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Everything posted by Arkahn

  1. My other option is to swap 5 brutes + weirdnob into 5 Ardboyz + Wurrgog prophet But HoG is too good to me, with the new meta we have to kill key hero and HoG is our main (only) option ! I'm thinking about arrowboyz instead of savage orruk maybe too
  2. @Malakree we think the same about brutes since GHB20, I need to buy 10 brutes to try this list asap Allegiance: Big Waaagh!Mortal Realm: ChamonLeadersMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)- General- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa- Command Trait: Ironclad- Artefact: Plate of Perfect Protection- Mount Trait: Weird 'UnOrruk Warchanter (110)- Warbeat: Get 'Em BeatOrruk Warchanter (110)- Warbeat: Fixin' BeatOrruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)- Artefact: Shamanic Skullcape- Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of GorkBattleline10 x Orruk Brutes (260)- Jagged Gore-hackas5 x Orruk Brutes (130)- Pair of Brute Choppas30 x Savage Orruks (300)- Stikkas6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)- Pig-iron ChoppasBattalionsIronfist (160)Total: 1970 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 168
  3. Until now I played 15 15 5 Ardboyz in a Ardfist, but now I will try a Ironfist to keep mighty destroyer and make a tanky MK Ironclad + Chamon's artefact... 2+ ignoring -1. 30 savage orruks were too good in any big waaagh list and it continue. By habit, I add some Ardboyz into my Ironfist but finally I will give a go to 10 5 brutes instead of 15 5 Ardboyz, it cost 1 Waagh point T1 and the +3 to charge but 10 brutes 2" behind my savage orruks could be good, I guess
  4. GW said we'll have a FAQ to include the last armies (all since orruk / CoS) new points, not the same faq we had last winter
  5. We have to wait for the FAQ, soon I hope
  6. Second SC!, then Mk/Gordrakk and weirdnob Shaman
  7. Ardfist with a megaboss works too, just add 6 gruntas or turn your megaboss to a MK. Ironfist + a megaboss works too though
  8. I'm not a fan of Ironfist as the only source of mighty destroyer in BW Imo you need the +1 hit/run/charge spell to make the arrowboyz better than the savage orruks
  9. Exact, retreat is a part of a normal move.
  10. You cant retreat during the movement phase because you use hand of gork on them
  11. @VonSmall very good report and nice trick with the Rod ! I totaly agree with you about the way to use our waaagh points, one of their few weaknesses are how they are fragile, so a big unit buffed is able to down any of them in 1 or 2 phases, even in 3+/3+. About your list, after this tournament will you change anything ?
  12. It's the better idea imo or... you can keep your ironfist and to not rely on the weirdnob's HoG by squeezing it and keeping your GGs near your ardboyz as a counter attack
  13. Of course, you can take both, my answer was if you have to choose one or the other. In the case of having the rogue idol, brutish cunning is better imo.
  14. Emerald swarm is only good with CoS imo, just D3 is not worth the price... @NikitaCrab132 if you want to run a rogue idol, brutish command trait on a megaboss is better than Ironfist because if you TP your 6 GGs in mighty destroyer, you will not be able to make a double move with your rogue idol anymore... And breath of Gorkamorka is by far the best spell with a rogue idol, moving 20" twice + fly is just too good !
  15. @Malakree what about this I like the wurrgog prophet, you can have the +1 hit spell for arrowboyz, more CPs to use for ardfist
  16. I agree but 30 arrowboyz hitting on 5 is not enoughly good to me, they can act as a good tarpit, its still 60 HPs and can kill a hero or a chaff... I need to try them without any support
  17. @Malakree the only change I could think is to squeeze one warchanter to a wardokk w/ +1 to hit/run/charge spell, it is so valuable with 30 arrowboyz. And maybe trying to find a place for a wurgogg porphet, big blocks are everywhere in the meta
  18. The real good thing about savage orruks is for 300+80 pts (savage + wardokk), you can have a 60 HPs 3+ save in melee 4+ from distance
  19. @Malakree How your MK with metalrippa is performing within this meta ? How do you use it if I can ask ? I'm really into your list !
  20. 2 warchanters is always a good idea, especially with 6 GGs and a MK but we really need a way to handle big blocks like pink horrors, CoS infantry, skinks... so our best answer is the Wurrgog prophet and imo the weirdnob Shaman w/ HoG is almost mandatory within a big waaagh list with mainly IJ units and it open to many tricks with 6 GGs Ironfist ! About MK, I always run your second choice in big waaagh, amulet is sooo valuable, flamers is -1 in conflagration so your waste of brutish cunning is a bad idea imo and now there is too much -2 rend around, petrifex morteks, salamanders, few cavalery... Maybe you can consider 30 savage orruks with a Wardokk as a big tarpit ? As a bonus he can give +1 to cast to your Wurrgog prophet !
  21. Hello guys, I want to start a TE list and I need to know your pro & cons between the scourgerunner chariot list and the aetherguard windrunners list. And which one is the best overall ? Thanks ! 😉
  22. Hello boyz ! This situation give me time to theorycraft more than ever, so I'm into a BW list and want your opinion... First one, 30 Arrowboyz / Ironfist and without Wurrgogg / Maniak Weirdnob Second one, Wurrgog prophet / Ironfist / 4 Big stabbas and without 30 Arrowboyz / Maniak weirdnob Third one, Wurrgog prophet / Weirdnob IJ / Ironfist and without 30 Arrowboyz / Maniak weirdnob Fourth one, "standard", who made great results already, Wurrgog prophet / 30 Arrowboyz / Maniak weirdnob and without Ironfist (but Brutish cunning from the Megaboss) So, many interrogations : access to Mighty Destroyers is mandatory but from a Megaboss is kind of a tax, instead from an Ironfist, GGs are in every list (for a good reasons !) I need to try more 30 Arrowboyz to see how worth they are, with and without the Maniak weirdnob (+1 to hit spell can be mandatory is this case) are 4 Big stabbas can be worth over a HoG / 5 Ardboyz.. ? can we make a BW list without a Wurrgog prophet ?
  23. I wish to watch a battle report to demonstrate your strategy
  24. It will be harder to screen before you will want to unleash your MK and/or 6 GGs, with only one unit of 10 Ardboyz, no ? And you will miss the -3 rend on the megaboss attack, I guess.
  25. Not the keyword unfortunately, it as to be bold, so it's just the name "Icebrow hunter"
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