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Everything posted by Landohammer

  1. Ok guys. Played a 2 game casual tourney. List was Olynder, Spirit Torment, 20 Grim, 20 Grim, 20 Harridans, 10 Harridans, 10 Bladeghast, 10 chain rasps, and Lauka Vai as an ally. vs Lumineth Realm lords I felt good going into this game. LRL are a hard army but I have a lot of experience vs them and generally do well. But they really profited from 3rd edition. They outdropped me and gave me first turn. So i pushed on them hard. I grabbed all 3 objectives and deepstriked several units, but they all failed their charges. On his turn he cast lambent light through a spell portal and power of hysh on 30 sentinels and insta-killed Lauka Vai with 16 mortals from like 30 inches away. He counter charged and killed my deepstrikers. On my turn I deepstriked 20 Grims near his wardens, and scored a 10+ wave of terror charge into 10 wardens yay!. So here was my shot. However, because of Teclis, he had a 5+ Ward, and because of shining company he had -1 to hit, and because of Aetherquartz he had +1 save. He also popped all out defense. So my 38 attacks, rerolling everything did ONE WOUND to his wardens. I also charged bladegeist into his wardens that were fighting Olynder and they did much better leaving only a few wardens behind. The rest of the game was sentinels and Tecnado killing me as I desperately tried to reach his lines. 16-25 Lumineth win vs Mist Havn I was scared of this list because it had Gotrek and Yndrasta (these guys are in every list it seems) and a lot of deepstrikers. However my opponent misplayed his big heroes by using them as objective campers early on rather than pushing them. He deepstriked behind my army (it was the Vice so long deployment which made screening difficult) with his dragon lord and Cold one cavalry. Cold ones failed but dragonlord made it and almost killed Lauka Vai on my objective! I was able to recover and heal her, and pushed forward. I focused on killing the army around his unkillable characters and ended up only leaving Gotrek and Ynndrasta alive. With a 25-15 Nighthaunt win Because the tourney was only two games, and because my VP scores were decent, I ended up placing 3rd out of 10 players. Here are some thoughts. -All out defense, Finest Hour and mystic shield are big problems for us. I was constantly in situations where I just couldnt' kill even basic batteline units because they had 2+ or 3+ saves vs my Rend -1 attacks. This makes me want to focus on mortal wound generating units like Hexwraiths and Spirit Hosts. -Lumineth are bent. Not a surprise here but taking 18-34 mortals a turn from Teclis and Sentinels at crazy ranges is really hard to overcome. Shining company, wards, and aetherquartz are also problems. I always felt like Deepstrike charges were my only hope and those just fail too often to be a reliable tactic. -There were 3 Gotreks and Ynndrastas at this event, with one set of them placing 2nd. I expect to see them continue to be popular until a nerf hits. -Lauka Vai was fantastic at tanking scary units. Despite dying to Sentinels, she actually did well in some practice games prior to the tourney so I am gonna continue to use her. It was a fun event but I definitely felt like the underdog, even in my practice games.
  2. I have a tourney this weekend, and here is a paraphrasing of my TO's response after asking him about Mourgul and other FW units.. (he is a good friend so pardon the banter lol) ME: GHB says monstrous arcanum is legal. HIM: Where is the points costs for those units? No points, no play. ME: In the monstrous arcanum HIM: Well my codex is listed on the GHB legal list, so why can't I use my old points and horde discounts? ME: Because the GHB 21 is the most recent publication, and overides those points. HIM: So you acknowledge the GHB 21 overwrites those books, but does not overwrite arcanum? ME: ... TLDR: The point that my TO is trying to make is that the lack of points in a GHB overrides the presence of points in an old supplement. I personally think that it is definitely ambiguous, but am gonna abstain from using the Mourngul in events for now. I would personally feel really weird using points from a book that old in matched play.
  3. Followup question: Are the Son of Behemat mercenary rules still valid? Did those come from a GHB or their actual codex? I was considering bringing one as a mercenary but didn't want to get the model if the legality was in question.
  4. No, but some of the warscrolls are strong enough to stand on there own. For example the Terrorgeist doesn't really need allegiance abilities to be good. Also the Vengorian lord has a spell that gives all units +1 to wound. He can also use finest hour and mystic shield because he isn't ethereal. So there def is some synergy.
  5. Ok good catch, but what about points? How can we field a unit that doesn't have points assigned?
  6. Hey guys, I know there is some doom and gloom in this faction right now. We were recently rated as one of the worst 3 factions in 3rd edition so thats nice lol However I did want to point out one gain: Getting access to full Soulblight Gravelords as allies is pretty huge. Blood Knights, Radukar the Beast, Terrorgeists, and Vengorian Lords are all solid additions to our list. Terrorgeists and Vengorian lords/Lauka are solid options for capping monster-based objectives. I have a tourney this weekend where I am fielding a bunch of Grimghast Reapers, Harridans and a Vengorian Lord. I will let yall know how it goes.
  7. The Vorgheist is an amazing model but currently the Mourngal is not legal for matched play. If its not in the GHB then its not legal. The App or Warscroll builder has no bearing on a units legality. Considering other FW units were dropped, many are thinking a supplemental FW codex will be released eventually with new points and overhauled warscrolls. Thats what they did with 40k.
  8. There is additional clarification in the FAQ that Aura command abilities only lockout the issuer from giving/receiving. Those that benefit from auras may continue to issue/receive additional command abilities. So its possible that a unit could technically get multiple buffs. The monster and character buffs, combined with the buffs to the wyldwood split and auras, means TLA may actually be useable again I think you may be over thinking that line. You choose one spell for each of your wizards. So each wizard may choose a spell. Its not any different than before. Giving every wizard the same spell would be silly. I am also sad about Wanderers. I emailed the FAQ email for clarification. I wonder if it may have just been forgotten about. But note you could only teleport 1 non-treelord unit before. So that is the same. Ever since 40k starting invalidating their Vigilus supplements within a year after releasing them I have been SUPER wary of buying supplements, so I avoided buying any BR books for rule purposes. This just further supports that decision. I think the 3+ rerollable saves on Hunters was a bit much, but considering their point cost i don't think it was that big of a deal. However it looks like most units have lost save rerolls. Probably a good change for the game as a whole even tho it hurts us.
  9. Yea this is how we have been playing it in our early 3rd games. I don't see any situation where Ghyran's wrath would be used. I pretty much always keep All out attack up on Alarielle because each attach is critical. And I would pretty much always rather give a block of Kurnoth +1 to hit than reroll 1's to wound. Especially with all the -1 to hit out there.
  10. Yea if Treelord ancient was useless enough already, now he is extra useless lol.. Good catch on the wyldwood warscroll. So yea we are very much susceptible to monsters killing our forest now Overall this was pretty hard on us.
  11. FAQs are out. We did not get Coalition with Wanderers. 😭 So looks like they are just gone as fieldable options. So we can ally with dwarfs, deepkin, and stormcast but not wanderers. Makes no sense. Other changes Kurnoth lost reroll saves in favor of +1 save. Thats a hard nerf since it no longer stacks with All Out Defense. Arch Rev lost reroll save rolls of 1 in favor of +1 save for shield use. Thats solid. They tweaked/clarified the awakened wyldwood. It now definitely drops in your own territory. It can be dropped as multiple pieces but only gains wyldwood traits if its a single model of 3 pieces. Gladewyrm no longer requires units to be wholly within for the heal to go off. So thats cool. Not sure its worth its new cost though. Did I miss anything?
  12. I saw a leak, but I think it was a page from either the GHB or the actual physical rule book. I don't see it in the free PDF. I am at work otherwise I would post the snip. But there have so far been two Warcom articles clarifying bits and pieces. So its def happening. Just a matter of who gets to coalition with who!
  13. Today's warcom just revealed a bit more. BoC can be taken in other Chaos armies, and they gain the relevant keyword/allegiance abilities. But they are limited to 1/4 and don't contribute to battleline. Not sure if BoC could take Khorne units, but I think most competitive BoC guys were piggy-backing on other allegiances anyway. So this makes that possible, at least to some degree.
  14. Hey guys, they revealed more of the Coalition rules in the Khorne article today. Based on the BoC example they used, here is what we know about Coalition so far. -Limited to 1 in 4 units -No point limit -Counts against behemoth/artillery's/leader caps -CAN take enhancements -GAINS the faction keyword and related allegiance abilities So its looking really possible that we may get Wanderers as a coalition option. I sure wouldn't mind some Sisters of the Watch teleporting around or Eternal Guard camping in a forest! Sisters of the Thorn could be a decent wizard option if they get allegiance spells.
  15. Coalition was mentioned in either the GHB or BRB. And it was touched on in one of the Warcom articles. Its basically the new way that they define situations such as fielding Stormcast in cities or STD/BOC in Chaos armies and vice versa. All we know so far is that they don't contribute to battleline, can gain enhancements, and are distinct from Allies. The full info will be in the upcoming faction FAQs. Wanderers were dropped from Sylvaneth allies for the first time in 5 years (despite Dispossessed remaining) so it def looks like Coalition may be more widely available than just Chaos and Cities.
  16. I think the majority of the material in FAQs will be regarding the "Coalition" rules mentioned in the GHB. There were some pretty suspicious changes to allies so I'm thinking Coalition options will be added. (Sylvaneth and Wanderers and BOC/STD/Chaos are the most obvious examples) After that, its probably just spell clarification, command ability cleanup, and probably some clearer faction terrain verbage.
  17. There is a core battalion in the GHB that includes 2-3 (non-leader) Monsters and allows them each to move D6 inches before the game starts. So while this could be useful on the poor soul who brings 2-3 Treelords, it also has the ironic benefit of potentially giving 3 vanilla Terrorgeists an additional d6 inches of movement each lol. So definitely not helpful in this situation but I appreciate the outside-the-box thinking lol. My issue is that if Alarielle is in range to shoot a terrorgeist, it is likely in range to charge her. And if she is in range to cast Metamorphosis, she is DEFINETELY in range to be charged. Its not that your idea is a bad one, its that she just isn't well equipped to contribute to that plan. And our army in general is pretty terrible at chipping off wounds. (other than Drycha who is amazing at it) I have a game using Alarielle in 3rd this thursday. I am going to give her an honest run and will let you know what happens. I have one player in my group telling me the same thing you are and another who thinks she is laughably bad, so the jury is definitely still out barring more data.
  18. The issue with terrorgeists is that if they are so insanely fast that they can often just fly over your screens. If they cant, then they can kill your screen, and then activate again to get into alarielle. There just isn't a way to block them from reaching your units unless you are just 3 feet away from them lol. You would need a screen plus a significant gap, like 7+ inches. It gets to a point where you are tying up half your army to protect a unit rather than using her to do stuff. Maybe I just need to play her vs a different faction. FEC may be a hard counter and its potentially skewing my results. I was using Dreadwood. I had brought the Hive and I was hoping that the extra access to CP would make teleport charges super reliable. Even though Hive never got casted I was able to make almost all my 9+ charges via easy access to CP for charge rerolls. My next game I am gonna be weird and bring Ironbark so that I can field 20 Irondrakes as allies. Those guys are insanely good, and unleash hell is scary on them. Hoping they overcome the absolute trash Ironbark abilities lol. I have only played new Alarielle in 2nd. My one third game so far was without her. I def need to play her in third for more data.
  19. I am finding myself agreeing with a lot of your posts since you posted this. (you were right about small units of Spites in 3rd afterall) so please don't take this as if I am picking on you, but I find this comment a bit uniformed in terms of playing against terrorgeist. They have 35 inch threat range BEFORE pile ins (which they can do multiple times) with an average threat range of 27-30 inches depending on sub. They also heal and had a -1 hit aura vs shooting. Most opponents will deploy them on the line. They can kill anything in our army in a single charge. I am really trying to play out your advice in my head but I just don't see how you would avoid 3+ units with that kind of threat range without hiding Alarielle in a corner. Picking wounds off them just doesn't seem like an option. IMHO the correct move is to alpha strike them with a hammer and kill them in a single combat. I wanted to add that I tied my opponent 20-20 despite losing her turn 1. If I had used her 740 points on literally any other unit I would have likely won. I want to find a use for Alarielle but after 2 recent games it just reaffirms my opinion that she is bad.
  20. Played a game vs Kruel boyz using 3rd edition rules. I have a few more games scheduled on the calendar. Here are my Observations so far: -Drycha is insanely good right now. The monster and hero buffs are nice, but being able to threaten an Unleash Hell with 20 attacks can be a huge deterrent. MSU units also do not like her warscroll spell, especially if they have mediocre leadership. I left her enraged all game. She may be an auto-include for me going forward. -6 Kurnoth with swords still did work despite their heavy cost. They *really* love All out Defense with their save rerolls, and they don't have to worry about coherency once they lose a single mode. -10 man units of Spites were a sleeper hit. I found my opponents units to be significantly smaller overall and so the Spites provided a legit threat for many of them. However the coherency rule was infuriating as even with honeycombs I never got more than 6-7 in combat. -A fun trick is to place a unit outside of a forest and then Redeploy back into the woods for cover. Also I wanted to point out that the term "Coalition" was mentioned in the GHB leaks in addition to Allies. Its basically a mechanic to allow the "souping" of certain factions such as chaos/boc/std and cities/sc. So a few folks in my group are theorizing that this is why we lost access to Wanderers as allies. They may be a "Coalition" option for sylvaneth now. So while they wouldn't fill battleline, they could potentially gain Sylvaneth allegiance abilities and not be limited to 400pts. (word is still out on if the 1/4 limit will remain).
  21. Yea this was under 2nd edition. I charged him and completely whiffed (other than a single impact mortal wound). But fortunately he only did moderate damage back because of the excellent Living city Ironoak Skin spell and a mystic shield. However on his turn he got a spell off for +2 attacks and he had rerolls on the Maw attack and managed to reroll into three 6's. That was just straight up 18 mortal wounds lol. I'm not so upset that a mounted terrorgeist killed her. Thats to be expected. I am more upset that she missed with her spear and then her 4 beetle attacks failed do to a single wound. That just shouldn't happen on 740pts of investment. By some miracle I ended up pulling a tie 20-20, but it was mostly because of my allied Akhelian Morrsarr guard wrecking face and my Eternal Guard refusing to die.
  22. All sarcasm aside, can you post up some bat rep summaries of your recent/upcoming games? I am playing a lot of games every week in a pretty tough meta and I am just not seeing wins with Sylvaneth (or Living City). I am hungry for Sylvaneth content, especially from people who are having success with the army. Last night a terrorgeist killed my Alarielle in a single round of combat and its got me flustered lol. So I am desperate for resources lol.
  23. So I don't have a problem with the Spite statline or points. Its actually fine. Its the fact that taking a unit of 10 burns a finite resource and a unit of 5 isn't really a functional threat outside of a screen or speedbump. The really frustrating part is that the decision was clearly based on how they are sold, rather than their functionality. For example, Thralls are a very similar unit in terms of role, cost and model yet they are taken in base units of 10. But wait there is more. Under the new coherency rules, a unit of 10 is unlikely to get all of their attacks. If you honeycomb, you can probably stretch 6 guys into combat for a whopping 18-19 attacks. (you can't break coherency to pile in to my knowledge) But hey, their leadership debuff is solid right? But only if they survive to the battleshock phase to provide it. Under the new rules, the active player takes all of their tests first, So even if you get lucky, and don't get wiped out on return attacks, (which is rare in my tourney experience with spites, they ALWAYS get wiped), then you have to test on bravery 6 or burn a CP to save like 3 guys. Flaming Weapons is on the caster only. But as a side note I'm hoping the Unique/Spell Enhancement clarification gets made soon so we can potentially put that on Drycha So yes, on paper, the Spites look fine. But in real life 3rd ed matched play they have been indirectly nerfed into the ground
  24. Yea my groups are arguing it both ways. They are arguing that "given" and "known" are two different things. I also point out that in the margins (where clarifications like this are placed) actually say "taking a spell lore enhancement allows every WIZARD to know 1 spell from a spell lore. I feel like the underlining intent is pretty clear lol.
  25. Oh absolutely. And its definitely a good thing externally. But I hate it when a unit just gets made useless internally There is no reason to ever take spites anymore unless you just don't have the extra 10pts for Tree Revs.
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