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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. it is and I think more people would enjoy more of the wackier models if they accepted and embraced this.
  2. sorry to hear that, I've seen so many FR/DE/ES translations of 40k books I would hope AOS got some itself
  3. But to specifically say they were coming to TOW? where we have no news or even a full model yet? nah, calling SUS.
  4. what a perfect addition too... it even looks like Dawners can drag it with them!!
  5. unless I missed something, you might be talking about me guessing a new Warcry ruleset could be inside the crashed Temple Ship in Gnarlwood, mirroring the Kill Team ruleset for fighting in ship/station combat. someone mentioned spawning pools could be a possible terrain feature if that happened
  6. hmm the white dwarf image he links kinda sounds more like a retcon than his evidence in the post though? "start as creatures of memory, celestial energy, and magic." Obviously GW could still handwave it and say the Spawning Pools created them like this anyway, but it feels different enough than the new explanation of "the starborne were actually just born with/through Azyr magic"
  7. have to agree completely here, and tbh is a big reason why I'll probably grab an older Seraphon book. the idea that Seraphon were now Order-daemons was so intriguing I ended up spending another four hours finally, actually looking into AOS lore. real, real shame they didn't keep the fully-starborne angle.
  8. ahh yeah okay, this is a similar issue to Stormcast blowing up (limited to 1" range after enemy fights)
  9. why would they lose anything? it's probably +1 to HIT bites as Coalesced.
  10. praying to Sotek that we get Salamander and Kroxigor in the Vanguard 😭
  11. ah man that chariot will probably be cheaper even with the shipping price 😳 nice to see this taking off
  12. i think most of us have been asking for female dwarves since we were old enough to understand it was weird we never saw any LOTR and Warhammer have always had a very weird absence of lady dwarves. I've seen some comparisons of the new Cities models to Pratchett's city guard. Hopefully GW also read his bits about lady dwarves too!
  13. figures lmao, it does make sense to have units/rules like this but still. there's so many other kits to put in the launch box
  14. Focus and Slitherine at least are video game devs to me 👀 edit: Well Played, Snowprint, Everguild are mobile developers as well
  15. looks like the hand is resting on a gnarlwood stump, i'm going with FEC/Nightmare Quest
  16. I think that AOS reveal+Q&A block is the same size as two smaller blocks put together (they should be 1hr 30min increments). HOWEVER, 40k's reveal is part of the opening welcome so I'm inclined to agree with you? Unless it's a 2min opening, AOS looks like it'll get an extra 10-15min. That our Q&A is the same as 40k's new edition Q&A gives me hope we'll be getting a large chunk of models along with some books! edit: the blocks are an hour long
  17. Yeah I wouldn't be surprised at all if that were the case. the longer we go without a REAL, full AOS video game the more I wonder if we don't have one because it includes things not released yet (namely the new Cities models and actual DBC lore).
  18. bit of a necro on this convo I'm sure (catching up on the weekend posts!), but the depressing irony here is I explicitly remember GW saying the launch of 3.0 was "supposed to re-tread how far Chaos has corrupted the realms" to show us how important Order's bastions of resistance/success are... Neither that nor a proper metaplot for Destruction/Kragnos seems to have happened
  19. They're not a monolith but it is inevitable that in WHF spaces the AOS hate comes out at some point. Whether it gets pushback, or gets shutdown, or even ignored depends on that space sure. But for whatever reason, some fans cannot accept that GW killed fantasy and not AOS. So here we are, going around and around. I'd love to see the day where I can encounter WHF discussions "in the wild" (i.e not here) and not see AOS hate that is well-agreed-upon. Does not seem to be soon unfortunately!
  20. It's been 4 years??????? "You get the idea – this is a long way off. Years. More than two. Like three or more. Definitely not soon." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/15/old-world-new-warhammer/
  21. Same, I was glad their launch box is not at all appealing to me (I do NOT need 10 raptadons...) because now I can either buy the Vanguard and be done or wait for the Christmas battleforce if the Vanguard is missing key units I want.
  22. Interesting. Can't help but feel like 2023 is a little rushed, so maybe the rumors that it'll be a wave of indexes/codices alongside a single launch box is correct? then drip-feed the rest of the initial release over 2024 since 10e is coming for 40k. once that's done, going "all out" on AOS for 2024-25? and continuing to bring back old kits with some upgrades
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