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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. neither of these are guaranteed though which tbf is probably a good thing so you dont have to buy every single tome to find out your own lore
  2. i'm half expecting today's RE to be replaced, no idea what a vigilor sword is doing unless it's also the sidearm of new judicators. the base unit is already a warcry-ready unit/idea. WHU already had a vigilor with the bird.
  3. Right, their "CMS portfolio" is doing fine but RoR is the last in a line of launch failures for Frontier trying to branch out. Just because RoR is their most recent launch doesn't mean it is SOLELY at fault for shares dropping. The meat of the article makes it pretty clear the studio was expecting this since late 2022... they had already done layoffs/closures before RoR's launch soured.
  4. it wasn't specifically RoR, the company's struggles started at the beginning of this year and finally came to a head because we're getting to EOY company ******. we can throw it in the terrible pile of other layoffs. The title of that article was really misleading; this would've happened with any Frontier release in the same slot as RoR.
  5. yea i'm still generally fine with it, but this quick discount feels like maybe there was an argument about the price and GW/Frontier stockholders won out? this quick to 40% very much feels like an "ok you (devs) were right, price too high"
  6. the other thing is if Total War fans were pissed about DLC prices*, they are absolutely not going to put up with GW's pricing lol. *and they were so pissed eventually CA relented to reworking how much content DLC gets
  7. I see your points but tbh I think players asking for it back *still* falls under nostalgia; because in your own words people are asking for it back because it is something they've had since childhood. that's still nostalgia, regardless of any other corporate reasonings. they are both filling a mechanical gap (rank n file game) and nostalgia gap (returning a flagship IP) by doing TOW.
  8. WELL I guess that means inquisitor junk? So... more of these like the cape and skeleton might be 40k than we thought
  9. really bad view on Skumdrekk there... i looked up the model and on the generic hero the GW site has a much better angle. not entirely convinced yet because none of the nails/spikes are even close to that obvious thunderbolt but another few REs might flip me
  10. i actually expected the Seraphon renew to go farther, but maybe we'll have to wait for more monsters. the ONLY really magitech thing they got was the laser pointer that skinks hook onto the salamanders. everything else could easily be TOW if not for the poses.
  11. Me either but it feels like it's that... or it's all 40k imperium stuff
  12. not only was Ionus missing "Thunderstrike" keyword but the new Neave warband did too lol.... https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/BMuJ6HfQcjjbbiFG.pdf they did give Ionus "Lord" as well @PJetski so we finally have an official apology for that too. Krondys and Karazai got the same attack reduction skill. also didn't see that ALL the lord-arcanum types got "Cycle of the Storm", so now you dont need the gryph charger version https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/e2PDdoMFQ70O8VGJ.pdf
  13. Flagellants fit into a Cities wave, so yeah. Could be an ironweld bomb.
  14. dearly hoping these rumor engines are for another Cult...
  15. hmm this idea lines up with the first lightning bolt pic we got; the water could be dispensed from it
  16. yea idk I'm getting heavy COS vibes from the stuff that isn't obviously 40k, for better or worse
  17. this has happened in every edition so far, so no reason to think it won't continue. personally i'm hoping for all Redeemer units to be one warscroll, with liberator/sequitor/etc a loadout not a separate unit. Paladins are absolutely begging for it... only hiccup there is annihilators are 3s and everyone else is 5s. sigh.
  18. Sounds like a good swap for KB? I never really find myself buying the lord celestant as SCE, so i'm looking forward to getting Yndrasta instead of a 2nd dragon lol
  19. looks like one of those auto-typer things? autoscribe?
  20. it does actually seem to show the Imperium as irredeemable. which, while a good thing, does make me wonder how enjoyable playing through the game is overall-- i.e does it become exhaustive grimdark p o r n*? does it corner or cut off choices at the end? how much room is there for characters and NPCs that don't buy into the Imperium or Chaos? etc. *if I need a different word choice let me know, i'm bypassing the filter because it looks much worse censored!
  21. tbqh even if it bombed, AOS still needs more games. ESPECIALLY RPGs.
  22. I've actually been painting this month!!! Got a bunch of details done that push the handful of Stormcast I'm working on to about 80% done each the only issue now is I might be missing the ponytail of a limited edition liberator prime.. but hey, that's what digging through the bitz box is for... don't ask me about basing though
  23. as a spare wheel? it seems too far off the ground to be an active wheel
  24. i believe the round metal object is a stored shield. i am now just realizing the metal thingy is not a stored trumpet but more like a hook to tie rope on...
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