for being frustrated with AOS. At the very least, it is exactly what GW wants you to do--instead of finding another game or using a different ruleset you're stuck with them.
  9. SCE box is actually perfect, the only new unit it leaves out is the chariot. Otherwise it is legitimately the PERFECT addition to the Dominion box... I'm actually shocked it has both the Vanquishers and Vigilors in it. A definite purchase from me, if the price does not go up from last year.
  10. They should be marketing this though. It's not mutually exclusive with AOS tabletop getting articles.
  11. Goff Rocker... Goth Rocker? GW why do you waste every. single. Orktober opportunity??? This dude is straight up Ork Halloween
  12. I was going to say... most of this sounds like it would literally stop 40k production in order to get done. No fething way. TOW intro box will be half new models at most, OR that box will be the only new models in the first wave.
  13. Any chance he gave insight to their contents or does he not hear even the 40k battleforce contents beforehand?
  14. Release hype is not tied to new models or getting something for your own army: You have a new tome, yet your friend is still waiting for theirs--this can disincentivize them from playing you or other opponents if their army feels bad without a 3.0 book. "Releases" also includes secondary media like campaign books, BL novels, comics, collectibles, video games, and now animations. AOS has been getting some more novels, but we're still waiting on any Era of the Beast narrative movement either from novels or campaign books... We have no animations except a single episode of H&B... We have no collectibles like 40k does (joytoy)... We have barely any video games and zero actual news on the ones in development... and AOS never got comics like 40k and WHF did... "Release hype" has never been tied solely to the tabletop game or new models. Interest in Warhammer has never been solely tied to the tabletop game or models.
  15. My thing is... I agree with everything you said. However. if GW is keeping as much as possible "in house" to prevent any weird shipping delays, they are very much overloading themselves. We can talk about how the different game systems are different dev teams, but a- GW is only so willing to pay so many people to do that and b- this does not change their production capacity. With 30k being a hit, 40k still being the obvious favorite and moneymaker, specialist 40k expanding, and who knows how much work for TOW... I think we should be concerned about what happens with AOS between now and when 10e and TOW come out. There is news and yet there isn't... we got a roadmap yet it changed 2 or 3 times, so we know any AOS roadmaps simply cannot be trusted. Cursed City "came back" and then the expansions whimpered. WHU got a huge rotation of models put in storage, while the remaining ones got reboxed without cards at a higher price. "News" needs to include actual, respectful communication with us and not just "announcing new thing!" or their weirdly insulting "whoopsies!" video about the Votann book...
  16. I missed the first one so I'll take one TBQH. They're easily my 2nd army pick until Seraphon gets something, would be great to feel a Warden before buying in.
  17. I'm with you and it does make the most sense!! Even as a Stormcast player I only want about half of what Stormbringer is offering--and two of the units I do want are cut in half Kruleboyz side I would probably end up selling so I don't have to store it, while keeping a couple models to paint. Two or three ~1000 point armies from each GA sounds perfect for AOS. It's been a blessing we have no Space Marines like 40k, now it seems to be a curse for getting as much cool stuff...
  18. Sure do hope that means Vanguards will stay around 90-100 USD..............
  19. There's a mistake here--the below blowpipe skink from the teaser is missing, yet it does show up in the full reveal article. So we're getting 5 melee and 5 ranged chameleons... looks like GW miiiiight be using Warcry to help proxy/replace old units!!
  20. Anyone else slightly miffed all the new Chaos stuff is multipart while Thunderstrike is all push-fit?
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