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Everything posted by SunStorm

  1. Kragnos does seem more Gorkish than Morkish from what we saw of him in BR: Kragnos. I'm hoping that they get their own big named leader on a monster along the lines of Gordrakk.
  2. The more Ghur the better. It was the realm I gravitated towards from the start, so I'm hyped we're getting more info on it and some rules for playing in Ghur.
  3. As someone who is more hobby focused than gaming focused, the rules/points (which can and will change over time) are less important than the models to me, which on the whole look to be nice kits and the fluff, which I'm excited to dive into.
  4. "entire hobgrot Empires" - Hopefully we'll see more Hobgrot units, mounted troops, warmachines, etc.
  5. Few bits still to touch up, but finished and happy with how he turned out. He's great sculpt, just a shame there are not others in the same style.
  6. What do we think is still to be seen for the Kruleboyz? They've said we can expect 2 more monsters, but outside of that. Theres got to be a named hero coming right? Some mounted troops?
  7. I was wondering if any of the rumour mongers that had mentioned the future of AoS also called a new plastic box set? if so could mean more weight could be put on their AoS rumours.
  8. It's just let me on, cannot see anything different, but like you say those leaks will have every 30k and a lot of 40k players thinking about kick starting new or existing armies
  9. Are the FW or GW webstores showing the queue splash page for anyone else now?
  10. Did any of the AoS rumour mongers mention any new 30k stuff? There seems to be some new possible plastics shown in potato cam shots (30k Reddit)
  11. On at 10:00. It's fine, at least I know what to expect now for dominion next weekend. Get on there before 10 and use a couple of devices.
  12. Well finally got through at 10:38 and the ltd ed stuff was already sold out. I must've been unlucky to be stuck in the queue for a full 38mins.
  13. It could push more people to 3rd party retailer sites. If I'm sat in a queue and can't even browse the rest of the GW range, I'll instead be using my time to try and order from other sites. I guess all the negative feedback they had from cursed city has been listened to and at least they're trying something new.
  14. Very weird going to the GW site to see what's new this week and being told I have to wait 50minutes. It would be very interesting to see how this affects sales and site visitor numbers. I can't imagine casual buyers being happy to sit in a long queue and then only have 10min to decide before it kicks you off.
  15. Exactly. I don't get the hate for the Orruk Warclans book. As you point out it's really two separate army books in one, with a couple of pages added to allow the "soup" army of Big Waaagh. Moving from my old Ironjawz list to my current Orruk Warclans: Ironjawz list had no negative impact on how I play the game. I choose not to take Bonesplitterz, but I never feel like I'm missing out on something. We don't know how the new edition of it will work, but chances are, it will be 3 different army lists, Bonesplitterz, Ironjawz and Kruelboyz and a couple of pages with rules to take them all together with it's own advantages and disadvantages. So if someone wants to just focus on and play only with Kruelboyz, history suggests they will be able to do this and GW community even said this would be the case.
  16. But can we? We can see what someone on the internet says the profiles will be, but until I see more official proof I'm not going to make snap judgments on out of context rumours.
  17. That's why it's nearly always pointless commenting on rule rumors which are likely at best out of context or mistranslated. I wait to see once the full profile comes out, hence me not quoting them and only focusing on the descriptions.
  18. Not commenting on the rules, but just those descriptions... oh my...
  19. They've not shown us the full rules for him like they did with the Killaboss on foot, so I would expect there is something else on there otherwise they'd have shown the full profile.
  20. An updated Wyvern that is to the Mawkrusha as the Kruelboyz are to the Ironjawz would be cool. Sludgeraker could be anything lol, something sort of semi-aquatic possibly, a giant angry hippo style monster maybe?
  21. So new day, any guess on what the monster we'll see today that they teased? "Join us tomorrow as we take a look at one of the huge beasts that might be lurking out there in the wilds"
  22. Shar'tor at least would put up a good fight I reckon?
  23. Good take! I hope they do more teasing around the way they will advance the lore rather than drip feeding rules that taken without any context only stoke internet rage rather than get people excited. I'm also hoping they announce more about how Path to Glory will work and if it's closer to the 40k Crusade playset.
  24. Assuming I've been playing it right, I think Big Waaagh (currently at least) gives a new separate set of allegiance abilities that affect all units with the Orruk keyword. Units inside that can have abilities that only affect their warclan keyword. Eg. a Wardokk's avilities only affect Bonesplitterz, even in a Big Waaagh force. Will need to wait to see how the rest of the rules work to see if it's going to have an impact.
  25. The spell is +1 charge rolls on Kruleboyz and -1 charge rolls on any other units. Ironjawz will come under any other units, so a mixed big Waaaagh force will mean deciding if having brutes or goregruntas at -1 charge is worth the trade off. Edit - Unless there are rules that compensate for this that we don't know about.
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