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Everything posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. It occurs to me that the Dracothian guard probably tell us the dragon Knight profile, too. The steeds are 3 attacks 3/3/-2/2. I expect the dragon mounts to be at least this if not 4 or 5 attacks. Similarly the lances will probably be at least as good as Fulminators (5 attacks 3/3/-2-/1 probably damage 3 on the charge).
  2. This is more AoS news than we’ve had out of GW all week. Actually nothing Sigmar related since last Friday. Just all 40k all the time. Edit: coming up on another hour, primed for disappointment. edit2: lmfao they pushed it out early and it’s black library 😒 tune in again tomorrow for another round of “age of who?”!
  3. Based on what we’ve seen so far I’m expecting most things without rend to get rend 1, and rend 1 weapons to get rend 2 or damage 2. Exciting times.
  4. The irony of this comment after 40k gets a dual box, beast snaggas box, kill team, scenery, necromunda and battle sisters kits, while since Dominion release AoS has had scenery and a single Blood Bowl miniature.
  5. Its about time that Stormcast were a threat to contend with.
  6. Rend 2 everywhere is huge, honestly could be quite oppressive until everyone else gets their books.
  7. These free warscrolls don’t include anything beyond the basic profile now. There will be more abilities but we don’t see them here.
  8. GW in May & July: buy these great models! SCE players: great! When? GW: lmao idk September or something
  9. It’s baffling that they decided to put a 40k box and 2 weeks of a flipping niche game ahead of SCE and Kruleboyz. That’s 3 full months after the first preview, and 2 full months after Dominion launched. Who knows how many kits will actually be available release week, Meanwhile the “4 week” GHB FAQ is 2 weeks late. Even assuming they keep to 4 weeks in the future (who knows they won’t tell us) the new books won’t be event legal until flipping mid-October at the earliest. That puts players and TOs in a difficult spot as everyone wants to play with the new toys and will have to wait ~5 months to actually use any of it.
  10. Archaon surely can pop one a turn with slayer of kings
  11. Taking turn one and walking onto all the objectives where you count as 30 models and win if your opponent can’t kill a mega a turn sounds petty horrible to me. Also a near free win in Apex Predator.
  12. Tome Celestial gives gargants a one drop with 3 Megas, or one extra enhancement. Or one mega and 3 baby gargants for one drop or swift. One drop megagargants Thisisfineburninghousememe.jpg
  13. The point is to raise awareness because many events are now operating a no FAQ no play policy. So when Stormcast and Orruk battletomes come out in three weeks time, when will they be event legal? October? November? Never?
  14. When will the SCE/Kruleboyz FaQ come out? 2 weeks after release? 4? 5? 6? With the winter faq? When will the winter faq come out? With the jan/feb battletomes? With the GHB22? This is the problem when you set an expectation, miss it, and fail to communicate anything about it at all: nobody ****** knows.
  15. Guess we’re going to be a minimum of 16 days late then (44 days after release).
  16. No that’s a bit backwards. Damage = total number of wounds 5+, up to 12. Mortal Wound is on a 6. When you roll the 6 you then roll the damage. As MW = damage it’s still capped to 12. PotGrot increases the Mortal Wound roll from a 6 to a 5.
  17. Anyone else think it might be problematic for one shooting unit to put out 12 damage shots? I know mega gargants are a bit silly but…
  18. That’s exactly what a road map is. GW set that expectation, not me
  19. That’s a fair point. I’m braced for no MW protection at all outside of characters.
  20. The 40k roadmap is exactly what I expected and I still feel let down, and I don’t even play 40k. Here’s a roadmap: step 4 is blurred out, I’ve removed all the place names, and it cuts out after step 5 before you reach your destination. Good luck! It occurs to me that everything negative about the hobby right now is down to communication and mismanaged customer expectations by GW: * SCE battletome. Reveals start at the end of flipping May, take three full months until it’s in your hands (“available to order in August” 🙄) * GHB FAQ. When/if one is coming, what’s the scope? * White Dwarf battletome updates 😒 What’s the scope? Matched play legal? Who and in what order? How long for everyone? * Hyped up 40k road map that tells you the bare minimum beyond what you already know. There’s one common thread running through this. Actually, it’s the same poor experience with LRL which we knew was delayed, GW knew we knew was delayed, and yet still didn’t bother to tell us anything remotely useful and instead drip feed small chunks of information out over months
  21. The only battle tactics I struggle to score are: * Monstrous Takeover, because I don’t run any monsters * Slay the Warlord where the general is Archaon or a 5++ mega gargant, and my entire 2000 point list probably still can’t kill them. * Broken Ranks into PE OBR or gargants where again it takes a huge investment of force with still some risk MT is resolved by having battleline monsters, and the other two by having even more damage - which battleline annihilators or dragons get you (presumably) Conquer and Aggressive Expansion you should be doing anyway. Ferocious Advance is trivial, as is Savage Spearhead for any army with easy access to deep strike and fliers. Bring it down is just another question of force application where more = better. All Liberators help you do is hold objectives and stop your enemy from taking them - which they can’t do if they are dead from annihilator/dragon spam. They are very very good at holding objectives in a Stormkeep, which is why I still put them up there, but I don’t think they help with battle tactics. Hold the line on 2+ save battleline or 3+ save flying monster battleline is much better than liberators, too.
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