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Everything posted by Fabint

  1. 1) Don't be a jackass and say stupid ****** like "act like a ******" 2) Standing up for yourself because some grognard shitbag has decided how fun is supposed to work isn't acting like a ******. It's the opposite.
  2. Honestly I was planning on running Blisterskin to be able to redeploy a courtier (Vargulf probably, since they're necessary for Mordants anyway) to keep up using the command ability.
  3. All the moping over horrors has me wanting to run them more tbh. I already love Royal Mordants, the new tome honestly just makes that battalion more viable and everything in it can get a ton of buffs. I might throw a dozen horrors in there instead of filling with flayers and ghouls and try it out a few times.
  4. I feel like they have some of the best artifacts in the book, and they're definitely pretty good at stabbin'. If Gutter Runners weren't so expensive ($15 for 3??), I'd almost definitely be running Eshin.
  5. Slow time at work, transcribed rules from the GMG video https://pastebin.com/AKW382H8
  6. Yeah, he does... does not do a very good job of understanding the things he says. Granted, I wish he was right that you can summon 20 ghouls every turn for free if you put a regent on a throne, but that is demonstrably false already.
  7. Yeah sorry about that, was just me trying to make sense of the youtube reviews and transcribe them while watching. Like, I have no idea what is going on with the Abhorrent command traits, and timing on quite a few (every?) things is thoroughly lacking.
  8. Are these apps "tournament legal"? For some reason I thought GW rules were that you had to use their dice app if you were using one- and their app isn't really that great.
  9. I slapped a bunch of stormcast bits to mine.
  10. https://pastebin.com/JR869SLP I got tired of waiting for a writeup, this should have everything that isn't already on GW's site or in here (Points and model warscrolls)
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