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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. Oh yes I do remember them. I got the wizard holding an open scroll which I used for my Blood Bowl team head coach. Think WD also had a free bretonian or a skink around WFB 5th?
  2. From memory, over the years they have done, plastic mono-pose space marine (around release of 2nd ed 40k). plastic necromunda mini think it was either an orlock or a goliath from original box. plastic Khorne berserker (mid-late 90's?) metal necron (mid-late 90's?) plastic dark eldar (around release of 3rd ed 40k, 1998?) metal elf ranger, Aenur for Mordheim (circa 2000) plastic slaughter priest (circa 2015, AoS release) This is all I can remember, but there could well be more. As much as I'd love it, I'm not sure if we'll see anything free with WD500, GW seem to give away minis more often now anyway with promotions like mini of the month and new player incentives (stormcast or marine). Also Stormbringer/Mortal Realms/Imperium mags seem to have taken the place of minis with a magazine.
  3. I was thinking similarly about the Riverblades. I’d prefer if they’re 2 warscrolls for use in AoS. Aesthetically I’d prefer 5 led by the senechal as 1 unit, and the 5 less armoured guys as a separate unit. The makeup is fine for a Warcry warband but not sure how good it will look as a mixed unit in AoS. By comparison, if you had to take 5 less armoured guys along in a unit of elite Bladelords would not look as good to me.
  4. I voted citadel as it’s what most of my collection is, though I do have a good number of Vallejo as well, maybe 75% 25% split.
  5. lovely job! especially like the marble base
  6. I love those Brian Nelson goblin regiments!! I used a night goblin box as the basis for a night goblin BB team back in the day. Good times!
  7. IMO the 3 year edition cycle necessitates army squatting or souping to some extent. If all factions are to receive an updated tome for each edition and they want to release completely new factions, something has to give. A lot of us want to see new things like Chorfs, Malerion Aelves, Kurnoth etc but this has to come at the expense of losing something old. Or souping factions together. Neither option is popular. If the edition cycle was longer, would be more time in the production calendar to keep more existing armies going and insert newer ones. I get that the 3yr thing is a money decision and the launch boxes/starter box refresh brings a lot of interest, but why not just have a hyped "big box" release every 3years with a refresh of models and a newly printed Core book containing the latest errata inside, but otherwise leaving the rules alone. People would still buy it for the latest print/new models and it would still be a good starting point for new players. If GW ever get close to faction balance they then have to start from scratch again when a new edition drops. That new edition development time could be spent better play-testing new armies to balance with existing factions.
  8. Just seems like they could sell a steady stream of them, especially to new players. Timmy, "What's a D3?" GW staffer, "Buy this!" Maybe the markup isn't high enough on such a product, but there are a lot of D3rolls in GW games. I was thinking they could just be generic non custom dice, like the D6 they sell in a cube.
  9. It does surprise that GW have never (to my knowledge?) released an actual D3. By this I mean a D6 printed 1,1,2,2,3,3 Other manufacturers do make them but they're not that widely available and most I've seen are larger 16mm dice, which jars with my OCD for 12mm GW dice, which just feel right to me. It seems like the money making thing that GW would do, they could even put skulls instead of 3's if they wanted to.
  10. It’s funny, when they blew up TOW I wondered at the time if they were going to do a Warmahordes style mash of sci-fi and fantasy settings. The rumoured lore was something like “bubbles of reality” which turned out to be the realms but I remember thinking will they try and merge 40k and WFB together!
  11. Dalek voice ”BoC……EXTERMINATE!! Bonesplitters……EXTERMINATE!!” Too soon?
  12. These would be acceptable I suppose. Lumineth should not win the hat arms race.
  13. I’m mixed with the makeup of warcry. Part of me really likes the crazy mashup warbands with fun buffs. I love tactics videos and tournament reviews from Wargames on Toast & Off Meta Musings. But I do understand that these optimised lists are not very thematic. I suppose as with AoS it boils down to the same competitive vs narrative/casual play styles. I suppose the game can cater for both, set limits on warcry only warbands? Or free for all list building? Personally I really wanted to like Warcry when it first released, but the chaos on chaos thing didn’t really do it for me. When they opened it up to other factions I bought in. Whilst the Gnarlwood setting isn’t my favourite, I do absolutely love this seasons warband releases!
  14. I think Ogors as a faction are safe…..for 4th edition anyway. My take on last weeks announcement was that it was a statement of intent for the new edition. BoC will not be getting a battletome. Bonesplitters will not be in the full warclans tome. Sacrosanct will not be in the full stormcast tome. They will all get index/digital tome for 4.0 as announced. If Ogors were getting squatted wholesale, last week would’ve been the time to let us know. If Ogors don’t get a substantial mini refresh during 4th then I think they’re on the chopping block in three years time when 5.0 drops.
  15. Surprised no one has commented on the Whitefang like this received!
  16. I hope the clanrats are not too much of a departure from the previous design. I have some IoB rats and it would be nice if I can make use of them along side the new without it being too obvious. The only thing that shows their age is the mono pose weapon arm attachment points. Newer kits fit together in ingenious ways that hide the joins and enable more dynamic poses.
  17. I'd imagine the queues are for the kill team box and I have a feeling the BB gnomes will be popular.
  18. He’s in the Skaven vanguard box, tho that will probably be updated to a spearhead box. Likely containing new sculpts from 4.0.
  19. The highlighted green save stat on the warscroll is probably due it being the stat you are likely to need to reference quickly in the other players turn. The others are only needed in your own turn (except for combat phase)
  20. Warscrolls look fine, bit easier to see what can be done in each phase. Is it just me tho who finds it weird that they’ve changed wounds to health, but then on Nagash’s warscroll it mentions damage points? Wouldn’t it make more sense to reference his health?
  21. I'm not sure I really get the "easy to paint" argument. When I was younger I just wanted what looked cool and being "able" to paint it never entered my mind. Plus we now live in an age where GW sell contrast paint and have stores with staff who offer painting advice as well as a whole studio devoted to creating painting videos/tutorials. People have sited Island of Blood selling poorly as some kind of proof that boxes with detailed (harder to paint) models don't sell well, but IoB was more likely just a victim of timing and the success of LotR and general decline in WFB. I used to love the WFB edition boxes, with different factions being given attention, the only format was "good" vs "evil". The argument that stormcast are a more recognisable IP is fair enough. Today's news of Sacrosanct chamber & others being phased out just shows how arbitrary sticking to one faction in starter boxes is. You can't give one faction that much design/production space without having to make harsh cuts at some point. I wonder if it will make anyone think twice about buying the new edition starter? These minis may not be useable in 6/7 years?
  22. This is why GW should not solely focus on one faction for starter boxes, they have to bring out new sculpts/units every 3 years, artificially bloating the range. Then they need a cull. At least for SCE proxies of old minis should be pretty straightforward. At least GW have given plenty of notice. Sorry to those whose armies have been squatted tho🙁 Hope you can have at least a bit of fun for the next year. At least they're giving them rules for 4.0. Wonder what it will mean for the Warcry units in Warcry?
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