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Gareth 🍄

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Everything posted by Gareth 🍄

  1. RIP BoC and Bonesplitters, seemed like there were signs of this coming for a while. With Savage Orcs not being in the Orcs and Goblins Tribes list (just some optional upgrades to make regular Orcs fill that role) and no word on the miniatures sticking around, I wonder if GW feels they want to step away from that style of Orc mini now.
  2. They're already selling seasons books so this is a cleaner way to do it, makes that stuff more obviously optional too IMO.
  3. The modular system seems like a good idea to me.
  4. I like that rumour about knowing more spells, the current way of choosing spells always felt a bit overly restrictive to me.
  5. Don't really mind the word change from wounds to health, I would explain wounds to newcomers by saying something like "that's how much health they have".
  6. Never liked battleshock so I'm happy to see that go.
  7. The limited edition models are up on the UK store, got an order in for Zagnog 😁
  8. Love the Fellriders! I can only hope for equally cool looking Kruleboyz cavalry some day
  9. The Kruleboyz Killbow and Mirebrute Troggoth are push-fit models too.
  10. I've just started watching these guys: Battleshock Wargaming - YouTube
  11. Endless Spells are one of the better additions to AoS IMO, I'd be happy to see them stick around.
  12. As time goes on the old style orcs are looking more cartoony and dated to me. I think the Kruleboyz sculpts have played a big part in that - I really like them, especially the Gutrippaz.
  13. Saw these photos on Facebook the other day, he's a lot smaller than the plastic giant but not too far off the older giant model which is returning to the range soon (likely on the 50mm base option for giants). Could put him on a tactical rock if you want to match the height of the older giant more closely but it's not a big difference IMO...
  14. They're not part of a box set and aren't available to purchase yet, but I'll share a link here when they go up on pre-orders 👍🏻
  15. Drew a larger crowd than the launch of 10th edition 40K apparently.
  16. Old World is getting a pot grot too: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/20/old-world-almanack-the-orc-and-goblin-tribes/
  17. They mention Classic Ogres there too under returning metals... 😁
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