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Everything posted by Riavan

  1. You should see my blightlords, one is held up by a few legs touching a skinny rock - see the back one: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-AU/Nurgle-Rotbringers-Pusgoyle-Blightlords-2018
  2. Nurgle and tzeentch mortal units still outnumber the choices fyreslayers, ironjawz and FEC get, lol. I think we have learnt to stay the hell away from the original age of sigmar armies, because they wont get any real support. I want to get a new kharadron army, but I'm scared they will never see new troop releases just like these other guys.
  3. For sure, but the elf gods hate slaanesh from what I understand, including malerion. He is looking very demonish, but I expect he will still be order. Could make him get corrupted in some way though.
  4. Yeah Tzaangors are their mortals. They have a lot.
  5. I agree, a few armies really need 1/2 more troop options. WIth slaanesh, I dont think any of these are mortals? - except the one refered to as a demon prince (who will be both, like most demon princes are). I think they are all demons. Khorne, tzeentch and nurgle all have quite big demon armies like these too (before you consider their mortal side exclusives).
  6. From what I understand, they have 3rd party factories making a lot of the endless spells (and possibly terrain?). If they do actual new units, then they need to put them in the pipeline at their own studio, long in advance. Noting this is all hearsay.
  7. Man I'm really over endless spells. I wish we were getting campaign books with scenery instead.
  8. I think it's bonesplitters for the first one. Nighthaunt for the 7th one. Stormcast for the 8th.
  9. I wonder if we are getting chaos mortal shadow elves for slaneesh. Malerion surely wouldnt want to side with slaneesh, but who knows.
  10. Yeah I don't know how well we really know that sales were strong though, better than expected can be interpreted in a few ways. Why are all the individual hero models webstore only if that is the case?
  11. Thinking about it. The nightfault squad will probably have some magical abilities. Don't all of them have wizards?
  12. If they give off kharadon endless spells surely they need to give a kharadon wizard of some kind. Or rewrite a model.
  13. I want to pay at least 180 dollars Australian for 6 everchosen on foot. So I can tell who has bags of money lying around.
  14. Fec and skaven were like over 2-3 years. Khorne got a new one when stormcast got their 2nd one. Probably a year and a half ago.
  15. Why won't gw let me give then money. Also will flip a table if I can't paint them green and put them in with nurgle.
  16. Are we getting info about warcry this week? I'm a bit confused.
  17. I really hope they use the tome release to add a few units for some of the new armies that don't have a ton of unit choice. Like ironjawz.
  18. Remember to say the safety word if you need help. I really hope we get some additional units for each of the newer armies from the first 2 years.
  19. Has there been any more info about the nurgle rotbringers (mortal) start collecting that was rumoured with the price increases to the sc sets?
  20. Fights on ship decks would go great with a skirmish revamp.
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