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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. I do wonder how much of the BL book jankiness is the constrictions GW sets on writers vs BL grabbing newer writers because it can pay them less. I've noticed a lot of the recommended authors tend to be BL writers who've been there since WHFB was alive.
  2. Interestingly, the "Scathborn" mention that got hyperlinked is for Shadowstalkers and not Khinerai... maybe Arena moved enough of that stock? Maybe Shadowstalkers actually fit into DOK with this tome?
  3. Has anyone subbed to this? Any news of the full release if you're subbed to the trial?
  4. Anyone heard more about this new magazine btw? Have you subscribed? I can make a new thread for it, just wondering if it's actually happening already! https://www.warhammerstormbringer.com/ found the thread again
  5. No way that horn isn't from a Beast kit... It could easily be a nostalgia matchup of Sylvaneth vs BOC, with an extra release for Skaven! I wouldn't count that out if the rumors are solid, it's more likely than Skaven being rolled into BOC.
  6. On a separate note, what are y'all expecting/hoping for if we get a big Thunderstrike box this Christmas? Personally I'd like to see the Vigilors, Vanquishers, a set of SDG, and the Knight Relictor inside. Or do you think they'd be in a Vanguard style box instead?
  7. If not I'd be shocked, I think those are why Warcom has 2 banners up
  8. Warcom does specifically call out new UNITS for AOS, and since there's two Sylvaneth banners I do hope that means some weird (weirder?) units for Sylvaneth. Alarielle is riding a giant beetle, so where are the other cool bugs?? Either way I think new Sylvaneth units are confirmed
  9. in lore they've said Liberators are mainly guarding cities now, I was under the impression that meant Vindictors were the ones mainly out offensively and with the Dawnbringers? Regardless, it still looks like a Thunderstrike Liberator. "just art" still gets commissioned with specific purposes in mind, GW still has to accept it, etc. Very weird they would have official primary art that is a mashup of two different kits. Unfortunately I'd also like to see how the original kits would look with the sleeker armor, even if I don't want Stormcast to get primaris'd.
  10. Is it just me or does the Knight Relictor here look AWFULLY like an updated Liberator? hammer not a maul, shield, and no leg cloth
  11. Apologies, I meant model ranges specifically! I'll edit my post to clarify. Rules-wise there will probably be a big drop like Legends did.
  12. They are probably getting repackaged for Rivals, however, this is definitely the last chance to get them at a lower price I'm sure...
  13. I agree, it's been another longstanding thorn for people that UW bands are useless in AOS. Bumping up humanoids in general to 2 wounds would mean all Stormcast, Ironjaws, and a bunch of Chaos kits need another wound added to their profiles.
  14. We dont and it does, I think the fact that these are elite character units that look fairly priced makes up for it somewhat?
  15. Yeah I wonder how much of TOW is banking on players using their existing WHFB armies? It would take an entire factory unto itself to release several TOW armies at once. I wouldn't be surprised if the initial model release was only 2 factions (Empire vs Chaos as my guess if TOW is doing Magnus) and it took another couple years to push out the kits for elves and orcs and other beasties.
  16. Vigilors right now are probably better served in Warcry itself. The Knight-Judicator is a much stronger pick for points cost than people originally theorycrafted. So you can't go wrong with adding a KJ, and if you want cheap ranged you can pick up some monetarily cheap castigators secondhand. For competitively stong picks: add a box of Vanguard Raptors, or even a block of 10 judis.
  17. Obviously going to want to do Scions with that. I can tell you after buying the Warcry box that unless you really really want 6 hammer annihilators, just go with one. Having ten extra Vindictors and DOUBLE the Warcry cards is extremely meh to me; you're not going to do anything with the 2nd cards and people who want them will want the whole box itself. I still wish they'd put 5 Vigilors in the box with the Annihilators.
  18. my first instinct is a Halfling, possibly from the Cities warband
  19. if they actually did Order vs Order, I hope it's more of a 'civil' war than a complete split. it'd be more interesting to see Malerion and Morathi start a war over having an equal godhood standing to Sigmar, than completely break from the Order alliance. They all know none of them can take on Chaos alone, I don't want to see infighting for whatever grimdark-contrived reason.
  20. This makes the Witch Hunter companions being dogs even worse noooooooo... I was imagining a lightning cats vs shadow rats box set 😞 Skaven being given the shadow daemon position is a nice move, gives more than just Pestilens a purpose for being in Chaos
  21. I hadn't planned on getting the SDG anytime soon, if they end up in a Battleforce with Vigilors and Vanquishers, then I'll know I have conversion options
  22. I'll admit as a lifelong cat owner my eyes have a bias on identifying those shapes as cats immediately, but on top of the excerpt @Baron Klatz posted being a mechanical reason, it'd be a simple way of creating a Witch Hunter for AOS that isn't entirely a throwback to Old World.
  23. @JackStreicher holy moly those look great!! now my question is, how expensive were those sword bitz--looks like the Prime has a Knight Draconis sword? Dang, so the unit itself kept waning cry while it was removed from the hero buddy versions? Could've sworn waning cry got limited badly in 3.0
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