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Everything posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. Hmm so by the current rules, could the Imperatant sit in the sky with the Annihilators? He drops down first and pops his ability on the Annihilators who come down next. This all happens at the end of the movement phase, and by my understanding of sequencing the controlling player picks the order.
  2. Please buy our old models that aren’t about to go obsolete imminently
  3. Unless they have 2” weapons I guess. RIP all those Deathriders with swords instead of spears
  4. This coherency change seems massive? Big effect on screens as they can’t string out as effectively.
  5. 7” deep strike, free command abilities, and new hero rules BIG STONKS LETS GO In bad news it’s going to come down to keeping this guy alive through round 1 vs shooting etc
  6. >if they were 140pts it would be a scandal for everyone outside stormcast players, i mean people still have PTSD about sequitors even these days. how on earth do these people cope with Fireslayers, OBR, DOK, LRL who are both tankier and deadlier?
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/07/cause-more-magical-mayhem-in-the-new-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-with-these-prayers-and-endless-spells/ this is going to be bonkers I love it
  8. Anywhere from 180 down I reckon these guys are playable if only as a single unit to cause mischief. Over this though and you won’t see them. Anybody complaining about either special rule has clearly never played Stormcast and never actually had to contend with the practicalities of 9” charges without bonuses to charge, so they don’t know what they are taking about. Equally if the people who cannot screen out 10” could make themselves known for my next tournament that would be great 😁
  9. Yes, so on average each unit will do 2MW to 2 out of 3 units within 10”. That’s assuming you position in such a way to let them get within 10” of 3 units. If you screen properly they might just get within 10” of 2, or even 1, because they have to drop 9” away. 4 dead skinks/rats/zombies/insert cheap screen of choice *is not a big deal.* If you’re deploying in a way that Annihilators can get within 10” of multiple key pieces then that’s on you. Edit: not to mention the rumoured charge reaction to retreat, making that 9” charge much harder.
  10. It’s not “anywhere on the battlefield”. It’s units within 10” (trivial to mitigate) and making a 9” charge (47%). Their only value is in multiple units which if priced over 200 is not feasible.
  11. Functionally, Evocators are exactly the same as this “living nightmare.” The only thing that changes is a) people learned to screen b) TOs keep choosing Total Commitment 3) fights first/last came out. You also continue to overlook that a 9” charge is a low likelihood and still only 47% with a reroll. Nobody is bringing a 300 point unit to watch them come down where they can only tag a screen within 10”, fail the 3+, then fail the charge, and die to a couple of spells.
  12. “For free” Within 10” on a 3+ On a 4+ after a 9” charge
  13. The fact that you have Annihilators in the enemy line ducking ****** up is itself MW protection, because the opponent is likely to direct all their MW at *them* due to the 2+ save.
  14. Holy ****** rules that actually synergise with the battle traits and which don’t start with G and end in avriel Sureheart?! Usual caveat that we don’t know points or how Scions will work but on the surface of it I like 2 units of 3 here. Small unit sizes will allow them to get into little gaps, taking advantage of Blazing Impact, and making it hard for the opponent to keep them out. Multiple units also means double Blazing Impact, and 4 attempts at a 9” charge (including rerolls) is fairly reliable. Bearing in mind the distances involved, Force of a Falling Star is likely to result in 4-5MW. These guys will be able to get in and murder support characters, units bunkering objectives in the back field, or ranged units (looking at you Sentinels). Great stuff. 18W with a 2+ is quite hard to shift too meaning that the opponent actually has to dedicate some effort to remove them once they are down, which could take the heat off your army. The only downside is that Blazing Impact is likely to make the Scions charge harder...
  15. It will depend on points costs of course and if SCE are getting more units in 3s but a rough guess: Vindictors 120: 240 Praetors: 100 Annihilators: 100 Yndrasta: 280 Knight Arcanum: 120 Flag man: 100 Lord: 180 (All based on equivalent existing heroes) Total: 1120 Add a Stardrake, an additional battleline, maybe a battalion or two and you’ll be close.
  16. Damnit I forgot to translate GW speak. ”More news this week!” = wait until Friday ”Tomorrow” = the latest news slot, 5-6PM
  17. Stonks: * Tauralon * Drakesworn Templar * Knight-Incantor, Lords-Arcanum (heal up those Spirit Flasks bois!) * Lord-Aquilor (2+ save and a bunch of attacks to buff with +1 wound) * Lords-Arcanum on Gryph-chargers and Dracolines (2+ saves and melee buffs) BIG STONKS: * Stardrake * Knight-venator (special arrow wounding on 2s) * Astral Templars stormhost (subject to any changes). There will be a lot of heroes and monsters out there!
  18. It’s interesting how extraordinarily careful GW seem with these Dominion promo shots. Not a single non-previewed model snuck into the background. Not even a model part just out of shot.
  19. So... Finest Hour is triggered in the hero phase and lasts until the end of the turn. That means that it applies to shooting attacks too. Knight-Venator big stonks But wait! Didn’t GW just preview another SCE shooting character, the Knight-Justiciar. Big stonks
  20. What a great time to be a monster AND a hero. I did worry for these models as monster heroes are of course never taken and very under powered
  21. The logical conclusion of your position is that GW could design a unit that they deliberately discourage a type customer from buying (by giving it bad rules) in order to only appeal to another type of customer, thereby costing them a sale, when they could easily achieve both. Rules being largely digital, this could be done in moments. That is not a sensible business strategy.
  22. Well, look out sir no longer applies to heroes with >10 wounds. Currently it excludes heroes that are monsters. This means that Katakros no longer gets LOS. I’m not sure if there any hero monsters <10 wounds but if there are, they now get LOS where they didn’t before
  23. I’m not sure I agree with this, because why would GW deliberately restrict themselves in this way? You present the marketing approaches as if they are exclusive, but it is perfectly possible for GW to create an army where: * The rules are powerful * The models appeal to collectors * There are big flashy monsters In fact, it is better for GW to design armies this way so that they can sell as much as possible to as many different people as possible and therefore maximise sales. I don’t know MTG that well but I suspect that this is one of the cases where they aren’t comparable.
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