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Posts posted by KingOfSuede

  1. They honestly do Verminous better than Verminous since almost everything hits HARD. Definitely synergy based though as your strength comes from the 13" bubbles of your Packmasters and Master Moulders which are both easy to pick off in a hero or shooting phase. I did have a Master Moulder survive two rounds of combat against Durthu in my previous game (due to my opponent rolling terribly, but still, Scurry Away is a strong ability).  

    But yeah Rat Ogors being 3+/3+rr with 4 attacks each at 2 damage, a unit of 30+ Giant Rats being 2+/4+rr with 3" attacks (!!!) and HPAs with their MWs and -2/2 damage, -3/3 damage attacks are super strong. Thanquol weapons being split 2/2 has also been incredibly strong in the situations he's found himself in. His warscroll spell is honestly his worst attribute 😂

    • Like 2
  2. Had great success playing Thanquol & Moulder last night against Nighthaunt! 

    List was...

    Thanquol, Master Moulder, Master Moulder

    40 Giant Rats, 40 Giant Rats, 4 Rat Ogors, 2 Rat Ogors

    HPA, HPA


    Fleshmeld Managerie

    The only units that finished the game off the board were the Packmasters. Rolled both my 4+s to get a unit of Giant Rats and the bigger Ogor unit back. HPAs and Thanquol were super mobile thanks to my opponent casting cogs. Thanquol and an HPA were about to double team 20 Cairn Wraiths in the center if the board and then split their next move/charge onto the objectives in my opponent deployment. HPA one shot his lone hero on that one, Thanquol took on 20 Chainrasps. Killed 8 before charging, took 2 wounds, killed 8 more, causing the rest to flee. Thanquol himself took out two with his boop staff 🤗

    Was a good day

    • Like 4
  3. Just seems weird. We have "within" and "wholly within" effects that are different. We have "reroll fails" and "reroll" effects that are different. Why would "before you allocate a wound" and "when you allocate a wound" be the same? Especially when they're in an updated battletome together.

  4. With those wordings, I'm pretty sure the Verminous Valour has to be done before either one no matter what. Verminous says "Before you assign a wound," the other two look at when you assign it. Either way, you can roll for Verminous Valour, and then choose how many you want to assign to the unit, then take 4+, then shield.

  5. @Riff_Raff_Rascal the problem is, Warp Grinder is 9" away, Dreaded Skitterleap is 6" away. By virtue of these setups, you aren't in range to Splinter anything (except for Warpgnaw, but who's running that?). You have to move the model with it into range, wait till your next hero phase, then use it. The problem is if your Grey Seer on foot is within 6" of an enemy, it's probably dead. 

    And even then, you might not have an advantageous model to pick off within those 6 inches. And even then you might fail the cast. AND EVEN THEN, EVEN FOR A 1 WOUND MODEL, you might fail the roll.

    It's just extremely situational. If it was on a warscroll, then sure. But on average, casting Death Frenzy on a Doom-Flayer would be land more damage.

  6. @Riff_Raff_Rascal I think people generally look at this spell wrong, or opponents don't want it to work the way it actually does.

    When someone first reads that spell, they think it's a Hero killer for 5 wound models. Or that it's a cheap spell to pick off a 3 or 4 wound model out of a more elite unit.

    I'm not going to say the spell is good. I haven't used it to good effect either. HOWEVER...
    The warscroll says you choose the MODEL (not the unit, as opponents tend to think) and if your die roll beats their Wounds characteristic, that model is slain. This means: That conga line of Clanrats? They're split 15/24 and not in cohesion. Those Chainghasts that are bearing down on you? Out of cohesion. Evocators on big boy 32mms? Out of cohesion.  
    It's just a deployment check. Obviously people won't purposely move their units so they're out of cohesion and have to kill half of them. Obviously they're going to conga line and pull models in combat that won't leave the unit out of cohesion. They don't expect to have their middle model removed and leave the unit out of cohesion.
    The biggest negative of that spell is it's 6" range (12" for Warpgnaw).

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, gronnelg said:

    How do you guys deal with armies that have good saves? E.g. SCE with lots of sequitors, and now OBR?
    We have good MW output, but I feel like that weakens our genereal fighting ability so much.

    Not a competitive player so apply salt: 

    I think the idea is that hopefully you avoid combat with them, and if you are in combat, you're able to make saves and survive. You should have better movement to grab objectives, more bodies to hold/take them, and hopefully grind out the game to win in points.  

    I also have a general philosophy (that I would invite others to weigh in on) that if you find yourself in combat, you want to do things in a way that requires your opponent to make more saves.  Even though something like a Bombardier has a single shot 2d6 damage attack, that one shot, on average, will get through less often than something that will require your opponent to make ~7 saves even at 4+

    • Like 1
  8. Not a competitive player but as I understand it, you're more often than not pulling the melee guys off first anyway (so that the unit has 27 wounds before their shooting is effected) so it doesn't matter much.  

    Just know that the Shock Gauntlets are more consistent, but Doomflayers have a higher ceiling

  9. Does anyone have general rules or guidelines for deployment? Of course this varies with army composition, matchups, deployment zones, battleplan, and scenery...  

    But if you were giving a crash course in deployment tactics, what advice would you give?  

    I keep finding myself in my first or second hero phase saying "huh, I think this is in the completely wrong spot"

  10. @Gwendar Guessing you meant "as a shooting unit before you think of them as melee?" I can definitely see that running them in 1x6 would be dope and a much better use of MMMWP. This was a matter of I only have 6, had to fill battleline, and didn't want to do 2x5 Acolytes. Though maybe even then, it's fine because 6 fiends sold eliminate anything within their threat range especially with MMMWP.  

    Don't worry though, I have another 3 to build and they're all magnetized 🙏

  11. Alright friendos! I'm really enjoying this game now that I can find people at my store to play 2k points. This seems like where this game really shines!  

    My latest list:  
    Arch-Warlock, Bombardier, Bombardier (spells and abilities didn't matter because I couldn't cast spells to save my life and never used artefacts and command abilities)  
    x3 Stormfiends (Shocks, Ratling, Windlauncher), x3 Stormfiends (Shocks, Ratling, Warpfire), x10 Acolytes  
    x6 Jezzails, Warp Lightning Cannon  
    Ratling Gun, Ratling Gun, Ratling Gun
    Warpcog Convocation: Arkhspark Voltik, Rattlegauge Warplock  

    Played against Khorne (Guy came in with a Khorne bumper sticker, Khorne hoodie, and Khorne themed backpack so dude was serious business). His list was something like a Skulltaker, Skarbrand, 3x30 Bloodletters, and 3 Skull Cannons. 2 drops to my 3.   

    Yknow what, I had a big Batrap typed out, but then I figured it was "I shot the bejeezus out of everything he had, killed Skarbrand in one turn and tossed a Doomwheel across the board to steal an objective. I really don't think I should have won this game but he never got his Skulltaker into battle and he tied up 480 points worth of models blocking a Gnawhole on the far corner of the board to stop me from threatening sending a Stormfiend team through. My Ratling Guns averaged 14 shots at whatever they looked at (the 3 of them almost single handedly killed 600 points of Bloodletters and took a few wounds off Skarbrand) and my WLC dealt 11 wounds over 2 shots (Holy ****** the math for these get so much better with the Battalion).  

    Once again though, I was underwhelmed by Stormfiends. They seemed to melt away in combat. The only shining part about them are the 3d6 Ratling Guns. Maybe I'm just bad at rolling for the WindLauncher? I never seem to have good luck with them. The the ceiling of essentially dealing 3d3 MWs to something is sweet, I'm usually lucky to get 1 through. Though for killing things, they're certainly better than 520 points of Clanrats.

  12. @Gwendar unfortunately I don't own a Screaming Bell or Plague Monks. 

    On top of all the Clanrats I'll ever need, I have 6 Stormfiends, 2 Grey Seers, and a Doomwheel 🤷 not opposed to dropping the Warpseer, but would probably go for 1950 so I can buy another command point


    EDIT: NVM, decided to have some fun. Dropped the VL and WLV for 2 Grey Seers, Shackles, Pendulum, and a Command point

    • Like 1
  13. Playing another 2k game today for my stores summer tournament against FEC I think (though it might not be a competitive list?).
    Gonna probably be running this list:

    Arch Warlock (Warp Lightning Shield)
    Bombardier (MMMWP)
    Bombardier (MMMWP)(Vial of the Fulminator)
    VL Warpseer (Suspicious Stone)(Master of Magic)

    3x20 Clanrats

    x2 WLC
    x6 Jezzails

    Warpcog (Arkhspark x2)

    Endless Spells

    POINTS 1980/2000
    WOUNDS 116

    Scenario is scorched Earth.
    Trying to figure out what to change so I can keep the battalion but also have a unit of 40 Clanrats. Played an almost identical list yesterday and didn't have any objective grabbing power with only 20 rat units

  14. @Gwendar did I cast more than one spell through it a turn?  😰😰😰 Um

    I honestly don't remember if I did. I know the Pendulum went through, but after that most things were in the 18-26" range that most of the damage spells I was using are. 🤷 I'll remember for next time for sure, I don't think it changed the outcome of the game though.

    If I had another VL, Thanquol probably would have been a Deceiver but the way he performed, I might tweek the list but keep him for next time. As good as Grey Seers are, it just seems like you're paying 140 points for 2 spells a turn because you can't get them in combat of any kind.

    However Wither did some work to protect my Verminlord from his Squigs (he one-shot it the previous game, did 0 in this one). Warpgale has decent CC. That and WLV stopping flying meant I could block pathing with the Vermintide spell. My one Grey Seer having Splinter also meant that my opponent was extremely careful with his movement, charges, and pile-ins knowing losing one meant losing half the unit

  15. Alright y'all, played a game against the Gitz today and had hella fun:

    Grey Seer (Splinter)
    Grey Seer (Warpgale) (Master of Magic)
    VL Warpseer (Suspicious Stone)
    Thanquol/Boneripper (Skitterleap)

    3x20 Clanrats

    x6 Jezzails

    Endless Spells:
    Umbral Spellportal

    108 Wounds

    At one point, I had 2 Grey Seers and the Verminlord standing huddled around a Spell Portal, Cogs, and a Gnawhole just slinging spells.

    Used Vermintide and my Verminlords base to body block some Hoppers from annihilating my Jezzails. At one point I had his Loonboss, two units of Hoppers, and a Mangler inside my WLV while the Pendulum whittled away at his Stabbas and sniped smaller heroes.

    Thanquol marched around roasting Hoppas and smashing Squigs. Was a lot of fun.

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Warpseer is a bit too much at 1k. Packs great utility (CP generation, unkillable-ish, amazing spell) but at 1k you need those 300 points for bodies and hammers (ranged or melee). I'd rather keep the AW + DW or AW + Grey Seer and throw in whatever you want with what's left.. again, you want a Grey Seer so you can cast Death Frenzy on the Monks.

    Echoing this. As a newer player, I had jammed a 1k list of Bombardier, Warpseer, 40/20 Clanrats, Stormfiends (Mortars, Ratling Gun, Shocks) and realized by the 3rd game with this list that as soon as I lost my Stormfiends, the game was over.

    • Like 1
  17. 7 hours ago, Cosmicsheep said:

    List 2 looks spot-on. I play a similar list for meeting engagements.

    One thing to note, even though it’s 1k points, you only require 1 battleline. Just in case you wanted to open up some other options.

    20 less rats? That's 120 more points... That's two more Ratling Guns! 🔫🔫🔫🐀

    • Haha 1
  18. 10 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Skitterleap the caster forward into range of your foe and in range of one of your gnawholes.

    in the movement phase you’ll just select the caster, you just skitter-leaped forward for the transport through your cheeseholes back to safety.

    I thought since Skitterleap says "That hero may not move on the following movement phase" and Gnawholes say "this counts as the units move for that movement phase" that you can't move a Skitterleaped hero through a gnawhole in the same turn.

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