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Posts posted by Infernalslayer

  1. I am a very slow painter as i enjoy the models but not painting and still haven't painted a majority of khorne units from 2016. By the time i manage to paint a whole army to finally use it happily at the table, GW has hammered it to the ground or the newest shiny stuff just outclasses it.

     Games Workshop's approach has kept me from playing at any tournaments and i only play kitchen table games  at home now. 

    If that was one of the reasons that WFB died, i can see why :/

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  2. I enjoy reading this thread and it is the first one i check daily when i browse the forums. I don't mind people chitchatting as the thread would be a wasteland without it and love reading peoples' thoughts and opinions between rumors. Since this is the most active thread in tga i bet that the majority of people share my thinking and like the chitchatting.

    As The Jabber Tzeentch said you can tag him to update the first post with any relevant rumors, so people who don't like to read the extra conversations can just check the first post each time and let the rest of us enjoy this beautiful mess of a thread in peace xD.


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  3. 54 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    Hey Quick question- Flesh Hounds base sizes- new images for Rath & Rapture show the new models on a “not 50mm base” 

    *What is the base size in the images?*  

    If I need to rebase 50 Flesh Hounds, need to know what size to add to my Christmas list.

    Sorry if already answered- Didn’t immediately see it in any search.


    Most likely  60x35mm Oval Bases. They also had these bases suggested for Flesh hounds in the first "Designer's Commentary on Base Sizes" pdf that they released in Summer and people emailed them about it and they later changed the suggested size to 50mm round for consistency.

  4. 3 hours ago, Bjornas said:

    Can we expect to see new warscrolls for them, you think? Considering it's a "new" release? Or is the general consensus that they are fine as they are?

    The one standing on th rock looks a lot like it could be a unit leader which the current warscroll doesn't have. Curious to see if they change them as well.


    Bummed that they are changing the bases again, i have mine on 50mm and they are metal, i won't only have to rebase them, but repaint the lower halves as well since paint will chip away during rebasing and my backlog is tremendous already as it is ?

  5. The rider Lord on the top is too hideous for a khorne muscle bound slaughterer.

    I would prefer a helmeted head (which they should offer by default as an additional option for this price) than a centrepiece Khorne Lord that looks like he came out of a "Wrong Turn/The Hills have eyes" movie. 

  6. Marauders are ok if you swap all their old goofy heads with heads from the Marauder Horsemen kit. They should sell a pack of heads for updating them to this century. Can't wait long enough for the Darkoath, very excited to see what unique twist they come up with for their faction, from cavalry to monsters.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Healing Pulse is a generic card in either the Zarbag's Gitz box or the Eyes of the Nine box, I don't remember which one it was in exactly but I'm leaning more towards the grots box.

    Oh ok, thanks! I hoped it was from the future Darkoath warband so that would hint to it being released this year instead of the assumed February 2019 (if they relase them like they did with Shadespire warbands).

  8. I would be fine seeing a mixed green soup Battletome for Greenskinz if they got the Beasts of Chaos treatment.

    I know Ironjawz have their own lore differentiating them from the classic greenskinz and are most likely the future of the Orcs for Age of Sigmar but i could see them fighting alongside Greenskinz in a great Waagh war.

    Thunderscorn, Brayherds and Warherds now all get their own mini bonuses inside a Beast of Chaos army and you can mix them without handicapping yourself or relying on allies like in the past, so a green soup tome could work well for the time being.

  9. 31 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    In case anyone was wondering about the release schedule for Nightvault WD confirms the new expansions will be released "over the next 12 months" so expect the next warbands in Feb as per Shadespire. 

    I was hoping to have a little taste of Darkoath earlier than February, oh well then ?

  10. @RexHavoc Thanks, i have a physical copy of the first general's handbook. I plan to update Gorthor the Beastlord's warcsroll with the current keywords to use him in casual games with friends

    I was mostly wondering about some characters that received significant changes or improvements to their warscroll in the Legends pdf compared to the first Compendium pdfs and would require different point values than the ones in GH 2016 like Malekith and other named characters.

  11. @Overread If someone plays Shadespire and already has the models, i absolutely agree. 

    But as a consumer currently playing Age of Sigmar, there is no reason to pay 22.5 euros for 5 Bloodreavers (Garrek's Reavers) with fixed poses when i can pay 46 euros for 20 Bloodreavers with full command, extra bits and customization options.

    If the warscrolls were more thought out to be either an upgrade to an existing unit of Bloodreavers or had a unique hero warscroll like they do with Nightvault, i would surely pick it up and very likely branch out to try the Underworlds game as well.

    Not saying the warscrolls should be an auto-include for Age of Sigmar competitive games, just useful or unique enough to help get AoS players interested in them and potentially delve into the board game as well.

    They seem to have taken that into account with Nightvault and hopefully it will help increase sales even more and lead to us getting even more releases and support for that game.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The key is that Underworld/shadspire is the ideal side game to many armies; which means many people just aren't "interested" until their army is represented. This gives added weight ot GW getting the models out there sooner so that they can push the game forward faster. The more races they add the larger the player pool is. 

    Agreed! In addition to that, inho it didn't help that the majority of Shadespire  warbands did not translate well into Age of Sigmar when they were given warscrolls.

    I didn't delve into Shadespire  because the khorne warbands ,which interested me, felt subpar to their equivalents of Bloodwarriors and Bloodreavers when they got warscrolls and points.

    It appears they are taking a different approach this year, by having one leader in each warband be a hero with a unique warscroll, which i like so far.



  13. Do the Nightvault releases come in waves of 2 warbands each time? I am sure if this is the case the first 2 are the Tzeentch and Grot warbands that were shown off first,  but i am looking forward to the Darkoath warband as their warscrolls for AoS might have hints of what we will see in a future full faction release.

  14. 58 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    I noticed in the stream that when the Jabberslythe took 12 wounds from the Ghorgon, he rolled 12 dice to check for spurting blood, even though Jabber has only 10 wounds. Is this the correct ruling? That's the way I interpreted it, so it seems like I'm not the only one. I figured I should check since I would like to use him in a tournament soon.

    Also, now Jabber's tongue does d3 wounds, and he no longer has a degrading monster profile! Even more reason to use him recklessly.

    Nice to see less warscrolls with degrading monster profiles, less things to keep track of while playing.

    Do we know if the Shaggoth gets the same treatment?

  15. I did like most of the changes in today's preview and look forward to finally start painting my Shaggoth and beasts.


    **Tin foil hat comment:  Anyone thinks that they are streaming a "Beasts vs Beasts" game on Warhammer TV instead of a "Beasts vs Death/Order etc." to have a beast army win in any case and keep that hype going? ?

  16. 28 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Or they need to convert them, it is a hobby about conversions after all ;) 

    I am all up for conversions but i don't see how i could possibly convert this metal beauty to hold two smaller axes ?

    But i agree,  it is the profile itself that is underwhelming, i had hoped for his ability to be upgraded in a similar way to an Aspiring Deathbringer or the old compendium Gorthor, in that you could trigger it each turn without having to kill things.


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  17. 26 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    That's underwhelming in the extreme.  The beastlord's way too pillowfisted to get real use out of his ability.

    Indeed, and they removed the Shield and Great Axe options from his profile so no 3+ save to stick  in combar for longer or -2 rend to get that damage through.

    I dislike the new trend of only having weapon options for the current miniature being sold. Warhammer is and has been a hobby about conversions and people have been embracing this for decades. Now anyone that has older Beastlords with great axes or Beastlords converted with shields can't use them in WYSIWYG games.

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