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Everything posted by AverageBoss

  1. Actually the modifier would be 9. Being a 20 model unit at that point, it would get a +2 bonus. Disk riders can be taken in both. Per page 240 of the brb, subtext on a units name is ignored in battalions unless specified.
  2. DoT is just the name of the book. The allegiance runs off the Tzeentch keyword. Anything with the Tzeentch keyword can be taken and not count as an ally.
  3. A drop is a deployment. So when people talk about number of drops, its how many deployments have to be made. Battalions can cut down the number of drops that need to be made, since you can deploy any and every unit in a battalion in any combination at one time. This is important because whoever finishes deploying first gets to pick the turn order, either to set up an alpha strike, or to choose which player will get the first double turn if it happens.
  4. Assuming its for 2,000 points. You will need 3 battleline units. since the box comes with none. You will want a Tzaangor shaman to buff the disk riders. And you will want Chaos Spawn for the Magister.
  5. On my end I am looking at this: Allegiance: Tzeentch Gaunt Summoner (240) Ogroid Thaumaturge (160) Tzaangor Shaman (150) The Changeling (120) Magister (100) 20 x Tzaangors (360) 10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (180) 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 6 x Tzaangor Skyfires (400) Balewind Vortex (40) Total: 1970 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 123 Plan would be to run it as Guild of Summoners and go for a turn 2 Lord of Change. Only thing I am not sure on is who to make the general.
  6. I personally don't think the Chariot gains enough for the the extra 50 points. Sure, it gets some extra upgrades as you mentioned, plus 2 extra wounds. But it gains an immensely larger footprint, becoming much harder to place and almost impossible to hide. I think it needed a bit more durability to offset those negatives for the extra 50 points.
  7. Another unit to compare them to is skyfires. 80 points more for double the wounds. They do less damage at shooting, but have the potential for mortals and a 40" threat range! They are also fantastic melee combatants provided they get first strike.
  8. I mean, its also only 3 models in a unit with a total of 6 wounds at a 5+ save. They are the very definition of a glass cannon. They can put out hurt, but cant take any back at all.
  9. I designed a for fun MSU list using the Tzeentch Daemons, BoC, and StD start collecting boxes + a box of Acolytes and a box of Tzaangors. Mortals, Arcanites, Daemons, and Beast, all in one big happy family. Allegiance: Tzeentch Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (250) - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch Herald of Tzeentch (110) Great-Bray Shaman (100) 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 10 x Chaos Warriors (200) - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch 5 x Chaos Knights (180) - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch 1 x Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch (100) 3 x Flamers of Tzeentch (120) 10 x Ungors (60) 10 x Bestigors (120) 10 x Tzaangors of Beasts of Chaos (180) Ghorgon (160) Phantasmagoria of Fate (200) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 138
  10. And I actually just found the rule on page 240 of the brb. 2nd paragraph under Battalion Organization states to ignore sub headers unless they are specified.
  11. The chainguard is yet another battalion in the same vein, stating Guardian of Soul, unbolded. And I know there are others.
  12. Again though, subtext on a units name is not the units name itself. Even though unbolded, both Enlightened units are eligible due to past precedent on this matter.
  13. It says Tzaangor Enlightened. Tzaangor Enlightened (on disks of Tzeentch) are still Tzaangor Enlightened. Just as both Prosecutors counted in the older Stromcast battalion that only required Prosecutors, and the current Vanguard Justicar Conclave accepts either version of Vanguard Raptor. The subtext on a units name is just that, subtext.
  14. I imagine both versions of the GS will get hefty price hikes in the 2020 GHB, just like the Archregent before them.
  15. The majority of places do tough, since they are as much a part of the core game and endless spells, realm artifacts, and the double turn mechanic.
  16. Ya. before you might roll a 1 and just lost your pinks. You blues and brims would be fine. Now a 1 just wipes them all.
  17. They could do this before though. You could get an infinite number of blues and brims of a single pink unit via continuous healing with those same two abilities. The only difference now is that its all condensed into one unit, rather than multiple units.
  18. Between lore spells and realm spells, they will have plenty to cast with their 12 spells.
  19. We have better options through the StD and BoC endless spells sadly.
  20. Mutalith Vortex Beast in the StD battletome can be given the Tzeentch keyword and does so on a roll of a 6.
  21. All pinks must be killed first. So you will never remove blues/brims until all pinks are gone. So there is no way around it, unless you go for the alternative chance at a mortal wound rule.
  22. So Flamers are buffed by the Exalted Flamer keyword, which the Burning Chariot also has. Though I think +5 move, +2 wounds, super lackluster melee, and a MUCH larger and harder to place/hide profile is nowhere near worth the extra 50 points.
  23. Kill a hero or monster with a wounds characteristic of 9 or more. Does not need to be all at once, just the finishing blow. Most of the other benefit them pretty well too. +1 attacks, +1 to hit in melee, counting a double models for objectives.
  24. But then you have to figure in the support cost of the other units you a bringing with them. And you can do just as much shenanigans with supported Warriors (3+ save warriors with the agenda seems tasty). Fold reality is an amazing trick when it works, but I have long ago learned not to rely on it (too many dispel tricks, risk of rolling ones, and things that will auto wipe your whole 50 wounds).
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