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Everything posted by SmileB4uDieXD

  1. Can someone tell me if this is still a thing? It is no long in the errata and can’t find anything that suggests this is still a thing. This is from a pdf from 1.1.1 Been playing the firestorm campaign and to win the victory conditions are you gain victory points for every unit killed (including summoned units) was fighting a death army and after I have destroyed a few units of skeletons and grave gaurd he has summoned them back with endless legions. Do I get victory points for initially killing the unit? He argues no because of this pdf and says that because it is not in the new errata the rule still stands
  2. Does archaons command ability set off all command abilities or just the ones that stat they can be used in the hero phase
  3. But then the bloodtithe points being spent would be at the end of the phase then...
  4. Currently in a game at the min it is the start of my opponents hero phase and I have said I’m going to spend bloodtithe points to attack in his hero phase but he has stuff that can get summoned that also says at the start of the hero phase. Who’s goes first?
  5. This is the list iv just started to run. Any improvements? Allegiance: khorne -Slaughterhost: The bloodlords Leaders Exalted greater daemon (580) - General -Trait: Slaughter’s Thirst -Artifact: Halo of blood Skarbrand (400) Wraith of khorne (320) Artifact- Crimson crown Slaughterpriest (100) -Bloodblessing: Bronzed flesh Slaugherpriest (100) -Bloodblessing: killing Frenzy Battleline 10 Blood letters (110) 10 Blood letters (110) 10 Blood Reavers (70) 10 Blood Reavers (70) Battalions Tyrants Of Blood (140) Total Points 2000/2000 or I’ll swap out the 2 slaughterpriest and a unit of blood letters for BT of insensate rage and I’ll be at 1970 points iv been using my battleline to charge in first get to bog down their front line and get as many wounds and bloodtithe points as I can while keeping the bloodthirsters out of range of most things for the first turn. Then the second battle phase skarbrand has total carnage so I’ll get all BT’s in range to shoot and charge into combat. The exalted greater daemon is forced to go first in either players combat phase because of his artifact which will then set of the tyrants of blood. By turn 3 The game is pretty much over. My friends armies that I compete against are Fyreslayers, ironjawz, nurgle, seraphon and death. My biggest rivalry is against my friend who plays death and I haven’t used this list against him yet but in all our other games he’s beaten me but it’s only been by a few objective points at the end of turn 5. He’s also known to get his rules wrong (not always by accident ) . As we are planning on starting a firestorm campaign I’m trying to get my list on point and learn their rules to have an advantage. Other khorne models I have: Archaon BT insensate rage 10 Blood letters 2 skull cannons 6 BloodCrushers korghos Kik/ mighty lord of khorne skarr bloodwrath Bloodsecrator Slaughterpriest 20 Bloodwarriors 3 mighty skull crushers 5 skull reapers all the judgements allso have some slaves to darkness models be’lakoir varangaurd and nurgle stuff I could Allie in
  6. In the old book they had a bit that plainly stated you could use both but they removed it so they thought I couldn’t anymore and the fact that the guy at gw said you couldn’t didn’t help my case as they think of him as god when it comes to rules. I showed them new YouTube videos of people using the new battle tome and them casting a prayer and blood blessing, I showed them recent forums of other khorne players and none of them believe me it’s ridiculous
  7. So I went into games workshop to ask if the slaughterpriest can still cast a blood blessing and a prayer in the same hero phase (because my friends don’t believe they can) and the guy in gw told me no they can’t. Is he right? I think he’s wrong but because he works for gw my friends think he’s never wrong.
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