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Everything posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. FAQ watch: day 41, still no sign. Now 13 days overdue. Will we get one today, next week, or even at all? Will GW even bother to tell us? Tune in next time for another round of “how not to manage customer expectations.”
  2. While we can assume there are more warscroll changes coming we nothing else to do but speculate for the next three weeks, so - standout battleline choices so far: * Flying f-ing dragons * 3x scoring liberators or Vindictors (small points difference for a 3+ save) in Stormkeeps * Annihilators (although assuming there are still ways to make a 9” charge reliable). I feel that any other battleline choice has to beat the above which is going to be a big ask. Judicators will really need to justify that new 200 point cost.
  3. If they need a patch to work in the new edition because they aren’t getting a battletome it should be free and available day 1. Putting it in WD is a ****** way to milk content and makes people wait for no reason
  4. It’s only one unit at a time, not all of them. And doesn’t matter if they don’t have rend 2. Rend 1 attacks get blocked too easily even if hitting/wounding on 2s.
  5. No way to auto charge from Scions would do it. Models on the board are exposed, vulnerable and constricted by their Move value
  6. Battleline Evocators is the only way they could top this
  7. That was one of those articles were it started off great and got better the further I read.
  8. Where we’re going we don’t need Translocation Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence - Triumphs: Inspired Lord Imperatant (160) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) Total: 1995 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 121 Drops: 16
  9. 3.0 meta long live our glorious annihilator overlords Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence - Triumphs: Inspired Lord Imperatant (160) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Annihilators (190) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) 3 x Aetherwings (45) Total: 1995 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 121 Drops: 16
  10. Annihilator battleline sin guy you ****** legend
  11. It’s worse than I thought. Battletome: Sons of Behemat Update All-new battle tactics and grand strategies mean that your Mega-Gargants now have even more ways to earn victory points by doing the things they love the most – punting objectives and hurling little men, women, skaven, and even daemons around. In this battletome update, you’ll also find two faction-specific core battalions that give you novel ways to build armies. GW have actually released a new universal system and then immediately ruined it by introducing faction specific strategies, battle tactics, and battalions. Worse, they are going to stagger this out by white dwarf and create an artificial delay instead of pushing them digitally immediately. My frustration is only lessened by the fact that, as a Stormcast player, I will gain an almost immediate advantage while everyone else waits months for their White Dwarf or battletome update.
  12. I agree that Yndrasta is eating up too many points here for too little return. IMHO a Tauralon with amulet of destiny is superior; otherwise I feel that you need more Aetherwings. Also I rate fulminators and concussors over Desolators.
  13. It’s like a 50% chance of doing 1 mortal wound, too. *Who writes a rule which has 3 chances of rolling 1 mortal wound.* ”A 6, that’s d6 mortals! Oh a 1. “ ”A 4! At least it’s not 1 mortal. Oh it is anyway.” Why? At least make it a flat 1/3/6. ‘But that’s too strong!,’ people will say, and I’ll say “look there was a time when 2 Terrorgheists were running at you fighting first, fighting twice, rerolling hits and doing 6 mortals on a 6, we can handle one dragon rolling 6 mortals one third of the time. Also 20 Sentinels are still a thing.”
  14. Depends. I’ve been playing 1x10 as a tanky battleline option that can be teleported into objectives and provides more value if they come back in Hammers. Which isn’t to say it’s the best thing to do, just that I’ve enjoyed it. 2x5 are equally tanky objective holders that ultimately save you on battleline points that you could spend elsewhere. In this role they are more survivable than liberators due to the 3+. However if you are trying to minimise battleline investment then why not go all the way and take liberators. Personally I built them as 2x5 so I could try both but play them as 1x10 and had no problems with disputes over extra prime models (prime always in the front, don’t count the extra attack if there’s any doubt whatsoever, replace the second prime model with another one as soon as they take casualties).
  15. We counted it to 72 in discord. 53 currently incl Gardus. +7 in Dominion. +11 previewed (you missed the chariot). +1 judicator split. Lord Commander might have a generic build for 73. Could be counting warscroll battalions that aren’t legal in matched play.
  16. Ah yes I misread. Anyway I guess my points is that there is a big opportunity cost to casting this spell let alone the range requirement just to kill 3 Vindictors. It will be even worse against Liberators, any unit of 5, or the new Knights. That doesn’t concern me. Long ago I started thinking about damage spells the same as shooting attacks; which is to say sometimes you are going to take damage at range and there’s not much you can do about it. Models dying are part of the game. But it’s the utility spells or buffs/debuffs that are usually key. Am I concerned if the Lumineth player shoots sentinels at Vindictors and kills 3? Not really.
  17. Great job! Much better than my hacked excel version 🤣 Couple of things: barracks is spelt incorrectly, on the roster page it says Warlord twice - the second Warlord header should be Heroes, core enhancements field needs to be bigger to enter more text, the order of battle units and achievements fields aren’t editable.
  18. It is absolutely not the best spell in the game, because Mystic shield exists, let alone anything in the LRL book. It’s not even the best Kruleboyz spell previewed: -1 charge and a free normal move are much, much better. 7 MWs sounds bad but it’s only 3 Vindictors. I’m not even reaching for Inspiring Presence on that.Not only are there spells which do more damage than that, but that is positively tame by shooting standards. Finally units of 10 are the largest that SCE should go and even then maybe too large. This is an MSU meta.
  19. For what it’s worth I would have much preferred to have a Tauralon over Yndrasta at the weekend.
  20. FAQ watch: now into the 5th week post-Dominon release and still no sign. Is one coming? Nobody knows. Are GW keeping to 4 week FAQs in the future? Nobody knows. Will it be 5/6/7/8+ weeks from now on? Still, nobody knows. Wait, somebody knows, they just don’t think that they should tell us. Still got some Gotrek stock to shift I guess.
  21. They actually synergise with each other quite well. The annihilators do a bunch of damage but it’s limited to that 10/1”. If there’s a screen in the way of an important target they are SOL. Meanwhile the Evocators can reach 3” away to tap for the mortals. Evocators also grind surprisingly well as they keep putting out mortals until they all die, but the annihilators are limited to r1 (which might as well be rend 0). It was trivial to get 6 and 10 Evocators wholly within 12” of Gavriel. And the point is that once they’ve come in they don’t need to make their presence known elsewhere as they should be killing ~1000 points themselves.
  22. I’m considering dropping the Evocators or at least going 5 because it’s actually very difficult to fit them all into combat. Usually your opponent only leaves a very small gap into a priority target to exploit. You want to charge the annihilators first so you can get their impact mortals; however, once you’ve moved 6 models (let alone 9 or 12) there may not be a gap to get the Evocators in. Sure they could charge something near by and just get into 3” to tap, but this is the sort of practical consideration that isn’t accounted for in theory crafting
  23. Lmfao have they really stopped AoS new model reveals four weeks from the release date 🤣GW you crazy. Why would they go big into the hype so far out, just baffling.
  24. Sadly the only commitment is to reveal the release date at an unspecified time and that preorder is August. There’s nothing to confirm actual releases in August, which is because it’s September.
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