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Gareth 🍄

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Everything posted by Gareth 🍄

  1. Last minute delay to add in Kruleboyz Cavalry 👍
  2. Well looks like we've got longer to wait.
  3. A little disappointed TBH, not a fan of this wait for the first AoS 3.0 battletomes.
  4. For me, that's way easier said than done lol. My amateur green stuff work looks forking awful
  5. If they were to make a Brodd model I think a little bit bigger than a standard Mega-gargant would be cool Edit: and if they update Mancrushers, let's have some lady Gargants too!
  6. Yep, having quick, free access to every warscroll relevant to the battle was a great feature and I'll definitely miss it if they move away from that. The thing I'm most looking forward to with Warhammer+ is the archive of content, I hope it grows quickly to become a really substantial amount of stuff!
  7. I'd prefer Orruk Gnashtoof cavalry for Kruleboyz over Hobgrot Wolf Riders for sure, Gnashtoofs fit well for me as they're described as native to the swamps, numerous and come in a range of sizes from the size of a small dog up to the largest Great Gnashtoofs. Would be super cool to see more of them! I don't think the Ardboys sculpts look good next to Kruleboyz personally, I don't even think Ardboys look good next to the rest of the Ironjawz so never fielded them lol - the Ardboys sculpts stick out like a sore thumb to me. But we all have our own likes and dislikes and that's fine 👍
  8. How about an Orruk totem or some spells. Missed out last time round.
  9. Yup, that's how I feel about it. Maybe even would have helped my perception of the Kruleboyz release if the Hobgrots looked more like part of the rest of the faction too, but I also would've happily traded them for a different unit of Orruk Kruleboyz instead and see Hobgrots be their own thing.
  10. I don't think it's a failure of imagination, some people just prefer a more visually cohesive force of miniatures rather than mainly just relying on a unifying colour scheme. It's fine to like a rabble such as an Old World Orcs and Goblins mix or something more cohesive, it's personal preference.
  11. This is how I feel - for me they don't look good as a mixed force, I'd prefer to see Kruleboyz get some sneaky Gnashtoof cavalry etc rather than go down the road of souping the different styles of Orruks. The Kruleboyz minis so far appeal to me a lot, I could see them ending up being my all-time favourite AoS army (and my biggest AoS spend) if they get a little more unit variety, so I'll keep hoping GW has something more in the works! In the meantime, I think I'll hop over to Kill Team.
  12. I think at the time they generally described the entire Kruleboyz faction as Hobgoblin-esque which maybe left people thinking they were all Hobgoblins.
  13. To me Hobgrots seem more like lunch for Gnashtoofs rather than masters of them
  14. Yeah I hope the don't do that now with Kruleboyz. I do wonder how they set out making these model ranges - if the mini designers knew from the start these new Kruleboyz and Hobgrots were going to be part of an Orruk Warclans battletome, how much they collaborate with the rest of the studio along the way, if they made a bunch of models and work out what battletome they're going to belong to sometime later down the line, or what?
  15. I hope they approached making this new line of minis as a well-rounded range in its own right rather than just filling gaps in the Warclans battletome and thinking they needed to avoid things like having another Orruk cavalry unit. They could make them play differently to the other Orruk cavalry units if they wanted to anyway.
  16. Saw this in the book of faces, not confirmation or anything but I feel a bit more hopeful at least:
  17. My likes mean nothing BTW, I just want Kruleboyz cavalry too
  18. I'd be pretty disappointed if Kruleboyz don't at least get a cavalry unit - if there are indeed no more units to be revealed they're sadly going to feel a bit lacking for me. Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz already felt lacking for me too, and maybe GW really just want us to soup them all to fill in the gaps, but for me they just don't look good as a mixed force, they're lacking a coherent visual style. I don't get Hobgrots at all BTW, I'd happily trade those for more Kruleboyz.
  19. A true legend of the hobby! Enjoy retirement!
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