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Everything posted by Dolomyte

  1. Ditto for reapers. Well change that, I think they are an amazing thing for the games health. They are going to force some of the top lists to compensate for them and open up a more balanced meta. I’m not saying they are not a good army, I’m saying they are a 3 and 2 and sometimes 4 and 1 army. They are not going to be taking 1st 3rd 4th and 6th st every event like slaanesh was, or flesh eater courts before them, or daughters before them.
  2. people were sure gotrek would dominate the game too. They cost a ton of points. They are going to have issues with horde armies. They are incredibly mortal wound vulnerable. This is hot take terror everyone seems to be experiencing right now
  3. Well they did put them against an army they are a hard counter to. Let’s see how they do versus skaven or daughters
  4. at what point at the catapults scary? If someone takes one, at 200 points mind you, against most hero’s it has a 50 percent chance or worse to do any damage, against some armies it’s near useless, and against a rare few it’s very very good. if you take three your spending 600 points on them, which again could be worthless depending on matchup. I just don’t see them as threatening in the slightest. What am I missing?
  5. That is also a suboptimal slaanesh list. Good but not broken
  6. OBR have good matchups and bad matchups. Slaanesh is a good matchup. I think we will see them spike hard at a tournament or two while no one understands how they actually work and then they will fall to a solid counter meta army like deepkin. 3-2 regularly with a flash of 4-1 and 5-0 rarely. Which is a great place for every army to be. The dream is every army averages 3 and 2 or 2 and 3
  7. The issue I have with immortis is they really shine with the Battalion, your spending a third of your army on that, then the characters you would want them to guard are either faster then they are or are super expensive themselves. So you are gonna have a hell of a time holding objectives
  8. @Scurvydog you are selling KitKat short, he 5050 blocks command points, he gives you 4 not 1 plus d3, he heals 3 units 3 wounds per turn, he can give plus 1 to hit in a 36 inch bubble, he gives plus 1 attacks within 12 of him to someone, and minus 1 to hit on a deathstar army is amazingly powerful. Or your 700 point unit of berserkers is now 25 percent less damage output.
  9. @Scurvydog to address your other points, vokmortian is fantastic due to his Battalion in feast of bones, letting him return a stalker or Morghast per turn. Bring back two and it is a net positive. zandtos is situationally useful as with plus 1 to hit from katakros your mostly already on 2s, so zandtos extra 2 of speed and able to reroll 1s to wound versus living takes a larger precedent.
  10. You can still use the plus 1 to hit aura within petrifex. It’s only the plus 1 to saves that’s not used. So he is still wildly effective. Command point denial is a huge game changer against cp hungry armies like FEC and Slaanesh etc etc
  11. In events that I run I will allow the OBR player(s) to tell me what piece they want to swap their terrain in for.
  12. Your right my bad, I glossed over the melee only for both big waagh and Warchanter. So 4s and 4s is the best they can do. Better to go with maniak boar boyz
  13. Gordrakk 2x warchanters 2x 5 man ardboyz 2x 10 man Ardboyz ardfist battalion 30 arrowboyz maniak wierdnob Savage big boss turn 1 starts with 16 waaagh points with ere we go ere we go. Theory is if your in range on turn 1 arrowboyz can shoot 90 shots 3+ 4+ exploding into two hits on sixes. Turn 2 with some liberal command point usage you can jump them to 2+ 3+ exploding into three hits on sixes. So average of 105 hits and give or take 65 wounds. Rend 1 on a monster. Meanwhile rest of army is on 2+ 2+ with massive damage. need to play with it more to see how effective it is, but on paper looks devastating.
  14. For whoever said Slaanesh is not obviously competitive they took 1st and 2nd at the Triumph GT, and I think had 5 placings in the top 10. People just had not had a chance to build the armies and get them painted for events yet, which is one of the main reasons books really need six months to a year of play before adjustments are made. On to daughters, with the new books I don't think they are a massive problem, honestly upping the Hag to 100-120 and either eliminating the horde bonus or increasing the price of witches will bring them down into the sweet spot of 45-55% win rate at events.
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