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Everything posted by drcrater

  1. Well, I have made my first contact with third edition, trying also for first time the Cabalist subfaction, and oh man, I don't know how competitive will be, but sure is fun to have three endless spells roaming around constantly. I lost count of how many mortal wounds made my Darkfire Daemonrift, but that ****** was moving nonstop. Also, the Sorcerer Lord on Manticore is serious business right now. And with Mark of Tzeentch and that bunch of +1 save sources, our army has become pretty difficult to kill.
  2. Hm, the Darkfire Daemonrift have been nerfed, it doesn't count nearby wizards for the extra mortal wounds now
  3. Well I'm sad because a blob of 20 chaos warriors will not be longer possible and I love to use that
  4. Well, I plan to have different tones for the skin, but right now my best recipe is Rakarth flesh, put some random stains of fenrisian grey, druchii violet wash, and highlights with rakarth again and ulthuan grey I also apply some mini washes of carrorbug crimson in the wounds and in knees/elbows
  5. Hey everyone! So in the end the new zombie sculpts were too good to ignore, and there has been years since I wanted a zombie army. So I will start a Deadwalker force, with shy starting steps, maybe to dive in the new path to glory with them. Here is my couple of first rotten bois from Cursed City while I wait for my pack of the new deadwalkers and the corpse cart, and a bonus kosargi, who I hope will get separate points some day :') I will take a snowy environment for these guys, with pale skin, like if they died from hypothermia. I plan to make some torches to have a hot color contrapoint for all this cold palette.
  6. Could this mean that maybe we can take them separately in an army? Because being forced to play with the full package is a bit sad.
  7. Year of the beast... Big tentacle abomination in that art... Smells like Morghur
  8. Also, those are morghasts, I thought they wouldn't be in Soulblight and would be OBR exclusive. This confirms that they remain as a Soulblight unit?
  9. So I come here to ask to the experts because I want a zombie army since forever. Seeing all the leaks, how viable do you think a full deadwalker army is? I mean, corpse carts and zombies have decent warscrolls, but I don't see a super lot of rule support for them appart from the battalion. Also, I fear that having only three deadwalker units, it could turn to a pretty boring-looking army. Damn, if only Gorslav could be taken alone... (also is not exactly exciting the idea to paint 100+ zombie bois only for the aesthetics)
  10. So, no subfaction for zombies. Sad days for me, happy days for my bank account.
  11. You know what is sad? With that teaser, both Spiderfang and Beasts of Chaos would fit, but knowing my luck and the luck of those two ranges in terms of new models, it will be something else
  12. Maybe the aesthetic of Kragnos (this savage, barbaric look) means that when Beasts of Chaos receive something new, they go to the "mutation" route. I mean, in the lore, Morghur is still an existing force (even mentioned as a "minor chaos god" in the battletome). So maybe gw intention is, while keeping the "wild beast mob" theme, add some warping, chaos spawn-ish flavour to the army. I personally hope they keep BoC being that primal chaos themed army.
  13. Well to be fair, Chaos Warriors are not exactly "random guys in armor". Over here we take the Path to Glory very seriously
  14. We always can use Gorslav as a Vampire Lord proxy... sniff
  15. The only thing of the Soulblight release that saddens me a bit is the abscence of a Deadwalker Hero, I had hopes to have one when Gorslav from Cursed City was announced, but it looks that despite the handsome spade guy and the zombie ogors from CC, we will only have zombies, corpse cart and direwolves to do a zombie army And the CC guys are impossible to use if they keep the super 650 points pack that is Cursed City models for AoS
  16. Well guys, now it's pretty clear that they left BoC for the epic finale because the big bad is Morghur, with a super model range update for Beasts of Chaos. Right? right..?
  17. That article also confirms that Broken Realms: Kragnos is the last book on the series
  18. I have to say, pretty disappointed that the anvil of apotheosis new characters for Soulblight don't include rules for a Deadwalker hero. I wanna zombies :c
  19. We, the Spiderfang tribes, understand you :')
  20. I think that these points and unit sizes (and the weird thing of being forced to have ALL the heroes of the bad guys on a single pick) may be just a rough "patch" to have something to go back to before Soulblight Gravelords Battletome comes out.
  21. This reminds me that precisely there is a rumour engine that features a big iron club, if I recall correctly, And not exactly in great shape
  22. I personally hope they become an aos unit, it would be a cool elite option for a deadwalker army (which is exactly what I wanna make with Soulblight Gravelords so no bias here or whatsoever)
  23. Imagine they throw the definitive curve ball: BR Morghur
  24. They also have the Corpse Cart, which I always wanted and never had the excuse to buy. Now if they make a deadwalker subfaction or something, it will be my wallet's ruin. Also, probably the zombie ogors of Cursed City will be deadwalker too right?
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