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Everything posted by ChaosUndivided

  1. I personally really dig Karanak he seems legit for reasons you say but also the 5 free hounds he can summon, which i think is gonna be hard to do sometimes. But this is part of the reason i just can't stay mad about any of these changes. We have been so spoiled with all these new models and attention it feels like xmas. Its a good time to be a Khorne player lately.
  2. Part of the thing is that to me Blood Warriors kinda need some sort of buff support to be effective and any time you're passing buffs around you get more bang for your buck the bigger the unit.
  3. Goreglaive? 5 tend to not accomplish much of anything in my experience. I have always took them in 10s otherwise just save the points.
  4. Don't Blood Warriors just get a passive reroll 1s from one of the new warhost now if their near an objective? The unit makes a much better anvil than it does hammer. Their so expensive that if you're using them without support for assault purposes than you're better off taking pretty much anything else.
  5. I believe you're right, the gorefist are unique and the rerolls can be obtained elsewhere. This makes a lot of difference. Also if the warriors are attacked by a MSU like ghouls the amount of saves you're rolling is insane. Sure the unit is dead beyond a shadow of doubt but you still get to attempt dozens of saves first. This has crushed hords before in my games.
  6. Ah ok. I didn't understand that fully. I see what you're saying now.
  7. I like this idea of the Stoker being like a gun you load and shoot. Im gonna associate him with that idea for now on.
  8. Oh im sure it will change but also overall remain the same. Live it up while you can!
  9. Magnets an option? I got a bunch of things magnetized to bases incase something changes down the road.
  10. I'm not sure we really know where Blood Warriors stand right now without actually playing with new rules, however, the changes appear to be a net positive.
  11. The more i think about these changes the more i like it. There seems to be a lot more flexibility in list building. For 1 we're not tied to Secrator anymore, his buff is still great but without battleshock immunity and decreased range i don't think he is auto include. Now we got Exalted Death and comand points for that. Besides it was a pain when last Reaver didn't run off battlefield denying that blood tithe. The Stoker is a lot more situational but his buff is also a lot better. No longer auto include, he pretty much blows in combat and taking up a hero slot that could be put to use for deadlier stuff. The Slaughter Priest are still good but Judgments are not always gonna be more value than just starting with extra CP depending what you're fighting. The blessings took a hit not being stackable any longer. The only reason why this guy would be auto include is for dispell, which again situational, and you can take MLKoF for that job. In a way they uncoupled the army from auto includes which is nice.
  12. Dont forget that thing has totem keyword and with reavers new warscroll wording its now even better.
  13. I think you're right but also here inlies the problem... After decades of that ita just viewed as boring now. A lil shake-up could be good.
  14. Fair. I choose to view it as Khorne fighting fire with fire, which to me feels like something he would do.
  15. The 1 dimensional thing definitely exist. In fact its a double bind where any that expands their lore is seen as blasphemy and anything that fits their lore is boring and more of the same. If you only want to view things in a negative light thats all your ever going to see.
  16. Actually this could be a good thing. The biggest complaint i hear about Khorne is how 1 dimensional the lore is. I think these new prayers and stuff could expand them lorewise in new interesting directions. BTW does anyone know when summoning occurs? If it was moved to hero phase that would be huge buff.
  17. Command units dont stack. The Meatrippers are usually better... The quicker you can kill anything = better. But there are cases where blades are better cuz your facing someone who ignores rend.
  18. Heralder is not a priest but yeah its nasty. But i thought there was a caveat added that the prayers you choose from book only got 1 "casting" attempt now... I would assume that carries over to blood boil as well.
  19. You had me really scratching my head there. Yeah i thought for sure BB spam was gonna get a nerf. Especially with alter... Wierd. I guess we got a free pass there and in fact a boost now we're not limited to Gore Pilgrims to torment our enemies backfield and nuke monsters and hordes. Edit: typo
  20. I just checked warscroll it literally says: "This hero can chant one of these prayers." Then goes on to say... "If this prayer is answered, pick 1 enemy unit..." That second part is not flavor text its stating rules.
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